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Invisible biting bugs or parasites living under my scalp Page 2 of 4

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x cant be liquid dil,take 3c
anuj srivastava last decade
Re: x cant be liquid dil,take 3c

Thank you. I will take take 3c/Liquid as you suggested.
SweetLeaf last decade
I just wanted to report back. Unfortunately, the Kali Phos. 6x, Sulphur 200C and Staphysagria did not work. Please suggest.

Thanks in advance.
-Sweet leaf
SweetLeaf last decade

As if insects crawling on face.

Sensation of cobwebs, bugs or insects crawling on face.

Sensation of cobweb on face; tries hard to brush it off.

Sensation of a rat running up the legs. Sensation of passing electric current from head to limbs.

Sensation of coldness in all the parts of the body, e.g. stomach, throat, chest, tips of fingers etc. Sensation as if ants were running through the whole body when lying down with anxious and difficult breathing. Obliged to get up and open windows for fresh air which relieves. Immediately on lying down again these sensations return.

Sensation as if a worm crawls in right ear, and commences boring anterior wall of auditory canal. Sensation as if paper or pin is forcing through the pit of stomach causing her to rise and double up with screaming; pins seem to come from each side; sensation of sand under lids.

Sensation of crawling of ants in the brain which travels down the body and leaves at the toes. wants the body wrapped up but wants head in cold air.

Sensation of ants crawling round in the abdomen.
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 03:22:18 BST]
anuj srivastava last decade
Sensations: Feels silky and like cobwebs when they crawl on my face and hands. At times it can feel like my face is being engulfed by a cobweb. They like to run up my nose, and I get dizzy when they go up my nose.They fly or hover around the top of my head, shoulders, back and legs, which feels heavy. The weight can be compared to holding a dime in the palm of the hand. When they are hovering over me, if I swat at them they will move to another area of my body. Also if I hit my head I can feel them spread out under my scalp. As they crawl on my clothing I feel a faint tickling and heaviness. Also they hurt when entering the eyes. I believe I can see them. They look like a small faint black mass and they move quickly. Sometimes the eyes and stomach area feel itchy.
I can also feel them vibrating on the back of my neck sometimes and near my ear.

Thanks in advance.
-Sweet leaf
SweetLeaf last decade
Forgot to add it bites me sometimes. It likes to bite the hands and neck.
-Sweet leaf
SweetLeaf last decade

At what age did you have your first menses?
- Had you any trouble before or during the first period?
- Have you, at any time, had you menses stopped or decreased by getting feet wet, from a general wetting, from cold, fright weakness, sickness or any other cause?
- Have menses been irregular or painful at /since a particular time?
- Are your menses too frequent, too seldom, delayed, regular, early, and late? If so how often do they come?
- Do you have menses during the nursing of your child?
- Do you have the whites or nose bleed during menses?
- How long do menses last?
- Do excitement of exertion bring menses on?
- When does the flow increase, decrease or cease? Afternoon, day only, evening, lying down, morning, motion, at night only, walking? Mention only things that affect the flow?
- Character of the flow, describe the flow very carefully acrid, black, bright red, brown, changeable, clotted, lumpy, conspicuous, dark excoriating ( making parts sore) , fetid or foul ,greenish , gushing hot ( unduly so),membranous (shreds), milky, mucus,
- What is the odour?
- Is it pale, profuse, protracted (lasts two long) scanty, stingy, tenacious, thick, too thin, viscid, watery, dark clots to bright blood, etc. Give exact appearance and odour of the flow?
Before the menses
- Various troubles of the abdomen. Loss of a very great appetite. Troubles of the back. Difficulty in breathing. Troubles of the chest. Chill, chilliness, costiveness, cough, delirium, diarrhea, ear trouble, eructation, eruptions, eye troubles, face trouble, fainting, cold feet
head troubles, headache, Leucorrhoea, pain in arms or legs, swelling, itching and soreness of the breasts, mental changes Nausea or vomiting, bleeding of nose, ovarian troubles, pain restlessness, sexual excitement, urinary trouble, great weakness or weakness, Describe all such troubles, and others as directed in various sections.
During Menses; - This refer to the time from the starting to the ending of the flow.
After The Menses: - Many of the troubles referred to above may occur after the menses. Give all the complaints carefully as above attach sheet.
Leucorrhoea (the whites ) :- Aluminous (like white of an egg ), biting, black bloody , brown, burning, clear, cold, cream like, dark, foetid or foul, like jelly, greenish, in gushes, honey colour, lumpy, mild or bland , milky, mucous, opaque, profuse purulent (matters) ropy, scalding, scanty, smarting, causing soreness, starchy, sticky, stiffening the lines, suddenly coming & going, tenacious, thick, thin, thready, transparent, watery, white, yellow
anuj srivastava last decade
At what age did you have your first menses? Age 10
- Had you any trouble before or during the first period? No
- Have you, at any time, had you menses stopped or decreased by getting feet wet, from a general wetting, from cold, fright weakness, sickness or any other cause? No
- Have menses been irregular or painful at /since a particular time? Mostly regular. It may skip if I am flying a lot.
- Are your menses too frequent, too seldom, delayed, regular, early, and late? If so how often do they come? They are regular and once a month.
- Do you have menses during the nursing of your child? No children
- Do you have the whites or nose bleed during menses? No
- How long do menses last? 3-4 days
- Do excitement of exertion bring menses on? Exertion
- When does the flow increase, decrease or cease? Afternoon, day only, evening, lying down, morning, motion, at night only, walking? Mention only things that affect the flow? During day sometimes the flow may increase.
- Character of the flow, describe the flow very carefully acrid, black, bright red, brown, changeable, clotted, lumpy, conspicuous, dark excoriating ( making parts sore) , fetid or foul ,greenish , gushing hot ( unduly so),membranous (shreds), milky, mucus, : Flow bright red, brown, a stream , clotted, lumpy. It increases during the day.
- What is the odour? Not much odor. Mild odor. Same as it has always been.
- Is it pale, profuse, protracted (lasts two long) scanty, stingy, tenacious, thick, too thin, viscid, watery, dark clots to bright blood, etc. Give exact appearance and odour of the flow? Flow: Sometimes thin, dark clots and bright blood,
Before the menses
- Various troubles of the abdomen. Loss of a very great appetite. Troubles of the back. Difficulty in breathing. Troubles of the chest. Chill, chilliness, costiveness, cough, delirium, diarrhea, ear trouble, eructation, eruptions, eye troubles, face trouble, fainting, cold feet. I just feel irritable. However, I do have Raynaud's phenomenon that makes feet and hands feel colder in the winter during my menses.
head troubles, headache, Leucorrhoea, pain in arms or legs, swelling, itching and soreness of the breasts, mental changes Nausea or vomiting, bleeding of nose, ovarian troubles, pain restlessness, sexual excitement, urinary trouble, great weakness or weakness, Describe all such troubles, and others as directed in various sections.
During Menses; - This refer to the time from the starting to the ending of the flow. Soreness of the breasts a few days before menses and sometimes during menses.
After The Menses: - Many of the troubles referred to above may occur after the menses. Give all the complaints carefully as above attach sheet.
Leucorrhoea (the whites ) :- Aluminous (like white of an egg ), biting, black bloody , brown, burning, clear, cold, cream like, dark, foetid or foul, like jelly, greenish, in gushes, honey colour, lumpy, mild or bland , milky, mucous, opaque, profuse purulent (matters) ropy, scalding, scanty, smarting, causing soreness, starchy, sticky, stiffening the lines, suddenly coming & going, tenacious, thick, thin, thready, transparent, watery, white, yellow. After menses I feel normal.

Thank you,

-Sweet leaf
SweetLeaf last decade
graphites 200,five pills ones only do not repeat.

kali phos to continue.

feed back every two days.
anuj srivastava last decade
Graphites 200C pellets
Take five pill once.
Is this correct?

Thank you,

-Sweet leaf
SweetLeaf last decade
anuj srivastava last decade
Thank you.

-Sweet leaf
SweetLeaf last decade
Dear SweetLeaf,
I know exactly what you are going through. I have the same thing. It started 2 1/2 years ago. What we have is somekind of INVISIBLE SNAKELIKE PARASITE. The itching you feel on your scalp is the eggs that have hatched and they are 1000's of them. The feels like rats running up your legs. Let me tell you how this started for me. My next door neighbor had rats in her house and one went into the wall between our houses. The landlord put poison down and the rat eat through to my bedroom and died on the carpet. I came upstairs and saw the dead rat and it looked like tiny fleas were flying over it. I went downstairs to get my brother to get the dead rat and guess what the dead rat was gone. The carpet throughtout the house was black. When I went back into the room there were 100's of little cricketlike insects hopping all over. The next day I had flealike bites all over my feet. The landlord had the hole patched up and an exterminator came and I thought all was good. A couple of weeks later I started feeling little movement in my bed. I thought it was trucks driving on the street making my bed move. Then one night I was sitting on my bed with my feet on the carpet and I felt this thing on my foot. When I looked down it was a big blackish brownish snake crawling under my bed. I freaked out ran downstairs to get my two brothers. When they came to my room we couldn't find the snake. Then we saw movement under my drawer. All we could see were two eyes. That was the last night I slept in my bedroom. No one could find the snake. Then I started feeling invisible bugs crawling over me. Crawling in my nose, ears, mouth, anus and penis. I went to Johns Hopkins Hospital and they thought I was crazy. I was standing in my bathroom with a friend of mine telling her they are crawling up my legs and then I felt something running up my leg and I told her it happening now and then we both saw this large thing under my skin running down my face all the way down my leg. She took me to the ER and they laughed at us and said we need to go to drug treatment. then when I was in the shower I could see things running up and down the shower curtain. I thought I was loosing my mind. Then while in the bathroom I felt them running up my legs, I had on baggy shorts. I unbuckled them and dropped them to the floor and inside of each pant leg I saw two snakes curled up in each leg. I stepped on them and nothing they were gone. I had to stopp wearing my contact lenses because they would get into my eyes and slide my lenses off into the corner of my eyeball. One person on the internet told me that there is one queen that its about three feet long and she mates inside of you and the eggs hatch and 1000's of them start. They start off like a little bloblike thing with eyes and they crawl all over your head. They then grow into little snakelike things. One night I felt 1000's of them all over my head so I got my cellphone and started videoing the top of my head and playing back you could see thing all over my head. I stood in the bathtub with my phone and filmed and you can see little black stinglike things coming from the drain going under my feet. Then while standing in front of the mirror filming you can see something black whipping around my body. In one day I made 6 videos. Now I have proof in hand to take to the doctors. Guess what when I got to the hospital the SD card in my phone was completely burned and erased. I felt like I was really loosing my mind. I have moved three times and spent my life savings a on all kind of remedies. They are worse at night while I lie in bed. The invisible queen gets inside of my body and makes my chest, heart hurt unto I stand up. It makes my breathing harder. As it moves in the stomach it has made me vomit. As it goes in my anus I get gas and have on three occasions went to the bathroom on my self. I have crashed my car because it was crawling up my leg while driving and couldn't brake and a van ran directly in to me. I was been to 7 different hospitals and they all say they can give me a referral to see a Psych dr. I think this thing was made in soem government lab. I live in a house with 6 other people and I am the only one who has been infected. I am diabetic and my immune was very low when this first started. I can go on and on. But Sweet Leaf please get in touch with me. I went to a Spiritual Advisor and I will tell you what happened. Anyone who is experiencing this please feel free to contact me. One last thing. In the last 11 months I have had bloodclots in both legs from these things and I have not told the drs. about the 'Invisible Parasites'
davidr30 last decade
Hi Anuj Srivastava,

I tried the Grahites 200 and Kali Phos. 6X as directed. It doesn't help. Do you recommend taking it for a longer period.
I thank you for your help.

-Best Sweat leaf
SweetLeaf last decade
Hello SweetLeaf,

Could this be Pubic Lice? Did you get a diagnosis on this.

I think you need an external application - a powder or something to kill these parasites.
Zady101 last decade
No I never got a diagnosis from my doctors. Thanks very much for your help and for the advice. I will post here if I find something that works.


SweetLeaf last decade
graphite every third day and kali phos 6x three times a day.

also answer --
eriods every 14 day
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Sun, 18 Aug 2013 19:53:50 BST]
anuj srivastava last decade
Thanks Anuj. I will follow the instructions you posted. I will answer the questionnaire soon.

SweetLeaf last decade

Have u had a chance to read my response. I have the exact same thing u have. I don't know if this was made in some gov't lab or from outer space. I can't believe know doctor or medical school believe the thousands of people who have this. I think it has something to do with a fungus. Candida I think. But the crawling sensation on your scalp is on your scalp, not under it. I have used my mobile phone and videoed them. They look like blobs with big eyes. I think this is them as they first hatch. The feeling of rats running up your legs. Well I dropped my shorts and in each leg there were two snakes curled up. They can turn invisible in a split second. I think they have something to do with fleas also. I have tried so many products. This Pysic told me they were Etheric Parasites. If you Google that you will find some very interesting information. Please tell me if anything is working for you.

Good Luck,
davidr30 last decade
Hi David,

Yes I read your post. Sorry for not replying sooner. I am just getting back to the states. So far, nothing has helped me. I tried the medications recommend by Anuj. I will have to follow up with him. I physically look fine and no one would ever image I am going through this nightmare. I am currently trying a diet of fresh organic juices, raw almonds, vitamin B 12 and Ubiquinol CoQ10. I exercise daily for an hour or two. I will definitely post here if I find something that helps.
Thanks for sharing your story, and I wish you the best. Please please let me know if you find something that works.

SweetLeaf last decade
Sweet leaf,

If you have not been to the Dr. or dermatologist, you need to go and
have them look over your skin- get the medical check to rule out
things you may not know about.
simone717 last decade
Thanks for the suggestion Simone. I saw a dermatologist. I also saw an infectious disease doctor and recently a neurologist.
I was tested for parasites and my test came back negative. The dermatologist said I did not have scabies. My blood work shows minor abnormalities ( B 12 deficiency). I am taking B12 vitamins to correct this.

I appreciate your help.

SweetLeaf last decade
I am so glad you did that. Bc there are many things that can make
the nerves act in strange ways- vitamin deficiency is one of them.

Keep us updated on your progress!


simone717 last decade
Thanks Simone. I will keep everyone posted.

SweetLeaf last decade
Sweet Leaf,

I don't know about you but I am at wits end. None homeopathy or western medicine can get rid of this 'Thing'. I don't know if it's manmade, came from hyperspace or want. No one seems to understand no dermatologist, infectious specialist or anyone can tell us what this is. It's not scabies or nerves. When I tell drs my symptoms I know it sounds crazy. But there has to be someone out there who knows what thus 'Thing' is and how to get rid of it. It is sucking the life out of me. Oh God why me. Please someone help me. Right now as I type there are hundreds on my scalp, running up my nose, going in my ears. There are running up my pant legs going up my rectum. And I am at work. I am a bartender and if you look at me you would not think anything is wrong with me but this thing is slowly killing me. They get in my chest cavity near my heart and make my heart hurt and my breathing labored. They have caused bloodlines in both legs because they travel up and down my veins. At night my veins in my left leg are so thick. Please if anyone can help me please get in contact with me. Thank you all.
David Rose
davidr30 last decade

have you gone to the regular dr. and got your
bloodwork done, and checked for vitamin deficiencies?

Do you have health insurance?
simone717 last decade

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