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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

very chronic urticaria

please any one help me, i have a 20 year old chronic urticaria and im only 33 years old. please help
  fogoncito on 2005-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What triggers the itching?
nature boy last decade
Do you have a history of strep throat or frequent fevers in the past.When and how did your chronic urticaria start?Can you remember the illness or anything else which is significant prior to the beginning of this urticaria?

rajivprasad last decade
dear rajiv, my urticaria started when i initialy started when i had bad mood swings. i think its stress or something like that because i know that food isnt the problem.
thank you for the reply
fogoncito last decade
dear nature boy,
the things that i am certain that trigger the urticaria is alcohol , when i get mad, or have a frightening or tense experience like skydiving or flying in an airplane.
thank you for the reply
fogoncito last decade
I ask because I have chronic urticaria triggered by various things, including anger, fear and stress.

One doctor labelled this "adrenergic" though these labels don't usually help people like you and me.

I find taking a daily garlic capsule helps me A LOT. I'm not qualified to advise you regarding homoeopathy, but I can speak from my direct experience of what helps.

Vitamin C is also a good natural anti-histamine that lasts for around 5 hours.

However, I have just started having some homoeopathic remedies and believe they have helped, so a "cure" could soon be at hand!

I'd rather not say which because a professional should recommend one specifically for you.

Good luck
nature boy last decade
not eating histamine rich foods also helps. This means avoiding nuts,meat insides (heart, kidneys, etc.), coffee, alcohol, chocolate, vanilla, rasberry, strawberry, cabbagge ( pickles), fish, smoked meats, cheese, tomatoe.

The change should come in a matter of weeks. Not being stressed also helps.
123health last decade

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