The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Tooth root infection
Hi there!I'm a 33 y.o. female with chronic dental issues. I had my first cavity when I was 5 y.o. and I kept going to the dentist ever since. Each year I had to extract another tooth, because no dental work could save it. I guess I have poor enamel and I get cavities very often. Also, lately I started to get infections at the root of the teeth, even when teeth are healthy on the outside. I'm having such a problem right now with a tooth in the upper jaw (third from the center on the right side). It looks healthy on the outside, even though it has a little filling close to the gum area. The pain started with some discomfort in the cheek area around the tooth (and heat sensation) and it's escalating to pain in the tooth itself. I am afraid I am heading for another root canal and I don't want to do one of those, because the last one I had failed. Also this is a front tooth, so I wouldn't want to touch it.
I've tried Calcarea carbonica 30C, Calcarea phosphorica 30C and I'm taking Dr Schuessler';s Tissue Salts.
anything else I can try? Please help, since I don't want to loose all my teeth.
I have no major health problems, except constant fatigue, mild hypothyroidism and susceptibility to infections (I get a different one every month, which is why I had to take lots of antibiotics).
darla25 on 2012-08-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Darla25:
I'm a guy in my 50s... I've used Schuessler';s #1 (Calc Flour 6x) for ~3o yrs to eliminate all dental pains I've ever had. I'm not sure this has saved the teeth, or just stopped the pain. An important thing I've learned is that sometimes some remedies are just junk, no good. So, I'll have a Calc Flour 6x I purchased in one store in one city at one time... and it always works. I'll have another Calc Flour 6x that I purchased in another city at another time... and it's never worked. So... if you READ that a particular Rx is for you but you try it and it doesn't work... it may just be bad, or a phoney, or junk... try to get another sample of the same Rx from a totally different source. If you have a collection of Rx's that aren't doing anything that they're documented as doing, then suspect that they're all bad... that you either bought them that way, or after you got them, you made some big mistake with them and wrecked them.
I'm a guy in my 50s... I've used Schuessler';s #1 (Calc Flour 6x) for ~3o yrs to eliminate all dental pains I've ever had. I'm not sure this has saved the teeth, or just stopped the pain. An important thing I've learned is that sometimes some remedies are just junk, no good. So, I'll have a Calc Flour 6x I purchased in one store in one city at one time... and it always works. I'll have another Calc Flour 6x that I purchased in another city at another time... and it's never worked. So... if you READ that a particular Rx is for you but you try it and it doesn't work... it may just be bad, or a phoney, or junk... try to get another sample of the same Rx from a totally different source. If you have a collection of Rx's that aren't doing anything that they're documented as doing, then suspect that they're all bad... that you either bought them that way, or after you got them, you made some big mistake with them and wrecked them.
goodbot last decade
PL stop all other medicines
Pl take
1. Fluoric Acid-30 6 pills 2 times a day (every day)
2. Silica-200x (bio chem) 3 pallets at bedtime every day
3. In stead of paste, use Vico Vajradanti pawder and brush teeth with fingure (do not use plastic brush)
R.P. Tamhankar
Pl take
1. Fluoric Acid-30 6 pills 2 times a day (every day)
2. Silica-200x (bio chem) 3 pallets at bedtime every day
3. In stead of paste, use Vico Vajradanti pawder and brush teeth with fingure (do not use plastic brush)
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Thank you so much for your answer. I will buy the remedies you suggested, but Silicea 200x seems to be difficult to find. Is there any other potency I can try? I do have it in 30c. Would that work? Should I stop taking the cell salts as well?
darla25 last decade
Silica-200x is a Bio-chem salt. If not 200x, pl check whether you get 30x and take that.
R.P. Tamhankar
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Sorry to bother you again. The vendor has both Silica marina and Silicea in 30x. Which one should i get?
darla25 last decade
shouse_nsk last decade
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