The ABC Homeopathy Forum
bent penis (peyronie's disease)
is there any medicine in homeopathy that can cure the bent of the penis.the bent is caused due to over masturbation and is commonly known in medical term as peyronie's disease.
the bent is due to the formation of scar tissues in the penis. the tissues formed are inelastic. when the blood flows in the penis the normal tissues of penis became extended whereas the scar tissues failed to elongate as a result the penis bent towards the side where the scar tissues are developed.
orris on 2005-10-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Compton Burnett dealt with this in the early part of the last century ,
He used silica and fluoric acid low potency say 3x.
once a day for 14 days - then STOP and wait.
One of the two EITHER silica OR fl x
He used silica and fluoric acid low potency say 3x.
once a day for 14 days - then STOP and wait.
One of the two EITHER silica OR fl x
walkin last decade
Please suggest me medicine for the said disease. At present I am taking the following medicines two times in a day.
Calc. carb 3x
Baryta carb 3x
Thuja 200
Calc. carb 3x
Baryta carb 3x
Thuja 200
ravi6402 last decade
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