The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Severe Upper stomach pain after eating lunch
Hello,My wife is suffering from sever stomach pain after eating food.
Visited hospital done ultra sono and lipase test all are ok,
Doctor an gastrologist gave her the medicine but it is only giving her mild relief.
Earlier when she was 13 years she had the same problem which is resolved after doing homeopathy.
She is feeling very weak when this pain started.
Please advice on the remedy.
[message edited by sumitpoi on Tue, 05 Mar 2013 09:39:04 GMT]
sumitpoi on 2013-03-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The pain occur after lunch? Or eating. What is the exact location? Pain moves to other part or not? Have she what type of food aggrivate? What is the senstion? When she feel better? Any other info abt her.
libra981 last decade
The pain is occurring after lunch and dinner only.exact location is below the diaphragm.
the pain is sometime mild and sometime severe.
The pain is occurring after lunch and dinner only.exact location is below the diaphragm.
the pain is sometime mild and sometime severe.
sumitpoi last decade
pl try carbo veg.200 after food,pl take 4 pills only if pain is there.If not relieved then fill the q'nnair for full details of the case.
pl try carbo veg.200 after food,pl take 4 pills only if pain is there.If not relieved then fill the q'nnair for full details of the case.
bapu4 last decade
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