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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


From last few months I am suffering from constipation, however from few weeks it is affecting me badly, and my stomach is like almost always bloated, and gas discharge is very stinking. Stool is very sticky, it sticks to the commode, and acidity is now a part of my life.

I do regular / fixed night shift and cannot afford to change the job. Feeling low in energy, stamina which causes lack of will power, I try to do some workout but cannot do as low energy, I get tired soon. Please give advice.

Note: I do not consume alcohol; I was a regular smoker 3 years ago, but now I left it.
  kk_tanti on 2013-04-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Lycopodium-200 6 pills twice a day

Pl take the treatment for 10 days and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
any precaution, restriction in terms of eating habit.
kk_tanti last decade
You should avoid pure and milk products

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
i had the same thing
try cleansing the body, i drink distilled water, 4 litres a day (work up to it), in 6-7 weeks my digestion improved 100 percent, its amazing! see andrew norton webber on youtube for more data, its very cheap fix, i get 4 litre bottles for .99 cents
let us know how you make out
mississauga333 last decade
I hope you know if you do this--
You must take minerals to replace what is being
leached out of your body by the distilled water.

I know people who drink this, but they make sure
they are taking mineral supplements.
simone717 last decade
i used to think the same way but
actually very few people know this.
accodring to andrew norton webber
it will only take out the foreign
substances that should not be there
& inorganic minerals (which you body cannot use
, it will not touch the organic minerals that
your body use (i do eat lots of fruit & veggies
he has testimonials galor in his radio
shows on youtube & (his web site which you can google.)
he himself has been doing this for over 5 years
& others for almost 40 years, & they just eat regularly
& healthy & thats it.
i urge anyone who is interested to look at the youtube
vids, he explains it brillianlty
mississauga333 last decade

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