The ABC Homeopathy Forum
seeking help from Nawaz for pilonidal cyst/sinues
Dear Nawaz,I originally requested this for Pankaj Varma, not knowing he passed away this year. I have been guided to ask your help in this matter.
I have been researching this forum for help healing a pilonidal cyst/sinus and have noticed how you have helped so many people.
I would like to begin treatment, but with some sort of guidance.
Can, would you be willing to guide me?
Thanks so much for your reply.
r3dw00d on 2012-10-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Red,
Please fill out the questionnaire, then, God willing, we will go from there.
Many prayers for you.
Please fill out the questionnaire, then, God willing, we will go from there.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawaz,
Thank you for your favorable reply, and thank you for the prayers :)
Here is my intake form, I believe I filled it out thorougly
Personal Information:
Full Name:
Sex: M
Age: 33
Weight: 92k
Height: 192cm
Temperature: usually 97.6-98.6 F
Blood Pressure: usually on the high side of normal
Color of Tongue: pink
Occupation: freelance web developer
Optional Information:
City: montclair
Country: nj
Phone: +19734877167
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
Pilonidal Sinus / Cyst - Was not probed to determine the length
Patient Description:-
I sit a great deal due to my work (which I am fixing with a stand up desk), and about 6 months ago I started to feel a very very slight pressure feeling when I sat, there was never, and has not been ever, any pain associated with this. One morning I awoke and when making BM discovered a lot of blood on the tissue, I then looked and saw blood in my underwear. I was frightened, and noticed the more I wiped, the more blood was there. The blood was bright red, and as I applied pressure, would increase in amount and would show clotted blood, like black jelly. Using a mirror I saw that above my anus, in the crack of my buttocks was a tiny hole, that was weeping the blood. The bleeding stopped very quickly.
I thought it was a very bad popped pimple, and that it would just heal up. But about 2 weeks later a similar thing happened, although the bleeding was much less. It seemed that each 2 weeks, this would happen, but with much less blood than the first time. About 2.5 months ago I realized, that it would bleed when I sat on hard surfaces, so I began putting a pad back there to prevent the blood from soiling my clothes. 2 months ago I went to a doctor and was diagnosed with a Pilonidal cyst or sinus, and was told I would most likely need surgery.
For the last 2 months I have kept a pad in my buttocks throughout the day and night. The hole produces a small amount of blood and sometimes pus throughout the day. Once every 2-3 weeks there will be an increase in the amount of discharge, which would be bloody with small amounts of clotted blood. There is very rarely a thicker pus discharge.
Current status is that the hole will have small discharge throughout each day of light colored fluid, and every couple weeks there may be more blood.
Cause of your disease / Problem:
I am an asthmatic and have atopic dermatitis for which I am prescribed Prednisone, 1 -2 times per year. When I take prednisone it is 300mg TOTAL, taken over 3 weeks in very small doses. I believe the combination of my immune system being suppressed, and having to sit for long periods due to my work has created this situation.
Period of Disease / Complaints:
March, of 2012 it first bled, but I have no idea when the cyst itself actually began.
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
Comfortable Position:-
It doesn't seem to matter whether I sit a lot or not right now, there is still discharge.
Worse state of disease:-
Sitting for prolonged periods increases the discharge. Sitting on a very bumpy surface (like in a moving bus) seems to make it bleed.
Change of Weather:-
So far no differences noted.
Hot & Cold Application:-
No differences noted
Good Time:
I don't experience pain from this, but I do experience stress, so best time is morning when I awake.
Worse Time:
In the evenings I feel the most stressed and agitated about this.
List of medicines used so for:
a. Calendula topically
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? - No
Are you a smoker? - Sometimes I will smoke a cigarette, but not regularly, and not very much
Are you fond of drinking tea? - Yes
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? - Sweet stuff
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? - Omnivore, I don't eat much meat, but I like it
How is your bowel movement? - Usually very solid, usually very regular
Are you slim smart or obese etc? - Slim
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? - Not really
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? - I have some small skin tags on my hands that have been there for as long as I can remember
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. chicken pox
b. asthma (ongoing)
c. atopic dermatitis (ongoing)
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a. Asthma
b. HBP
c. c#nc3r
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
Prepared By: &
Thank you for your favorable reply, and thank you for the prayers :)
Here is my intake form, I believe I filled it out thorougly
Personal Information:
Full Name:
Sex: M
Age: 33
Weight: 92k
Height: 192cm
Temperature: usually 97.6-98.6 F
Blood Pressure: usually on the high side of normal
Color of Tongue: pink
Occupation: freelance web developer
Optional Information:
City: montclair
Country: nj
Phone: +19734877167
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
Pilonidal Sinus / Cyst - Was not probed to determine the length
Patient Description:-
I sit a great deal due to my work (which I am fixing with a stand up desk), and about 6 months ago I started to feel a very very slight pressure feeling when I sat, there was never, and has not been ever, any pain associated with this. One morning I awoke and when making BM discovered a lot of blood on the tissue, I then looked and saw blood in my underwear. I was frightened, and noticed the more I wiped, the more blood was there. The blood was bright red, and as I applied pressure, would increase in amount and would show clotted blood, like black jelly. Using a mirror I saw that above my anus, in the crack of my buttocks was a tiny hole, that was weeping the blood. The bleeding stopped very quickly.
I thought it was a very bad popped pimple, and that it would just heal up. But about 2 weeks later a similar thing happened, although the bleeding was much less. It seemed that each 2 weeks, this would happen, but with much less blood than the first time. About 2.5 months ago I realized, that it would bleed when I sat on hard surfaces, so I began putting a pad back there to prevent the blood from soiling my clothes. 2 months ago I went to a doctor and was diagnosed with a Pilonidal cyst or sinus, and was told I would most likely need surgery.
For the last 2 months I have kept a pad in my buttocks throughout the day and night. The hole produces a small amount of blood and sometimes pus throughout the day. Once every 2-3 weeks there will be an increase in the amount of discharge, which would be bloody with small amounts of clotted blood. There is very rarely a thicker pus discharge.
Current status is that the hole will have small discharge throughout each day of light colored fluid, and every couple weeks there may be more blood.
Cause of your disease / Problem:
I am an asthmatic and have atopic dermatitis for which I am prescribed Prednisone, 1 -2 times per year. When I take prednisone it is 300mg TOTAL, taken over 3 weeks in very small doses. I believe the combination of my immune system being suppressed, and having to sit for long periods due to my work has created this situation.
Period of Disease / Complaints:
March, of 2012 it first bled, but I have no idea when the cyst itself actually began.
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
Comfortable Position:-
It doesn't seem to matter whether I sit a lot or not right now, there is still discharge.
Worse state of disease:-
Sitting for prolonged periods increases the discharge. Sitting on a very bumpy surface (like in a moving bus) seems to make it bleed.
Change of Weather:-
So far no differences noted.
Hot & Cold Application:-
No differences noted
Good Time:
I don't experience pain from this, but I do experience stress, so best time is morning when I awake.
Worse Time:
In the evenings I feel the most stressed and agitated about this.
List of medicines used so for:
a. Calendula topically
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? - No
Are you a smoker? - Sometimes I will smoke a cigarette, but not regularly, and not very much
Are you fond of drinking tea? - Yes
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? - Sweet stuff
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? - Omnivore, I don't eat much meat, but I like it
How is your bowel movement? - Usually very solid, usually very regular
Are you slim smart or obese etc? - Slim
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? - Not really
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? - I have some small skin tags on my hands that have been there for as long as I can remember
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. chicken pox
b. asthma (ongoing)
c. atopic dermatitis (ongoing)
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a. Asthma
b. HBP
c. c#nc3r
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
Prepared By: &
r3dw00d last decade
'light colored fluid'
What is the exact color?
Please take Berberis Vulgaris 1X, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 days.
More prayers for you.
What is the exact color?
Please take Berberis Vulgaris 1X, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 days.
More prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Will obtain the Berberis.
The light colored fluid varies:.
It can be:
- clear slightly yellowish
- clear slightly reddish like a little bloody
- light yellow, puslike
right now it is clear, slightly yellowish
thanks again,
The light colored fluid varies:.
It can be:
- clear slightly yellowish
- clear slightly reddish like a little bloody
- light yellow, puslike
right now it is clear, slightly yellowish
thanks again,
r3dw00d last decade
I was able to obtain 1x pills, I have on order 10c liquid, but see now I can order 1x liquid as well.
Should I order 1x liquid and take as you describe? or Can I take 1x pills or 10c liquid? And what dosage?
With gratitude,
Should I order 1x liquid and take as you describe? or Can I take 1x pills or 10c liquid? And what dosage?
With gratitude,
r3dw00d last decade
Hi Nawaz,
I've now taken 4 tablets, 3xday of 1x Berberis for 4 days.
Symptoms persist, not sure what I should be looking for.
Please advise further.
with gratitude,
I've now taken 4 tablets, 3xday of 1x Berberis for 4 days.
Symptoms persist, not sure what I should be looking for.
Please advise further.
with gratitude,
r3dw00d last decade
Dear Nawaz,
I did the 4 days of berberis last week. Had an out of the ordinary bleed 3 days ago, and now am bleeding from what looks like a new hole closer to my anus. I'm not sure if this is the desired result (increased draining).
Looking for your advice.
hope all is well, with gratitude,
I did the 4 days of berberis last week. Had an out of the ordinary bleed 3 days ago, and now am bleeding from what looks like a new hole closer to my anus. I'm not sure if this is the desired result (increased draining).
Looking for your advice.
hope all is well, with gratitude,
r3dw00d last decade
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