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Belladonna: Boiron 33 Remedy Homeopathy Family Kit: Professional Constitutional Kit #1:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Aggressive cat & belladonna

Hi everyone,
My cat can be a loving animal but every night she will launch an attack at either my feet & legs or hands & arms. I play with her to get rid of some aggression but she's a stalker and doesn't really get much physical exercise from it. Even during play, she would rather go for my hand than the toy on the pole.

After reading this site, I have ordered some 30c belladonna pellets but am confused about dosage. I read to give her a single dose of 30c - does that mean one 30c pellet per day or just one 30c dose period.

She currently has a skin infection and we are going to the vet on Monday so that might be annoying her too but she's always been randomly and regularly aggressive since I've had her - about 3 months now. She's a 2 year old tortoiseshell.

I would appreciate any assistance as she's drawing blood and leaves bruising.
  Jacquiec on 2013-04-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The belladonna- you give one dose. Like dissolve one pellet
in a quarter cup of water. Then just get a dropper and squirt in
a dropper of it into the sides of her mouth.

On her attacking you. This is a simple behavior problem.
You ignore the cat when she does that. Have nothing to do
with her. pretend she is not there. Stop playing. Be consistent,
only give attention for good behavior. It might take a week
or so but the cat will get it. I had to do same with one of
my cats. Was advised this by the vet, and it worked very well.
simone717 last decade
Thanks for your reply. I'm surprised that it's only one dose; I thought it would be an ongoing thing. Just to clarify then, I skirt the whole of the quarter cup in to her mouth in one go or do I do it once a day until it's the cups empty?

When she attacks during play, she tends to mainly watch my hand or if I'm holding the pole too low down, she will attack. I tell her no to that and lift the pole up & distract her with the toy again and that seems to work. Her worst attacks are when I'm just walking past her or sometimes she follows me to attack. These are not play; it's full on all limbs around my leg and biting too. Very painful and so hard that it bruises as I mentioned above.

As I said, I've ordered the belladonna and am also looking at Rescue Remedy and beech & holly essences. Also a plug in diffuser but they're a bit pricy for me.

Maybe someone has experience using the remedies?
Jacquiec last decade
First, this is normal for a lot of cats.
This is what they do with other kittens- if they have not been with the
other kittens to do this play, then they do it on a person. That is what
the vet told me- so ask the vet about the behaviour, I have a vet
that just does cats, so she really knows cats.

Second. Homeopathic remedies are to be dosed so that you try one
dose and then see what the reaction is. If it works you do not take more.
You only take more when symptoms return. Or else you overdose and
cause what you are trying to fix . All you need is about 1 tsp. with the
remedy in the dropper. The cat is small compared to people. Try one
dose and watch.

I really don't think the cat needs a remedy - it is not sick, it is just
acting like a cat that missed out on some normal development.

Good Luck.
simone717 last decade

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