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Homeopathics v. minerals

I cannot find info about this - can someone please help...

Let's say that one is diagnosed with zinc deficiency (for example) on a basis of some tests like heir test or whatever. Further, one is advised to take daily 100mg (Still example).

Can this dosage be replaced by homeopathic potency of zinc? Will it still be the same?

The assumption is that one is a healthy individual and complementary zink intake is only a profilactic measure due to the lack of minerals (in our example zinc) in the soil.

Big Thanks
  jarek on 2004-05-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
no--doesn't work that way.
John Stanton 2 decades ago
The way we did it with my son was to do some zinc mineral dosing (ex. 30 mg's) for a while, and then we also did the zinc homeopathic remedy, zincum metallicum in a low dose. My thought was that the remedy could help his body "deal with" the mineral zinc supplementation in a better way. We did this when he was having restless legs at naptime, and the one dose of the homeopathic zincum metallicum did help.
merrybees 2 decades ago
I agree with John, homeopathy does not work in the same way as the original substance.

What did you mean by "profilactic?" Did you mean prophylatic? What were you asking? I am curious...SABRA
sabra 2 decades ago
Big Thanks to all that has replied to my post.

Sabrina, my apologies – 'prophylactic' is the word. To answer your question…

From my limited knowledge everything comes down to molecules – small particles like magnesium, Zinc, Iron, protons. In other words cellular nutrition. Disturbances in the cellular nutrition affects the immune system. For example in the investigation of panic attacks (Nutritional Medicine: Facts and Fiction by Dr. Igor Tabrizian) magnesium is frequently found to be lacking. Further, those with low magnesium levels will often have headaches, leg cramps, unstable blood sugars, blurred vision, wheeze with exertion, have painful periods and so on.

Also from my research we don’t exactly know how the homoeopathy works. The potency above 12c does not contain even one molecule of the original substance, however ongoing dilution and succussion increases the power of the remedy. Apparently some new form of energy is released by this technique which was contained in a limited form in the original substance.

Maybe my question was too far reached and bit naive but I was under impression that microelements are required to provide cell nutrition and effectively produce energy specific to a given microelement. If homoeopathy does the same thing – releases particular forms of energy depending on the original substance– we should be able to replace minerals with homoeopathic remedies.

The impression came from the fact that homeopathic books in general (I may be wrong) do not mention necessity of mineral supplements and concentrate on matching symptoms to remedies just like allopathic medicine (which is supposedly bad ;-) and forgets about prevention. Also Schussler’s biochemic theory about Tissue Salts make impression that those salts are all we need to stay healhy.

jarek 2 decades ago
Dear Jarek, I printed out your reply to study and am of the belief that you are well versed in allopathic medicine or a student or researcher.

Now, one switches and tries to understand homeopathy that is extremely non-explainable by comparing the two philosopies.

It is another example of a "study" that cannot be understood, even by those using it, except that it does work, and eventually it WILL be proven and understood as tecnology progresses and another dead man will be applauded for his forsight and all will accept the philosophy as a Godsend.

What is the purpose of giving all these findings and research facts of allopathic opinions on a homeopathic forum?

If you wish to know more facts on homeopathy in a deeper sense that has been researched. It has been proven accidently when working on other unrelated studies in France and Korea finding a positive connection. Just ask a clear question.

If you actually are interested, please go to some of the web sites that spell it all out in great detail and then you will have some lucid questions to ask. Do the same research on homeopathy you have done on allopathic medicine.

You say your question was too far reached (we are dumb) and bit naive (covering the insult) but I was under impression that microelements are required to provide cell nutrition (a statement with no answer)...And...(I may be wrong) is a statement to raise hackles.

Homeopathy is not any type of nutrition, but energized remedies made from separate substances.

If you want to actually know something, please read about homeopathy and ask specific questions and please avoid dancing about like a politician.

And...since birth my name remains... SABRA
sabra 2 decades ago
Dear Sabria, thanks for your reply and again my apologies.

Who am I? I am overworked, tired computer programmer who after 18 months on one of the projects, working long days and nights, has been diagnosed with depression and prescribed aropax. My wife has also been diagnosed some time ago with depression (also aropax) and my daughter has panic attacks (too young for aropax). On my appointment with my doctor, I asked how it is possible that within one family there are three cases of depression and if it there is any relationship to the diet. The answer was that there is no scientific evidence.

Since my impression was that you cannot trust doctors who in 5 minutes prescribe drugs that cause serious side effects without considering broader patient's picture, I have started reading about natural therapies.

From this reading and what I thought is common sense, I’ve concluded that instead of blocking Serotonin by using aropax it could be better to help the body to produce it by supplementing diet with Iron, Ca, B and C vitamins, Zinc, Magnesium. Also fight those nasty toxins like Mercury, Cadmium and Copper.

I know that by matching drug pictures to symptoms you can homoeopathically fix the problem. In my case aurum has helped. But apparently from what I’ve read aurum works only up to 60 days. In addition, I am not completely sure if it balances the body chemicals and leaves them in the state that they should be or only deals with symptoms (need to read bit more.)

To be on a safe side and preparing for the next step – keeping the good condition – I am researching food supplements. These days there are heaps of products and one can spend fortune on them but as to the results ... some studies say that only a small percentage is absorbed by the body (sometimes as little as 3%)

Coming back to homoeopathy. Homoeopathics seem to be perfect as food supplements. They are very well and quickly absorbed (and they are cheap!) Hence my question: can we use for example homoeopathic zinc instead of zinc tablets or powders?

I’ve asked homoeopath. The answer was ‘yes’. According to her, microelements naturally exist in the body in dilution ranging from 4 to 12.

As you say Sabria, homoeopathy '... is another example of a "study" that cannot be understood, even by those using it ...’ I am just trying to get different ideas and points of view.

Best Regards
jarek 2 decades ago
Dear Jarek, now that you have stopped dancing about, we see a better picture of what you are seeking. Yes, Homeopathy can do marvelous things with depression.

Depression can also become a habit and IS picked up by the children of depressed parents as the "correct" way to act. They are copycats. Even surgeries can be picked up and copycated by the children.

Homeopathy can be taken with other medicines as it works on different levels of the body. It is energetic. It is that which is left after the remedy is manufactured...not found. "The memory of the water."

For many years I thought that the succus of the remedies while making them released energy, like a bouncing of energy, but the findings in France and Korea prove that the succus causes the water molecules to clump together, somehow making it more active and better working. Before Hahnemann did the succus, the remedies were not as successful. It reminds me of the Van der Waals' force, holding molecules together.

You are a little preoccupied with the word "microelements." Of course they exist. They exist in many numbers. A yes answer was easy and sounds important to the uninformed.

Take T cells. They help protect our immune system. AND they have numerous helper cells. They use the blood cells and antigens. AND they have helpers: helper T cells, Suppressor T cells and Killer T cells.

Helper cells issue the biochemical equivalent of a call to arms, and the suppressors sound the retreat, or more accurately, the all-clear signal. Both perform these roles by releasing chemical signals called lymphokines, which send a message to other immunological cells to attack or, once the microbial enemy has been defeated, to retreat.

This is a small example of the complicated zillion "microelements" all active within our bodies, all at the same time. There may be 200 or more types of "helper" T cells. The doctor's yes answer to you was easy.

Now, look at the picture of the present human condition. You are exhausted from overwork. They can't do it without you because you are obviously good at what you do. Your wife is depressed. She is lonely for a husband's attention. The child feels all this stress and unsaid feelings and copycats the parents.

You need to find yourself again and enjoy your own and your wife's company away from work. The child needs to be informed of conditions and told, in smiling words, that she is free of the things the parents feel as she is a separate being and need not follow these activities you and your wife are attempting to turn around. She panics because she doesn't know what is happening and is afraid of the unknown. Talk to her. (is it a girl? excuse if wrong)

The mind can do more for you than you think. When told in a proper manner, a spouting open artery can be "told" to cease bleeding. Study this...you will get farther, quicker, than trying to understand the body and all the available medicines combined.

There is a (similar to homeopathy) remedy you can get at any health store. It is one of the Bach flower remedies. Rescue Remedy is just as it sounds. For trauma, stress, pain, and panic. It is temporary, but cheap and effective. This will help you through difficulty until you learn more about what you want from homeopathy, and how you wish to do it...SABRA
sabra 2 decades ago
I share Jared's curiosity as to whether a homeopathic zinc remedy may in some sense 'substitute for' a zinc mineral supplement.

I thought that some parts of SABRA's reply to Jared were condescending. I don't think it helpful that you make any assumptions about another person's background nor assume that that background is more or less conducive to understanding the subject matter here. Sometimes an outsider can see a thing most clearly; remember Thomas Kuhn.

For what it's worth, one of my intellectual 'fathers' is the literature on 'biodynamic' farming. In this, compost and fertilizer are used in homeopathic dilution.

Now, then:

I have been told that I have a 'genetic' tendency to require much more zinc intake than do other people, on the order of 150mg per day. I prefer to investigate whether this isn't a miasm that can be cured with one or a few high-potency doses of some homeopathic substance.

If homeopathic zinc can aid the body in utilizing the zinc present, it would effectively decrease the need for supplementation with zinc minerals.

I know that there are multiple schools of thought in homeopathy today, one 'classical' and using 'complex' remedies. (Do you, SABRA, adhere to one of those schools or are you more empirical?)

The allopath's name for this set of symptoms is 'pyroluria.' Does any of the homeopathic literature discuss it?

(By the way, I share Jared's observation that homeopathy is similar to allopathy in its fixation on symptom pictures. In reading the _Organon_ I get the impression that Hahemann was so VERY polemical that I want to take him with a grain of salt.)

madscientist37 last decade
Sabra from you e-mail it is evident you need a series of nosodes in the 30c. I would start with carcinosin once a week. Then update. Just an idea!!!
star.of.mitra last decade
star.of.mitra, you addressed your reply to sabra; did you intend it for me?

madscientist37 last decade
Whoever it was addressed to Nosodes should ceryainly not be played around with, and most definitely not routinely given in sequence, least of all as a first prescription! What the hell kind of advice is this? Are you a Homoeopath star?
JCS2006 last decade
To answer the original question, no, the Homoeopathic potency of a mineral will not have the same effect as the crude substance, and the need for either one of these are two totally seprate clinical situations altogether.
JCS2006 last decade
JCS2006, I am not asking precisely the same question as the original question; what about my question?

I did not ask whether 'the Homeopathic potency of a mineral will ... have the same effect as the crude substance.'

I asked whether there might be SOME relationship.

There is a nuance here. Please read again and if you don't see the nuance, would you please leave the question open for somone who does see it?
madscientist37 last decade
Hmm...are you asking me to now address YOUR question, as I addressed the ORIGINAL question above, the very slight semantic differences between which I am aware of, although I do not see any great difference in actual meaning...or are you attempting to reprimand me in some way?

Either interpretation is open from the way your post is worded and the general tone.

Please explain...before I respond.
JCS2006 last decade

I think I was a bit rude and I am sorry.

Since this thread had sat idle for nearly three years before I re-opened it with my own reply, I assumed that any replies after this would address me, primarily, rather than the original poster.
I concede that this assumption was fairly arbitrary.

I had read in one source that homeopathic zinc met would 'help to assimilate' the zinc mineral. If this is not true, then I drop my case.

If this is true, though, I fail to see how, if a person were absorbing too little of zinc mineral ingested, and for that reason alone were taking extra zinc mineral supplementally, homeopathic zinc met might not *reduce* the required dose of the zinc mineral supplement.

mineral supplement alone
150mg * 50% = 75mg absorbed
or with homeopathic zinc
100mg * 75% = 75mg absorbed

Am I on the wrong track?

And I may be failing to see some nuance in your reply.
Does your objection have something to do with the single- versus combination-remedy issue?

And by the way, no, I am not a 'homeopathic star,' as you termed it. I am trained as an electrical and computer engineer, with a bachelor's degree from one of the U.S.'s top five universities in my field. My Weschler IQ is 146 (99.9th percentile). I have spent most of the last 4.5 years reading medical journal articles and articles on the history of and philosophy of science. I have seen over and over again that 'the good is the enemy of the best' with respect to philosophical traditions. I am a believer in cross-fertilization between disciplines.

None of this makes me right or even worth listening to, and it may only tempt me to be arrogant and bullheaded. I doubt this will be the last time I offend someone, but I keep trying to be teachable and I beg your patience.

If your reply is not satisfactory to me, I'll continue to refine my question here in this public forum, so please don't take it personally!

By the way, are you Jeremy Sherr? Perhaps for legal or other reasons you prefer not to say so here. But if so... people I trust tell me that you are one of the best. I am reading your book on Plut Nit and am fascinated.
madscientist37 last decade
Okay, and no problem.

I did not actually look at the dates of the post, as they are usually fairly recent.

In true Homoeopathy, we do not Ordinarily concern ourselves with the causes of nutritional deficiencies, as we view such idiosyncratic tendencies as genetic predisposition, and therefore they correct themselves under proper treatment. There is though, for example, some evidence of disturbed Calcium assimilation in Calc Carb patients, disturbed zinc asimilation in Zinc patients etc etc, and when the remedies are given, they do seem to rectify this defective nutrition. Whether or not the same would follow in those taking a very low potency of a particular nutrient to aid it's absorption though, is debatable, but cannot be ruled out.

Actually this is pretty much the concept behind 'Tissue Salt Therapy', but this is not Homoeopathy, and I have personally never seen any evidence that it is effective in this way.

I am not aware of any objection in my post? I merely stated my point, that the clinical situations which dictate the use of either the crude mineral or the Homoeopathic potency are entirely different. However, regarding prescribing single v's combination remedies, there is no issue really, as giving more than one remedy at a time is simply not Homoeopathy.

I also did not refer to you as 'a Homoeopathic star', I was actually asking the member above, 'star.of.mitra' ('star' for short) if he/she was a Homoeopath, and the entire post was actually addressed to this member & the post they made, so I'm not quite sure how this could have been confused, but no problem.

I am very happy for your achievements, I have to say though, I have never really held the 'I.Q' test as an accurate representation of an individuals abilities, although my score, on the one occassion I did take the test was 176, which I think was purely because I found most of the questions incredibly poorly worded, and open to individual interpretation, and decided to point this out and rewrite them in my answers. As I said, I do not consider it an adequate test to measure the abilities of an individual.

Please feel free to refine your questions, this is the only way you will get the answer you require.

I am also not Jeremey Sherr. My name is Jacob.
JCS2006 last decade

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