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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hello doctor,
I am Rajesh and i am suffering from lipoma in my left chest (24 x 8 mm) since 6 month. I have no other disease.
Please advise me some suitable medicines.

1 age 36
2 food habits, morning one roti, one cup of tea. lunch roti & vegitable. Evening tea, roti & vegitable & dal.
3. No.
4. Computer operator.

5. average 6+ hours in a day

6. 4-5 times

7. I am living in India, Chandigarh

8. No.

  mediad on 2013-10-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Conium 30 one dose daily for three days then weekly dose for one month Cal Flour 6x thrice daily for one month
akshaymohl last decade

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