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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Benefit of using q potencies (including 1x,3x,6x) over higher (30, 200, 1M) potencies in Diabetes

I have seen lot many posts regarding diabetes (type 2) where the doctors have prescribed q potencies; like acid phos q, arsanic bromatum q, rhus aromatica q.
Whereas I see some post by some of the doctors prescribing 30/200/1M potencies for diabetes (type 2). Like acid phos 200.

I read in one materia medica to use 3x for Uranium nitrate for Diabetes (as per law of similarities). whereas some use in 8x and some where I found 200 potency also.

Specially considering the cases of Diabetes; what are the benefits of using q potencies of some remedies over higher potencies of same remedies (acid phos, uranium nitr., rhus aromatica, arsenic bramatum etc.)?

Can somebody explain this?

I know some of the remedies they work only in low potencies like Syz.Jamb. and higher potencies for some of such remedies are not available at all.

pls. explain this scenerio where there is (1) complexity of diabetes type 2 has occured. (2). There are some symtoms of diabetes like glycosuria, polyuria, high thirst but not a complex one.
  madnan on 2013-02-26
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