The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Premature ejaculation / loss of libido
Sexual weakness and lack of energy ::-a) Bad Premature ejaculation problem within one minute for past 3 years. Tried some ayurvedic/herbal medicines but no improvement.
b) Lack of libido / Interest. Need some sex power booster.
c) Lack of stiffness in penis.
d) Also at times, very less semen comes out during ejaculation. Hardly 2 drops.
e) Gets tired quickly.
Also please suggest some oil or cream to apply on the penis to make it long and strong and to get that stiffness back.
Current weight - 86 kgs
Age - 32
Height - 5.7 feet
rvan15 on 2013-08-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Lycopoddium 1000 one dose evening time every alternate days for one week and then after 7 days of no medicine weey dose for one month .onosmodium 1000 weekly dose which is to be made by adding 10 dropa of medicine in 1 liter of pure water and then one cup out of this as one dose daily at night for three days and then weekly dose both med on seperte days
♡ akshaymohl last decade
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