The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Erectile Dysfunction and Strong sex drive
Dear Sir, I am suffering from Erectile Dysfunction.My penis is loose and unable to get full erection.My age is 23 and I used to masturbate.My penis is also shriveled like wrinkles.I want to have a hard solid penis back.
And I have strong sex drive too.
Kindly help me and suggest me medicine to recover from ED .
Waiting for response..
kamran abid dar on 2013-09-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
u can take dimiana Q 15 drops in half cup of water two times a day.
and caladium 6X two times a day.
report back after 15 days
[message edited by honest_friend on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 01:38:29 BST]
u can take dimiana Q 15 drops in half cup of water two times a day.
and caladium 6X two times a day.
report back after 15 days
[message edited by honest_friend on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 01:38:29 BST]
honest_friend last decade
Hi have got caladium 200 drops,
kindly suggest me how much dose i should take.
i mean 10 drops or etc ...
kindly reply
kindly suggest me how much dose i should take.
i mean 10 drops or etc ...
kindly reply
kamran abid dar last decade
Dear kamran sahib,
u dont need to talk caladium 200.
beter take caladium in low potency 6X or 8X
15drops of dimiana in half cup of water.
take some water in a spoon and mix 3drops of caladium 6X
u dont need to talk caladium 200.
beter take caladium in low potency 6X or 8X
15drops of dimiana in half cup of water.
take some water in a spoon and mix 3drops of caladium 6X
honest_friend last decade
I am unable to find caladium 6x or 8x in market that is why i purchased caladium 200. So what should I do now ,whether to use it or replace it with some other ???
kamran abid dar last decade
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