The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Tantrums, night sweats, screaming in almost 3 yr old
Hi there,Looking for some input re: my almost 3 year old daughter. She is a very bright and smart little girl. She seems to really pick up on a lot, and mimics what she sees quite a bit, especially emotions and facial expressions and displays them through imaginative play.
I am concerned for a few reasons. She seems to have unsettled sleep. She moans and groans quite a bit, travels all over her bed, sometimes screams in the night, and is often quite sweaty, but never hot to the touch. She almost smells sour, it's so strange. She has had night terrors in the past that started around 18 month or so and has had 10-12 so far since then.
She is also quite moody during the day. She is quite stubborn, and will scream at us quite quickly and often to get our attention and her way. This can escalate into tantrums and it is impossible to reason with her. I know tantrums are quite normal, but I'm worried that if she isn't sleeping well- that this may be a reason she is on edge during the day.
We try to feed her a balanced whole foods diet and limit sugar and juice. She often asks for sweets, but I can usually satisfy her with fruit or yogurt.
She has never really liked close contact, even when she was a baby, so she isn't soothed by extra cuddling etc. It's hard for me to know what to do and how to comfort her. My intuition is telling me she needs that, but she doesn't find what I offer to be comforting. Sometimes at night when she screams out I will lie down with her and try to hold her- but she is really restless and I don't think it helps. It almost seems to make it worse. She IS comforted by her soother and blanket. That seems to be her main source of comfort.
Would chamomila be appropriate in this case?
Thank you for reading and any gentle words you may be able to offer.
Shannahleighbee on 2012-09-06
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