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Help - Nonexistent Sex drive
Problem:I have sex once or twice a year although I sleep with my husband every night. That has a great impact on his self-esteem and mine and on our relationship too.
I just don't feel like having sex or being kissed or touched. If we have sex I usually end up liking it, but I can't force myself to do it more often, it's something very very strong.
I've only had two long relationships (a previous boyfriend and my husband), but although my sex drive is very high in the first 2 to 6 months, it starts decreasing from then on (until 0 unfortunately).
The start of the problem might have coincided with me doing an abortion (contraception failed, and we were 18..). I don't think it is related, I think it is just a coincidence. I was very depressed for a few months after the abortion.
My body and health:
Female, 32 years old, dark hair and eyes, dark skin (latin/indian), slim.
I love salads, I love meat (although I was a vegetarian for many years), I hate liver, brains and all thse similar foods.
I love tea and orange juice, I don't drink much water.
Right now I wake up frequently at night, but that only happens in the last years.
I feel great in hot humid (tropical) weather.
I am cold very often.
I am very sensitive to smells, I get sick very easily. I vomited 24 hours a day for the first 4 months of my pregnancy (hyperemesis gravidarium), nothing I did could solve it.
My energy is high.
I don't have sexual desire after the beginning of a relationship.
My menstrual cycle is regular, no special remarks regarding this. My pregnancy and childbirth was normal, I had lots of energy while pregnant.
My stools and urine are normal. Maybe my urine is a bit dark, but I dont drink a lot of water.
I have acne since I was a teenager.
I don't perspire much, never from hands and feet.
I don't take medicines often, but I have never had a reaction to any. Well, I have diarrhea when I take antibiotics, but I guess that is normal.
My soul:
I am very independent and strong willed. I hate unfairness. I am very romantic and a dreamer, I still want to make this world a better place in many different ways. I cry a lot. I am very bad communicating orally, but I love to write. I love to read, I am a compulsive reader, especially when I need to escape something that I don't like in my environment. I love to travel to distant places. I seem to be very detached to my family and friends, although I love them very much. I can't say no or argue to most people (just to those I love most I guess..). With those I love most I can be cold and unemotional.. I worry a lot about other people judgments on me.
My unsuccessful way of leading with problems is to become distant if they involve other people. The same for things I have to do but I don't want to. If the problems only involve myself I might work like crazy until I solve the problem.
Concerning the lack of libido, I tend not to talk about it with my husband and to avoid sex situations with him. I feel that each time we talk about it (or we are in a situation where he wants to have sex) we end up hurting each other even if we don't have a real argument, I feel like a freak, he feels I don't love him or that he is not attractive. We tried couple therapy and it didnt work, I also cried like crazy during the sessions.
I am stuck in my relationship with my husband. A relationship like ours cannot be normal, and I wanted so much to be happy with him.. I am also stuck in my professional life, and soon I will try to move on to something similar but more close to my heart.
As I said, I feel great in hot humid (tropical) weather. I think snow makes the landscape beautiful. I hate rain and grey weather, although I might enjoy very much a walk in the rain just for fun. I enjoy storms.
My Life History:
I am married and have a son that I love very much.
I work as a researcher and I am doing a PhD.
My parents always argued and fought and had a difficult and long separation when I was 12/13. Before they were divorced my mother had two lovers (one at a time). We have ran away from home and even lived in a car for a while.
I felt more relieved than traumatized with my parents separation. I was a child a bit different from the others, maybe from my education, and I had only a few good friends in my classes, but there were also people that didn't like me. I was extremely shy before I got to know people, and very thoughtful. I used to be very good in school. I was very responsible.
My cousin (a couple of years older) than me abused me when I was around 10/11 (abuse might not be the best word, we were kids, and I could have run away despite his childish threats). That shocked me a lot at the time, but I think any problem with that is long gone..
My health:
I am healthy and I have energy, I eat well.
I have some allergies and rhinitis that don't bother me too much (allergic to grass, mold, animals). I have a wart on my foot since I was pregnant, I am treating it now and it is almost gone.
In the last 2 months my wrists, ears and face itch, and sometimes a rash is visible, I have done allergy tests but the source was not found. That is not the main problem that I want to treat.
I sometimes have pain in my wrists, an x-ray showed bone inflammation but I haven't done any treatment,. It comes and goes. Again, that is not the main problem that I want to treat.
Sometimes I have some pain in my legs and feet at night, specially before my period. I was checked once years ago and circulation seems to be OK.
I am extremely prone to feeling sick: I get car sick easily, I can get sick with strong smells, and as I said I vomited 24 hours a day in my 4 first pregnancy months.
I know nothing about homeopathy, but I was reading a bit and I feel I fit the sepia profile..
It would be so awesome if you could help me, my life is a mess and I think solving the lack of sex drive problem would help me so much..
Thank you so much in advance!
pipilang on 2013-03-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
PL take
1.Onosmodium-200(200c) 6 pills morning
2. Sepia-200 (200c) 6 pills evening
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
It will a leanthy treatment
R.P. Tamhankar
1.Onosmodium-200(200c) 6 pills morning
2. Sepia-200 (200c) 6 pills evening
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
It will a leanthy treatment
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Thanks for your reply.
Please don't be offended, but I am extremely insecure/afraid of any side effects of the treatment, and so I would also love to hear the opinions of other people in the forum.
Also, I was at a homeopathic pharmacy yesterday, they could order Sepia 200c but would only be able to get Onosmodium 30c.
The pharmacist said I probably could use 30c instead of 200c and just take it more often. He also told me something that made me think: that 200c is a high potency so if I took 200c once a week maybe I would take 30c on a daily basis.
I didn't buy the treatments yet. Did I understand correctly that you reccomend me to take everyday for 15 days 6 globuli of Onosmodium-200c (morning) and 6 globuli of Sepia-200c (evening). Or just one day and then wait 15 days to report back?
Thanks, and I would really appreciate if others give their opinions.
Please don't be offended, but I am extremely insecure/afraid of any side effects of the treatment, and so I would also love to hear the opinions of other people in the forum.
Also, I was at a homeopathic pharmacy yesterday, they could order Sepia 200c but would only be able to get Onosmodium 30c.
The pharmacist said I probably could use 30c instead of 200c and just take it more often. He also told me something that made me think: that 200c is a high potency so if I took 200c once a week maybe I would take 30c on a daily basis.
I didn't buy the treatments yet. Did I understand correctly that you reccomend me to take everyday for 15 days 6 globuli of Onosmodium-200c (morning) and 6 globuli of Sepia-200c (evening). Or just one day and then wait 15 days to report back?
Thanks, and I would really appreciate if others give their opinions.
pipilang last decade
It is every day 6 pills of Sepia and 6 pills on Onosmodium
If 200c is not available then take 30c two doses.
R.P. Tamhankar
If 200c is not available then take 30c two doses.
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
No second opinions still..
Thanks for your reply Tamhankar, I think I'll try to buy it tomorrow.
If I can't find 200c I should take 12 pills of onosmodoium 30c per day, right?
Thanks for your reply Tamhankar, I think I'll try to buy it tomorrow.
If I can't find 200c I should take 12 pills of onosmodoium 30c per day, right?
pipilang last decade
6 pills at a time and not 12 pills at a time
6+6 pills means 2 doses of 6 pills each.
Sepia-30 6pills +6 pills (morning+Eveinig)
Onosmodium-30 6 pills+6 pills
Pl keep 30-40 minutes gap between Sepia and Onosmodium
R.P. Tamhankar
6+6 pills means 2 doses of 6 pills each.
Sepia-30 6pills +6 pills (morning+Eveinig)
Onosmodium-30 6 pills+6 pills
Pl keep 30-40 minutes gap between Sepia and Onosmodium
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
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