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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Urticaria help needed

I am a male (40) and developed these symptoms couple of years ago when I used to live in Austin Texas.

-I get this itches, and once I scratch it , it swells or raised upto 1 mm height.
- Mostly on my hand, lower back, thighs and neck. Sometime feets too.
- Not on my face nor between the knee and the feet.
- The size varies, from small (3mm spots) to size of my palm.
- It turns red when it happens.
-It mostly happens in summer.
- Putting Ice helps in reducing the itch and swelling.
- Egg plant, Mushroom and spicy food seems to aggrevate.
- Mostly happens in the nights. Sometime in afternoons.

My doctor gave me Zyrtec, which I stopped taking because it solves the problem temporarily.

Any homeopathy recommendations?

thanks in advance
  hohabaki on 2005-08-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Homeopathy prescribed conveniently - THIS FOR THAT

URTICARIA = Antipyrine, Apis mellifica.

Also read : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/35254
Nisha-India last decade
Hello Friend.
I get read the symtoms you mentioned above.
There for there are a lot remedies...for to get rid such symtoms.You know such symtoms gets occour when'Blood Urea" rendom is high in our blood.
I have not known yet the rendom of your"Blood Urea" but there is a medicine in my hands to prescribe
these are the remedies & how you have to take them?
Dose: three times a day in some water soon after every meal take bovista five drops in each dose
At sleeping time take Dulcamara=200 just five drops or five pills in some water
continue it for seven days & than let us know :)
Take care
doctorishtiaq last decade

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