The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hypertension with low thyroid
On a recent doctors visit I was told that I have high blood pressure, low thyoid and borderline high blood glucose. She wants to put me on medication but I would like to try homeopathy first.For the last month I have changed my diet to basically vegetarian and I have been getting more exercise, it has made no difference to my blood pressure ( 140-145/70-78 is average). They call it the silent disease, i.e. no symptoms. I feel pretty good.
I am a 60 yr old female. I take a very low dose hormone pill for my hot flashes ( which were extreme). I tried halving the dose but that also had no efffect on my BP and I get some anxiety symptoms when I do that - jumpy in the car, fidgety. I have ringing in the ears (both) and hearing loss (also long term. I am overweight, maybe 15 pounds, a lot of which is on my belly.
I love chocolate and often have sweet cravings and I get bloated after eating. I don't like seafood.
winnieandco on 2012-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take a single dose of Lycopodium 200 and see how that affects in next 15 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
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