The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair Loss After Chemical Hair Treatment
Hi, I recently began losing handfuls of hair from the root, 3 weeks after receiving a Keratin salon treatment which was supposed to bind protein to my hair and strengthen it. The process is called Brazilian Blowout and I now know that the treatment contains formaldehyde and has caused hundreds of women to lose their hair. Some women have trouble growing new hair after their hair falls out from this treatment, so I think it can cause a form of alopecia.I am a 36-year old female in otherwise good health. I have had recent blood work-up and have no deficiencies or thyroid issues. I am 100% certain the hair loss is caused by the chemical/formaldahyde treatment.
My hair comes out in clumps now and is extremely thin. I am afraid to touch it, wash it, put it in a ponytail, etc. because it feels like the slightest touch could pull it all out. I am desperate to stop it before it gets worse.
I would greatly appreciate any help--I can't afford to go see a professional homeopath at this time.
Thank you so much.
rmd2013 on 2013-07-22
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