The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Beer/Cigarettes & Staphysagria
Hello,I'm on dosage of Staphysagria. I'm a regular smoker & I usually take 1 bottle of beer (1 ltr)everyday. However, these days, while I'm on Staph dosage, I've reduced smoking (2-3 cigs/day) & have quit drinking beer, with an assumption that these might nullify Staph's effects.
I was just wondering if drinking beer(if not regularly, once in a few days) & smoking would really interfere Staph's treatment, during or even after the dosage course.
Kindly advice.
And, I'm 24 years old, male.
[message edited by yelah on Wed, 03 Jul 2013 15:16:04 BST]
yelah on 2013-07-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
At 24 year of age, I am concerned that you have got addicted to both Smoking and Alcohol.
Please visit:
'Arnica 30c in the Wet dose helps Chronic Smokers to QUIT SMOKING.'
Arnica is also effective in treating Alcoholics to QUIT alcohol.
Please visit:
'Arnica 30c in the Wet dose helps Chronic Smokers to QUIT SMOKING.'
Arnica is also effective in treating Alcoholics to QUIT alcohol.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks. I'm looking forward for few responses with some sort of explanation in relation to my query. And, please, I ain't expecting any responses related to 'how to quit smoking with Homeopathy'.
yelah last decade
Look up at the top of the forum- the alphabet, click
S and read on Staphysagria. The antidote for it is
Camphor, you are then not going to antidote it with
the two mentioned substances.
S and read on Staphysagria. The antidote for it is
Camphor, you are then not going to antidote it with
the two mentioned substances.
♡ simone717 last decade
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