The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Old Stab wounds to head-tension, headaches
A dear friend is suffering from extreme head pains related to an attack. She was stabbed 8 times in the head 3 years ago. Those who read my last post, we discussed arnica and hypericum for trauma and nerve damage. Might these apply in her case as well?Mon Cherie Amour on 2005-09-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
in this case a full history would need to be known to suggest a remedy. Arnica and Hypericum could be tried and would do no harm - but I suspect that remedies for deeper treatment would be needed.
Arnica is used for injuries to the head with a blunt instrument.
Hypericum is used for puncture wounds and for nerve damage.
But what is unknown here is what was damaged? was the skull penetrated? have the injuries left any lasting effects on the brain?
Because of this it would be most helpful for your friend to visit a homeopath and gain the benefit of such treatment - are you in a country where she can do that?
Arnica is used for injuries to the head with a blunt instrument.
Hypericum is used for puncture wounds and for nerve damage.
But what is unknown here is what was damaged? was the skull penetrated? have the injuries left any lasting effects on the brain?
Because of this it would be most helpful for your friend to visit a homeopath and gain the benefit of such treatment - are you in a country where she can do that?
erika last decade
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