The ABC Homeopathy Forum
acute allergic bronchitis - cough due to change of weather and strong smell
acute cough with green spasm due to change of weather strong smell.cough is very disturbing n long lasting.sounds like dog barking.hv tried all homeopathic doctors.plz suggest something so that i hv better immunities n i Dont catch cough so easily .im 30yrs old woman .smartmom on 2013-02-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I dnt hv much thirst im nt too much prone to extreme cough.taste of mouth is bad as if im tasting spasm al da help soon.
smartmom last decade
its same whole day but worse when i lie down or go in not pregnant.i dont hv much thirst.very acute cough doesnt go for months
smartmom last decade
Please take
Kali Mur-30
Ferrum Phos-30
five drops each thrice a day.
One dose of five drops at night Pulsatilla-200 and report after one week
Kali Mur-30
Ferrum Phos-30
five drops each thrice a day.
One dose of five drops at night Pulsatilla-200 and report after one week
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
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