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Silent Acid reflux preemie

we have a foster baby who is 6 weeks old, but she was preemie (we think born around 34 weeks, not positive). at 3 weeks old she came to our house & started having reflux issues. but it's silent reflux. barely any spit up ever comes out.
we tried Zantac for over a week & it didnt' help at all. so now we're on day 5 of Prevacid, but it doesn't seem to be helping either. She's gaining weight, so I'm not concerned for her in that regards, but when she has a reflux episode it is like she is drowning in mid-air. & these happen sometimes over 5 times a day. generally 45 min after she's eaten. I'm not sure on her current weight, I'd assume 6.5 lbs. 2 weeks ago she was 5lbs 10 oz, so she may be closer to 7 lbs by now.
do you think I should start with Nat Phos 6x? how often & how do I administer it to her?
  marylynnetx on 2013-07-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try the nat phos 6x.

The dose is 1/2 of a tablet. Do not give more than 5 tablets
in 24 hours. I would dissolve the 1/2 tab in a couple tablespoons
of water and spoon into babies mouth or use a dropper- to make
sure the baby is getting the remedy.

You can give this right after a feeding. Some people have
results giving it right before the feeding. Try this out for
a couple days to see what results you get.

This is Joe deLivera's Gerd Therapy for babies- There are other
remedies for colic in babies if this does not work out for you.
simone717 last decade
thanks simone717! I have stopped the Prevacid as it did not seem to be helping. I bought Hyland's #10 Nat. Phos.6x tablets today & am excited to try them. 2 TBSP of water is a lot for her to take as she only takes 2 ounces of formula at a time. can I put the tablet in the last bit of formula at the end of her bottle? I read on Joe's site that he suggested that to another person. (I'm pretty sure she doesn't have colic. she's generally pretty sweet baby, just has these horrid silent reflux episodes. no spit up comes up, but she looks like she's drowning in mid air. actually she hasn't had an episode since I stopped the prevacid 2 days ago. interesting, huh?!)
marylynnetx last decade
Hi- you could put it into a tea spoon of water.

My concern is that you know for sure the baby got it.
If you have a dropper you could just squirt it into
her mouth.

You can try putting it into the last part of the bottle,
but I know in some cases it did not work bc
the baby was not really drinking the entire bottle or
part of the bottle or then spit up after drinking it-
when it was administered a different way it worked-
so whatever works for you is ok.
simone717 last decade
Logging in to observe progress.
Joe De Livera last decade
i started the treatment yesterday afternoon, & got in 3 doses. I'm disolving 1/2 tablet in about 1/2 tsp of water, then mixing it with a small amount of formula & giving that to her before her full bottle. is there a benefit to giving after vs before the bottle? she takes 2-3 ounces of formula every 3 hours. last night she had several reflux episodes again.
marylynnetx last decade
Try giving it right after the feeding-I have seen it work
both ways.

Sometimes you have to try going to a full tab and then
reducing to the 1/2 tab, you can try that also.
simone717 last decade
I agree that she will have to increase the dose to a full tablet.

Nat Phos 6x is absolutely safe for babies and adults unlike the PPI drugs that are commonly prescribed which do not invariably work and do vast damage to the baby and even to adults if used in the long term.
Joe De Livera last decade
thank you all for guiding me through this!! I've never done much natural remedies & am very excited about it.
My only concern with giving the pill after the bottle instead of at the beginning is that once she's done eating, she's done. but I'll try to sneak it in at the end. she won't take it unless it's mixed in formula. about to give a feeding & will try a whole pill.

Also, since she is a foster baby I may have to do some simple explaining to the case worker what Nat Phos 6x is...can you all recommend a basic website with simple explanation of what it is? & maybe why the PPI drugs aren't safe?

thank you again!
marylynnetx last decade
Yes, you will have to stop and then sneak it in.

see this link on cell salts-

Just look up side effects of PPI drugs. All Md.s know
the side effects and tell people you cannot take them
for a long time bc they damage the bones among other
things. PPI drugs have side effects.
cell salts do NOT have side
effects any extra is excreted from the body.

Bottom line they are sold over the counter, and they
have only traces of minerals in them, which then
balance out the cells themselves, the cells then can
absorb nutrients well and work right and the body functions as it
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 26 Jul 2013 22:29:28 BST]
simone717 last decade
update-we've done 3 FULL days of 5 doses (whole pills) of the Nat Phos 6x. the reflux has definitely gotten better, but are still having some issues. how many more days should I continue giving it to her? & should I continue with the full pill?
She eats 8 bottles a day (2-3 oz) & I've been giving her a pill 2 in a row, then skip one feeding, then another 2 in a row, to space out the pills. is that the best way?

Thank you all again!!
marylynnetx last decade
What are the issues you are having?

Cell salts can be taken for weeks and then a short gap and
then resumed.

If the baby is improving you keep doing this and then
there should be more improvements as time goes on.

Write about the 'issues' to determine if a full tab should
still be given or reduced.
simone717 last decade
thanks Simone717. I'll continue with the 5 doses of a whole pill for another week.

Her issue is when the reflux comes up, she looks like she is drowning in mid air. she arches her head back as far as she can, turns red, bugs her eyes out, & stops breathing. these 'episodes' last anywhere from 15-45 seconds. she used to have them back to back, maybe 3 in a row. I try to keep her upright as long as I can after feedings. & she burps really well. (when she has a reflux episode barely any spit up comes out, I think it goes up to her nose then she swallows it back down.

she just had one a couple hours ago. previous to that she had one around 1 am. I have my baby monitor on my night stand & even though I put her to bed an hour after a feeding, after burping, & keeping her upright, about 30 min after laying her down she had one of her episodes. so she ended up spending the rest of the night in her bouncy seat/baby rocker. but sometimes she has episodes even when she's being held upright. I never know when they're going to hit, except that they're usually at least 45 min after a feeding.
marylynnetx last decade
So then, are these episodes reduced now by 50 % or ?
simone717 last decade
oh yes, they've gone from at least 5x in 24 hours to once or twice in 24 hours!! so excited!!
marylynnetx last decade
It is working and keep up the one tab for a couple more days.
simone717 last decade
hi there. updating again. it's been 5 days since our last update. things are about the same, but do seem to be progressing. it's been 10 total days on the Nat Phos 6x, 5 pills a day. she went from having 5+ silent reflux episodes to 1-2 episodes per day. generally she has them in the middle of the night, or when I've moved her out of her car seat. I'm not sure what the correlation is. she is actually spitting up a tiny bit now instead of swallowing all of it, & has some smaller mini gagging once in awhile, but not as often to the extreme as it was.

how long should I continue with the full pill 5x day?

(her 2 month well check is this week & I'm excited & nervous to tell our pediatrician about all this, as she is the one who prescribed the Zantac then the Prevacid.)
marylynnetx last decade

I don't see how the pediatrician can be upset with
what you are doing, when both her prescriptions did
not help at all.

Keep doing this for another 5 days and then report in
again and we can assess. The fact that she is spitting up
now a bit, means this is slow but steady progress.
simone717 last decade
hi! it's been 5 days, so reporting back on baby's progress.
first-I told the pediatrician about getting off the prescribed meds & she was just happy that baby is doing better :) I'm glad to know we have a ped who is more open to natural treatment than I thought!

baby update-the terrible silent episodes where she stops breathing have drastically subsided. down to once a day. she is having more normal reflux now--where she kind of gags a bit, & spits up maybe a tablespoon (probably not even that much)maybe 4times a day.
so should I continue with 5 whole tables a day for a bit longer?

also-she's not as 'regular' with poop as she had been. & seems to be starting to have some gassy issues. could this be related to the nat Phos 6x or just a coincidence? just want to make sure you have all the info for best advice.
many many thanks again!! I'm so happy to know about these natural treatments & appreciate all your guidance!
marylynnetx last decade
Try going down to a 1/2 tab now and see how that works
for a day. Also, go get some Nux vomica 30c at the
Whole Foods or Health store or order from here if needed.

Take one pill of the Nux Vom and dissolve it in one tsp.
of water. Give her that and wait 4 hours, see how that
works for the gas and Bowels. You can try this
3 times, with a 4 hour gap to see if you are getting results
with it.

If you start getting results, then stop the doses and then
wait to see if things return before you give another one.

You can try this a max of 3 times and if it does not
work then another remedy needs to be tried for this.
simone717 last decade

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