The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Advice please on yellow sweat and skin!
Hello, I hope you could advise myself and my husband please.My husband is 41, he has yellow sweat and quite yellow skin and we don't know why or if it is a problem?
His sweat is not smelly
He is a cyclist and cycles 200 miles a week.
He uses a crystal deodorant so no aluminium.
He has had urethra widening operations in his 20s.
He is taking no medication.
We try to eat healthily but my husband likes bad food like biscuits milkshakes etc as well.
We don't eat meat or fish.
he does get bad stomach and loose bowel movements every week.
He has swollen and inflamed gums and has quite yellow teeth (although teeth are good, jaw bone is affected by bad gums)
Please could you advise us as to why he is yellow skinned and has yellow sweat?
Thank you
[message edited by Sarrobbo on Sun, 16 Jun 2013 18:25:59 BST]
[message edited by Sarrobbo on Sun, 16 Jun 2013 21:38:58 BST]
Sarrobbo on 2013-06-16
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