The ABC Homeopathy Forum
sternal, chest injury
I fell pretty hard a few days ago onto a packed-down gravel driveway. I felt my sternum took most of the impact, then my shoulders, and upper body.I took Arnica, and did Bowenwork, and that helped. The pain moves around some, at first being central and more on the right side. The sternum continues to be tender, even to the touch, and there's discomfort with deep breaths, and a sense of tightness. My upper arms are sore. Today I am feeling the back of my neck also. Boo hoo!
There isn't any external bruising, though that's what it feels like. I've been resting and limiting activity to allow healing. I have so much work to do outside, and want to heal faster!
leelaji on 2013-05-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ simone717 last decade
You might want to try Ruta 30c morning and
evening for 15 days. Ruta is for bruises on the
outer covering of bones.
Also after an injury is 24 hours old, use
alternating hot and cold packs on the area to
speed things up.
evening for 15 days. Ruta is for bruises on the
outer covering of bones.
Also after an injury is 24 hours old, use
alternating hot and cold packs on the area to
speed things up.
♡ simone717 last decade
You are welcome, and remember when you begin to feel
improvements, stop the remedy and let it work, and do
not take more unless you start to backslide.
If ruta does not work, come back on here.
improvements, stop the remedy and let it work, and do
not take more unless you start to backslide.
If ruta does not work, come back on here.
♡ simone717 last decade
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