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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

urticaria help!!!


I have been suffering from urticaria for a month now
1st started with a small spot like an insect bite, then eventually found that I was getting a rash all over my body, I saw my local doctor who prescribed me antihistamine after a week of taking them the rash was still there,
2nd visit to doctors I was prescribed steroids for a week after finishing them they did not do nothing by this time I was getting annoyed so I visited the doctors again and found they were unsure what was causing it so I had a blood test the results were fine being very unsure if the doctors could help me I went and paid to see a homeopath who done a allergy test, with the results I took certain foods out of my diet i.e. dairy, some fish, wheat, eggs she also gave me Urtica urens and Morgan Pure 30 pills which I took for 2 weeks also eliminating the foods which were not very good for me and eating healthy also taking vitamin C but still no change, so once again saw the homeopath who then gave me dust mite urens as well as sulphur tablets, However I have noticed the rash is not as bad as it use to be but is still there everyday

If anyone can help me by advising me what else I could try please do so!

  jiten19 on 2005-08-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Homeopathy prescribed conveniently - THIS FOR THAT

URTICARIA = Antipyrine, Apis mellifica, Medorrhinum, Myristica sebifera
AGUE = China
NETTLE RASH = Apis mellifica, Hygrophilia, Strophanthus
STINGS = Apis mellifica, Ledum palustre, Urtica urens
PRURITUS = Menthol, Mentha Piperita
ACUTE URTICURIA : Nat.Sul-3X + Nat.Phos-3X + Nat.Mur-3X. = 2 tablets each. 4 such dose every day.

Cinnamonum-Q + Echinacea-Q = 4 drops of each in 100 ml water. Keep wetting / applying on skin repeatedly, with a little cotton

Typical Indian Treatment:
1. Edible Lime paste (Calcium hydroxide) (7 parts) + Glycerine (2 parts) + Sandalwood powder ( 1 part). Mix. Apply over night. Wash off without Soap.
2. If Possible : Try Sweet Lime Juice Fasting for two days. No food or anything at all. Relieves all symptoms in 48 hours.

Also read : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/35254
Nesha-India last decade
Try apis 30 five drops in a little water four times daily for 7 days,if no relief contact again.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I saw a local Indian women who runs her own beauty parlour and is into some homeopathy she, suggested I try one spoon of honey with one spoon of pure lime juice every morning and then in the evening last thing before I go bed to drink water with one spoon of karijiri (Indian ingredient) she said it takes the toxin out of your blood. Is this true??

My symptoms have improved but still there am coming to think will they ever go, I want to get married next year but cant make any arrangement until this illness is over .
jiten19 last decade
Yes, i tried the honey lime remedy too. Mine included garlic and tumeric tho. It did not help me, but you can try it. I say try the Apis like Sajjad suggested. That is very good for itching like insect bites and rashes. IF you find that does not help, you might try a low dose of Sulfer 6X. Try that a few times a day to see if it helps your skin. Don't worry too much, that will not help you. Use positive Imagery and see your skin clear and beautiful in your mind. Good luck with your wedding! ~gracey
gracey last decade
Am still suffering from it but not as bad as it was when it started off, Taking prescribed medication called Telefast and antrex (think thatÂ’s what its called) has helped me allot feel much better not doubting homeopath medication but I spent allot of money on it i.e. consultations and remedies did not notice any of them helping me that much but hey it might work for you.
jiten19 last decade
belive-me it works :D
i had for 13 years
now i dont have nothing about 2 years
spliter last decade
if your urticaria is worse by heat/or your urticaria is better in open air.. try apis 30
if better by heat /or your urticaria is worse in open air...try ars alb 30
monachand last decade

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