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Aurum Metallicum: Staphysagria:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need help: Staphisagria, Aurum Metalicum or Nat Mur for my Problem

Hi: I have had a long term problem with betrayal and rejection, both in school, in family situations (my father was extremely physically, mentally and verbally abusive). i endured beatings as a child and felt betrayed by my mother for inciting my father to beat me for trivial things.

i have had several betrayals in friendships and with my own daughter who said terrible things about me. we are starting to get closer now, but it was very difficult and i cried so hard i broke a rib.

A long term friends ship in my church ended, with the friend (dropping me). She was very materialistic and shunned me for not following her lead in make-up and hair and clothes. I have felt very betrayed by her and by numerous others in my church who i feel have treated me so counter to the supposed path of love they espouse.

I am at the point where i find it hard to trust anyone and have been single for over 15 years as well. i have one long term friend who i do trust, but other than that i spend a great deal of time alone watching tv. i feel very angry and bitter about the friend who dropped me. and i obsess about it. can you suggest a remedy and dosage?
  Huwoman on 2013-05-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What happens when some one consoles you? Do you feel good or it aggravates the state of your mind?
anuj srivastava last decade
i don't seem to hear anymore. i feel that I'm at the end of it all. I've had too many betrayals and there is nothing anyone could say that could make a difference. I also feel very deflated in my work as a healer, coach and facilitator, like there's no point. I feel worthless and like life has lost any meaning or purpose.
Huwoman last decade
most suited is

1.aurum met 200 one dose every three days.

2kali phos 6x 5 tabs three times a day

feed back every three days.
anuj srivastava last decade
Thanks so much. I'll let you know.
Huwoman last decade

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