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Nux Vomica:


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Nux Vomica 30...An all rounder??

Just came across a school friend.Met him after years and so spent a day with him.

During 6 hr I spent with him a took 2 doses of some homeopathic medicine.Due to curiosity I asked him whether he is suffering from some disease.He just told me that his uncle(who is an engineer and not a doctor) gave him NUX VOMICA 30c to improve his immunity system.He also told that NUX VOMICA is applicable for almost many diseases including cough cold constipation(which I suffer sometimes).

I want to ask whether NUX VOMICA is really an ALL ROUNDER??????
Can I take it to improve my immunity system?????
PLZ Reply
[message edited by akki94 on Fri, 31 Aug 2012 13:08:25 BST]
  akki94 on 2012-08-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nux Vomica, Sulfur & Carbo Veg are all rounder remedies & are helpful to some extent in most cases. However these can not give complete cure, just a mild reflief. If these three were enough in every situation, there was no need to discover 5000 remedies :)
AsadGhumman last decade
Dear asad,
I quite agree with you but at the same time sometimes a short cut has been of great help.
At least Homoeopthy does not do that long term harm & side effects like steroid & antibiotics and many other habit forming drugs used in Allopathy.
I request you to kindly read the following stream of discusion.


Thank you
daktersaab last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Mon, 27 Feb 2017 03:09:40 UTC]
simone717 last decade
Dear Simone,

Hydrogen is suppose to be the lightest of all the elements
Therefore after 12x potency there is no possibilty of any base material left in the dilution.
Talking in terms of quatum physics all things including rocks & inert material (including we all) are vibrating at certain frequency & amplitude.

Now each of the potencised Homoeopathic medicine also are charged with high degree of frequency.
Now when these med are administered this frequency super imposes our own disturbed frequency(when we are sick) & sets it right,

That is the main reason that homoeo med. are not to be touched or kept in metal container as it will get discharged & become ineffective.

This was porven by one Dr.Boyd by an instrument called Emenometer.

Regarding the traces of Arsenicum in the blood I am not able to explain this.My hypothisis is that may be the Ars. that may be already in the body in traces be showing off.
I am not at all sure of this.

May be our other freinds will be able to explain this.
I shall be obliged to know about it.
daktersaab last decade
Thanks a lot daktersaab for the wonderful.

About the increase of Arsenic in blood, my personal understanding is the fact that if a patient continuously takes a remedy for too long without any reason, his body becomes insensitive & unconscious to the base of that remedy; arsenic in this case. So the body being being totally unconscious of this element, starts absorbing the traces of this element from atmosphere hence the level of arsenic gradually rises to a deadly level. I may be totally wrong as this is my personal thinking.
AsadGhumman last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Mon, 27 Feb 2017 03:11:29 UTC]
simone717 last decade
For what I started this post and where has it gone...any ways you doctors continue your discussion but just tell me that is Nux Vomica 30 used to boost up immunity...if not are there any suppliments that I should take to boost upp my immunity system
Thankx in anticipation
akki94 last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Mon, 27 Feb 2017 03:13:02 UTC]
simone717 last decade
When someone feels mentally or physically weak & 'low' after any sickness ( after recovery) or any prolonged exertion I normally suggest to take ALALFA TONIC for about 15 days along with permitted good & heathy diet.

It also boosts up the immune system as well but NOT to be taken if everything is normal & vitality is OK. That will amount to unwarrented drugging.
Akki94, I hope you got your answer.
daktersaab last decade
My question was that are homeopathic medicines used as *supplimentries..like when I suffered from mouth ulcers I was given B complex suplimentry...
Or to improve digestion liv 52..etc
akki94 last decade
akki- seems this is a language issue.

Supplements can be taken any time by a perfectly healthy
person to boost health-

The two examples you gave- those are illness and it would
be appropriate to get homeopathic MEDICINE specifically
for the problems- the Homeopathic medicine would not
be called supplements.

Remember that all homeopathic medicine is for treating
an imbalance. If you don't have any imbalance the medicine
is going to cause one.So therefore, a healthy person with
no imbalance is going to NOT boost health as with supplements,
but going to cause a problem in his health by taking
medicine for something he does not have.
simone717 last decade
Now I gt it...daktersaab and simone...Homeopathy is just for curing any disease..I am just a late learner..any way thankx
akki94 last decade
Dear AKKI94 & Simon,

There is another sub-branch in homoeopathy called Astro-biochemistry.

Twelve Rashis (Zodiac signs) & 12 Biochemical salts correspond & are related to each other & as per birth each person born under a particular zodiac sign will be helped to correct the immune system by taking this corresponding salt in low potency (3X to 12X) in INFREQUENT doses, time to time in his life.
Google or Yahoo will be able to give the tabulation of these relationship between Bio-salts & Zodiac signs.

This had been discussed at length about two years back in one of the post started by me.

I hope this clarifies everthing.
daktersaab last decade
I could locate that thread.

It is http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/281888/

You may please go thro.
daktersaab last decade
Thanks!! Dr. Saab, I will be reading that and learning about it.

Dear Akki, you are not a late learner, I have had this conversation
so many times on here, with people being confused on purpose
by companies adding in homeopathic medicines WITH supplements,
as a 'booster' for instant muscles, instant weight and on and on-
or just selling homeopathy formula's as 'boosters' for no illness
indicated, person wants another instant new body.

People get sick with supplements also- too much of them,
ones that are not needed. I learned my lesson when a health food
store person told me to try grapefruit seed extract- I only took
a couple pills for two days, and for 3 weeks after my stomach
was in acidic contractions- thank God I only took a couple pills
and I did not relate what was happening to me till later to those

Everything needs to be well thought out, and everyone should
tune into their body and see how your body reacts-to things,
so much promotion of things that are not needed and harmful-
in ways you never thought, such as detox kits when your
other organs are not strong enough to handle the detox.

Best, Simone
simone717 last decade
Thank you simome....
There are often adds regarding health boosters..muscle building...increase your height using pills...I just asked my homeopathic doctor..he told me to improve immunity system naturally... Consume c vitamins naturally like eat oranges....etc
Fr proteins comsume dals..stc (avoid readymade protein drinks etc...

akki94 last decade
Yes, he is right!
simone717 last decade

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