The ABC Homeopathy Forum
nux vomica + arsenic album = will it work??
Hi ,I have chronic constipation and nervousness, anxiety and depression. I am looking for a remedy that combines the effects of nux vomica(for chronic constipation) and arsenic album(for nervousness and depression). for my set of problems. i know nux vomica antidotes ars alb, so I wanted to ask you guys if there is a single remedy which combines the effects of these two important homeopathic remedies.
zhestt on 2013-12-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- you have to give your case details- every person would have a different
remedy depending on your individual totality of factors required to make
the correct choice of remedy.
Fill out the answers to the form on this thread and someone will help you
out with this.
remedy depending on your individual totality of factors required to make
the correct choice of remedy.
Fill out the answers to the form on this thread and someone will help you
out with this.
♡ simone717 last decade
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