The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Cat with varying symptoms and diagnosed renal failure
My cat was born March 15, 1995 (17 years old).He has diagnosed renal failure (through blood work).
- Urinating and defecating outside of the litter box
- dehydration
- very thin (underweight, can feel his bones despite regular, high-calorie meals)
- weak hind legs (he cannot sustain the squatting position required to defecate and therefore falls in his own stool after each BM, creating a mess)
- inflamed bladder, the size of a softball (urinalysis shows no signs of infection)
- fever
- diagnosed FIV positive
- sunken watery eyes
- runny stools (diarrhea) that smell brassy
General demeanor
- friendly to people, not to other cats
- does not eat canned food, only fresh meat or dry food (will not eat liver)
- mostly inactive (no longer enjoys cat nip, either)
- prefers the sun (laying in the sun all day)
Current treatments:
- SubQ fluids (ideally 125ml daily, usually gets 50)
- clindamycin (only for 10 days, to treat his fever, due to the FIV status)
I'm not sure what information is most important. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
[message edited by izziekitty on Thu, 06 Sep 2012 05:10:50 BST]
[message edited by izziekitty on Thu, 06 Sep 2012 05:12:18 BST]
izziekitty on 2012-09-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him the following remedies at a gap of one hour in the morning and evening for 10 days.
Arsenicum Album 6c
2 drops or pills in some water or directly in mouth.
Serum Anguillae Q also known as El Serum Q.
10 drops in some water.
Arsenicum Album 6c
2 drops or pills in some water or directly in mouth.
Serum Anguillae Q also known as El Serum Q.
10 drops in some water.
♡ kadwa last decade
Just curious what kind of fresh meat are you feeding the cat?
told by my vet, who is a cat vet only, that cats can have chicken,
turkey, that is it. Made a lot of sense to me when vet said
have you ever seen a cat catch a fish or kill some meat
animal? Other cats of friends had to go onto only dry food
bc of kidney damage from eating the fish and meat can food.
Wishing the best for return to health of your pet.
told by my vet, who is a cat vet only, that cats can have chicken,
turkey, that is it. Made a lot of sense to me when vet said
have you ever seen a cat catch a fish or kill some meat
animal? Other cats of friends had to go onto only dry food
bc of kidney damage from eating the fish and meat can food.
Wishing the best for return to health of your pet.
♡ simone717 last decade
If you think about it, in usa, so much advertising for
pet food, and reading labels it appeals to what humans
think would be good, 'vegetables' ??? etc-
The animals digestive system is set up for cats to
eat rats,a bird, grass for digestion - logical and then
disturbing when you see food in store with main ingredient
of everything is 'corn' usually and think kitty would like
salmon pate , tuna etc bc it is part of folklore that cats
drink milk and eat fish. So strange and bad for them.
pet food, and reading labels it appeals to what humans
think would be good, 'vegetables' ??? etc-
The animals digestive system is set up for cats to
eat rats,a bird, grass for digestion - logical and then
disturbing when you see food in store with main ingredient
of everything is 'corn' usually and think kitty would like
salmon pate , tuna etc bc it is part of folklore that cats
drink milk and eat fish. So strange and bad for them.
♡ simone717 last decade
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