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Sajjad and All, Re: Multi remedies vs. Single Page 2 of 4

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OKay. What do you think is missing?

Thank You,
gracey last decade

The narration of your symptoms made such an interesting reading that I cannot resist giving my views on the subject. I know that now it is sajjad's turn. I hope my friend will pardon me for that.

I read how much you are desperate, how you tried various things including urine therapy to the extent of not only drinking but even applying all over your body, just short of taking bath in it, being handicapped by the quantity produced by our system. Pardon me,gracey, for garnishing it.

You may be right that urine therapy appears to be acting like homeopathy but in that case take it in homeopathic doses. Take one drop of urine in an ounce of boiled water(to drive out chlorine), shake it vigorously at least 100 times and then take one drop out of it. You will only miss the colour and odour that you are used to(!) and not the efficacy.

You have mentioned that you get hives when you are exposed to chemicals or when you have constipation. You have also stated that you like food which is not vegetarian. You are indirectally telling that you love non-vegetarian food.

One of the basics of any treatment is that you avoid the causative factor otherwise you will be caught in a viscous circle. So avoid chemicals. Also, stop all non-veg. for a while, then start introducig non-veg items one by one and see on taking which one you get aggravation. Non-veg items are known to cause allergy and constipation.

Unless you prefer urine therapy, I suggest you take arsenic alb 6C or 12C or 30C, in wet dose. Buy Arsenic Alb 6 C,1 drachm tincture(liquid medicine). Put 1 drop in one ounce of distilled water/non-medicinal spring water(boiled)/rain water(collected after it has rained for a few minutes)/drinking water(boiled) and shake it vigorously at least 10 times. Out of this, use 1 tea-spoonful as a dose.

Take second dose when the improvement from first dose starts wearing off. Shake,as before, just before taking the next dose and so on.

Do not put strong smelling things(including tooth paste) in you mouth at least 1 hour before and after taking the medicine.
sahai last decade
Sorry for the error. In para 3 in the post above, read,"Take one tea-spoon-ful as a dose."
sahai last decade
All your symptoms for me still point ot cubensis.. like i said very little is know about this remedy so very few homeopaths will see it as indicated in your case...the music loving/obsessed, food, dancing, skin, infact everything u have said so far suggests to me it is ure remedy.. i may be wrong be if i were u id give it a try..
all the best
cornelius last decade
the homeopathic urine should be used in conjunction with drinking first mornings urine they work well togeather. There are other substances in the urine which are u no use in homeopathic form which unfortunatly means it must be drunk :(
cornelius last decade
i am sure that most homeopaths will have a different opinion of whats going on and what ure remedy is depending on what school of though they follow..
cornelius last decade
Go ahead with various suggestions including urine threapy.I know all about urine threapy but dont have any personal experience and ihave not recommended to any one so far.My turn i think is bit late.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi Sahai, Thank You for your suggestion. I do not love non-vegetarian food. I never ate meat or fish or eggs as a child. My point about the vegetable was just that I feel guilty when I eat junkfood, like pastries, icecream, and choclate.

Whatever emotions or anger exist inside me, I did use food as a form of self-sedation. I do not do that anymore. It took flower essences and homeopathics to finally stop me. It wasn't willpower or anything. I actually think it was graphites that made the change in me.

I will make the URINE homeopathic as you describe. I also purchased all the Flower essences and the Tarentela Cub to try Connor's suggestion too.

I will have to give them both a try.

Thank you for helping me, I really want to get well. Gracey
gracey last decade
I have used Arsenicum Alb before. It did not stop my hives, but it helped. It is a good remedy.
Right now I am taking syphillicum inverted. It has helped the most so far, so clearly that miasm was blocking my cure. Therefore remedies I took in the past might work differently now.

I agree with Connor, the Tarentela Cub does sound very similar to me. I hope it helps.

Do you all think it will help my Acne and water retention aswell? That is something I always have a problem with since I was young.

The fragrance sensitivies and chemical sensitities only started once I got sick, about 10 years ago.
gracey last decade
Hi again,

I am taking everyone's suggestion very seriously. Sajjad, if you want to comment, please do.

It has happened too many times where a person thought they could cure me with herbs or liver flushes or what have you, and it did not bring about results.

So, please believe me, I will try all these suggestions to my fullest. Of course I will do them one at a time.

Much gratitude, gracey
gracey last decade
I remember i once told you to use hydrocotyle in tincture form.I once again request you to try this medicine,it will remove the traces of your ailment.Please give it a fair trial.I know you are very strict to use only one remedy at a time but i tell you that alternation of remedies more than one is permissable in homeopathy and it certainly accelerate the recovery process.I know that you are a brave women but you must be cured in minimum possible time so please forget the philosophy for the time being.
sajjadakram635 last decade

Yes, I bought the Hydrocotyle. I have it here right now. I have not taken it....but I will try it TODAY. I will let you know what happens.

Thanks, gracey
gracey last decade
The remedy tarentula cubensis will treat the root cause of ure problem if it is the correct remedy... it will treat the delusions and false perceptions of reality that allow ure dis-ease to exist there is no use isolating symptoms and treating this way ... this is suppressive and will only give u further problems in the future.. once the inner will/intent/delusions/false perceptions are treated the rest of the oraganism has to shift and symptom will disappear.. if t.cubensis is the correct remedy it will shift the innermost workings of ure being only this type of treatment is effective in the long run.
as i have said it is impossible to know weather it is def ure remedy as i have not met u nor do i have the fullness of ure case from what u have said however i THINK this remedy is well worth a try..i may be compleately wrong and i do not think my opinion is the best or right one it just an opinion.
disease is a calling to change.. ure soul is trying to usher u into a new way of being ..it says it has had enough of the way u are seeing reality at present and is demanding a change through symtoms. my suggestion is to reassess ure whole person who are u what drives u??? my feeling is although u may have some deep spiritual beliefs in some way u are resisting the calling into a new way of being and thus illness and disease are present.. accept your state of being and work with ure process.. yoga meditation... acceptance...accept ure state yet challenge the beliefs/attitudes/perceptions that allow this state to exist..if u decide to use the cubensis it MUST be used on its own with no other remedies apart from the crab apple and holly.. any other remedy will disrupt the healign process IF tarentula is working as the correct remedy...if it is and u feel change good if then after sometime symptoms occur worse u must still refrain from using another medicne as IF this is ure remedy and IF it is working well it will be acting as it should... a huge mistake is to then dose again with more medicine wait wait wait PATIENCE!! which if u are this remedy is something that does not come naturally must be learned...
What ever remedy u chose there are certain givens in transformation....In your healing u must view ure symptoms with present awareness... BE AWARE.. this awareness alone is enough to heal the organism.... what u look for is in no medicine/ herbs/ healer/ homeopath it is inside u!!! Do not disempower yourself by searching endlessly for the cure anywhere else cos u wont find it..everything u need is within u...
whatever course of action u chose remember this

key element concidered in t. cubenis suggestion....Music Food Dancing Oversensitiveity
Impressionable Skin

all the best

cornelius last decade
And above all else dont let ure illness take ure life over live life as full of a life as u can step out of ure safety zone .... try new things go new places .... and above all else have fun

cornelius last decade
Yes, you are correct. I was off my path. I was working myself to death doing something my Mother wanted for me, but it was not right for me. Even through my illness, I could not change this path because it meant so much to my family. I too, thought it was best because I received so much positive feedback. I was not happy though. A part of me was dying to be expressed---hence the skin eruptions. I guess--Right?

Yes, I have changed many things in my life and my perception about life. I am STILL going through the process. My spiritual well-being comes first to me.

Right now I choosing a new career and place of residence. It is time for me to do that. It just took a while to figure out what my SOUL wanted. I am still trying to figure it out. So, YES, straying from my true purpose was a huge factor in my illness. And Yes, all the t. cubenis key elements do describe me.

Yes, when the flower essences and t. cub arrive I will take them alone. I am trying sajjad's suggestion of the hydrocotyle now. He had told me about it a while back. So today I will start it and see if anything changes. I will keep you posted.

Thank you very much for all your help,
gracey last decade
Ya, That is my Big Problem. I never have fun. I am always making things serious. I don't like being around people anymore. I actually do not like alot of things I used to like. I was the MOST social person growing up. Over time I became jaded by people, and distrustful of people. So, I do not really go out and have fun as I wish to. I do have hobbies and I am starting some art classes. I usually have the most fun at school with my peers. For some reason if they are my academic peer, I can let loose and have a lot of laughs. I also need to get away from my Mom, no offense to her (she is a very sweet woman). She is just not letting me have any space. She wants to be with me all the time. Very smothering, and it is unhealthy. I feel sicker when she is in the house than when I am alone. Even if she is nowhere near me. It is strange.

gracey last decade
goodluck i hope u see some changes from the suggestions u have had

remember when u try tarentula do so on its own and if reaction does occur dont mix with other meds... V IMPORTANT. in the mean time good luck with the hydrocotyle

let me know how it all goes
cornelius last decade

Just for my education, which materia medica, are you both comparing?


You have mentioned that Ars Alb improved your condition but did not cure. Since syphlinum is helping you, as you have righly felt, the miasm was obviously applying the brake partially. It could have applied full-brake.

The second reason for improvement but not cure could be that though an improvement is an indication of correct selection of remedy, it requires art of healing to lead it to cure, which one keeps learning all through his life, more so in homeopathy.

The repeatition of the same potency several times starts bocoming counter-productive. That is why, to make it convenient, the founder, towards the latter part of his practice, advised giving wet doses and shaking the mixture every time before giving the subsequent doses to enhance its efficacy.If and when the necessity arises for you to go back to Ars Alb., please remember that point.

That is not the end of it. If after the above with the 6th. potency,the goal is nearer but not yet reached, we have to take the next higher potency in the market and repeat the procedure, mentioned before, to go nearest to the goal.
sahai last decade
u will find as i have said in previous posts that t.cubensis has recieved little attention..unlike t.hispanic..the section on t.cubenis in the materia medica does not do the remedy justice to say the least.. u will therefore find no indications for the remedy if u are looking in the materia medica as i have already said.. from the information that i have on this remedy it is indicated here..this remedy is not just for boils etc as stated... i told gracy to get a look at t.hispanica for a kind of idea what this remedy is used for..in essence it can bee seen as an extreme tarentula hispanica
cornelius last decade
Hi Sahai,

I have the Dictionary of Materia Medica by Clarke. Its 3 volumes, very detailed. Published in India. I don't know if it is good. I am really an amateur.

I believe Connor mentioned that Rubrics are the best place to classify someone's symptom picture.

Thank You, gracey
gracey last decade
Hello Everyone,
Since we have last spoken, I have added the Hydrocotyle and continue to take my syphillicum invert. It was very hot here, and heat aggravates my hives. I had a very bad break out over the weekend and it has not ceased yet. It will take a few days. Nothing is helping. So far I would say the Hydrocotyle did not help or hurt. It seems to neutral so far.

I am afraid in this instance I will have to mix because other remedies I have around might help symptoms subside like sulfur usually does the trick.

Anither part of the symptom besides intense heat and large raised patches of hives, is the bowel movements stop. I was regular on Saturday, even tho I had hives at that time. At some point the hives drain my energy completely.

The odor of the feces or gas is very awful. Almost like a cigar? That is what it smells like to me. I do not eat meat or dairy or eggs ever. Rarely chicken. I eat mostly veggies and rice. Fruit does not agree with me. Occasionally I have some though.

Ok, the tarentels cub has not arrived by mail yet, so in the mean time I will make a Urine homeopathic. After I rummage around my homeopathic collection for some anti syphltic remedies. Even tho I am not supposed to do that, I usually don't get hives this bad when I am on them.

I am doing my best here. I want to be on fewest things possible, but I am red and swollen from head to toe including my eyelids, ears, bottoms of feet and all in between.

We'll keep trying!! I am persistant! Thanks, gracey
gracey last decade
While you are waiting for tarentula, why do not you take Arsenic Alb. Put one drop of it in an ounce of distilled water, shake it vigorously at least 10 times and take one tea spoonful as a dose. Other details as in my poting dt. 6th.Oct.05.
sahai last decade
hi gracey
when u get a flare up try hard not to traet homeopathically if u are using a remedy as u can upset the healing process.. if the correct remedy is given then a intensification in symptoms is normal and desired and should most definatly not be treated with another remedy.. the body has to clear the problem..i am not sure this is what has happened in this case but i just wanted to make sure u are aware this is the way in which homeopathy works.... the body will use the skin as a means of expelling unwanted toxin and therefore to stop the body doing so drives the toxin into deeper tissues..
i know this is incredably hard as i can understand just how frustrating ure problem is..
have u tried experimentig with a different diet?????
no meat dairy or eggs and rarely chicken.. where is all ure protien coming from???? calcium??? b vitamins?? veg and rice is not enough for ure body to live on and a varied diet consisting of all food groups is nessesary.. if vegeterian one must eat pulses and beans to ensure protein is being consumed.. if vegan one has a very hard job ensuring vitamins/minerals/protien are being consumed in quantities enough to sustain a healthy body.. vitamin supplements do not make up for good food.
try the arsnic alb before the tarentula arrives i hope between these suggestions some relief is gained
Are u still drinking first mornings urine???.. this will help greatly when constipated..in my experiance nothing works faster.. if at anytime u are constipated u can use this remedy..it doesnt have to be morning urine this is just the best to use.. and fermented urine on ure hives would help greatly..
all the best
cornelius last decade
Could it be a healing crises? I am not sure. The reason I say that is because I break out almost exactly every 16-18 days. Regardless of what I eat or do in my life. I have smaller flare ups always, but the big ones knock me out and weaken me completely. All I can do is stay in bed.

Yes, I am probably malnurished. My body doesn't agree with too many foods--i get nausea, diahreea, constipation, fatigue etc... I drink Barley Greens everyday, Maybe that helps a little bit. I am usually low in Iron, but I do not wnat to eat meat. Isn't there another way? My Doc wants me to take an iron supplement, it made me nauseuos, but I will try to do it.

No I wasn't doing the urine therapy, but I am now. I just re-read my golden fountain book about UT again this morning. Probably if I did this for years it would cure everything eventually. I guess I should start Urine Therapy and not stop.

So maybe the hydrocotyle caused a healing crisis? How can we know?

Ok Thank You again for all the advice!
gracey last decade

After reading your last posting dt.12th.Oct.05 and learning in more detail about yor digestive disorder, I want to know whether your tongue is "thick white-fur"coated? I see my mail very frequently, so you can expect prompt reply.
sahai last decade

Thanks for asking, but no. No qhite tongue. It is pink. It does have redness at the tip. Think thats Heart Fire in chinese med. No candida or yeast if thats what you were wondering. No gas or bloating either.

You know I was talking to a friend about this. Before I got sick I lost a great deal of weight. I was very much underweight. I had just started college and without noticing, I lost so much weight. My health has never been the same since. I think it damaged my adrenals and kidneys. That is part of the source of this illness. I do not know how to strengthen these by homeopathy, tho. I don't like fasting either.

Thank You,
gracey last decade

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