The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Mag Carb for Canine Separation Anxiety
I have used homeopathy on my pets with brilliant results. Recently I adopted a 4 month old terrier who was found wandering the streets - in very bad condition. He has come a long way with a combination of copious amounts of love, good food, exercise and a combination of Bach remedies and homeopathy.The only issue remaining is severe separation anxiety (mostly from me - the 'savior' and mother figure.) I put him on Mag Carb 30C because I think the main issue was abandonment. After a week, he has improved slightly but still howls and cries when I leave the house. My question is: continue with the 30C or go up to 1 dose of 200? I have never gone above 30C on an animal. I am a health care professional and have training in homeopathy but am a bit hesitant in going up without some feedback.
Thanks in advance,
Susan Nachman
susan nachman on 2012-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
definitely the remedy was correct! u shud juz increase the potency to 1M... based on his mental symptoms of abandonment.... report after a week... give him only a single dose...
♡ sarojverma last decade
I think Nat mure also can help u in this case and also u have to maintain potency of the medicine based on its size and weight and age.
Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
Nat Mur?! I am laughing because that's my constitutional remedy. Goes to figure - the care giver adopts a needy dog! LOL!
susan nachman last decade
Natrum mure helps to recover from excessive attachment to anything. So ur medicine also can b ur dog's medicine.
Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
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