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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

what is constitutional remedy ?

what is constitutional remedy & can this only remedy treat all malfunctioning of the body and how it is possible?
Many homeopaths treat with many kinds of medicines simultaneously to treat different diseases at same time.
  jit001 on 2013-12-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In homeopathy there is constitutional prescribing which
is based on the totality of the individual, his mental
and physical and emotional symptoms, his thermal
preferences and so on.

Then there is Acute prescribing for ailments that come
on suddenly or the last few weeks, like the flu etc,
constipation and remedies for Acute things are matched
to the acute symptoms.

Cell Salts - there are 12 can be given along with a remedy,
the object of a cell salt is to rebalance the cell interior so
that nutrients are absorbed better.

You can educate yourself on all of this bc this is a large
topic. Google Dr. Luc.com, who has pages on classical
homeopathy or Mary Aspinwall- click her free references
on the right of her page and download her basic book.
simone717 last decade
Thanks for your kindness.

can you please help me to find my remedy...

I met an accident causing spinal injury at L2,L3 region about 12 years from now.

What kind of details i need to provide..
jit001 last decade
Hi, Please put the answers to the form on this
thread. http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/188925

Please describe the accident and list what
you were given to take , both allopathic
and homeopathic and anything else you have
tried to heal this and what results you have had.
simone717 last decade
Ok i will report back after answering the Questionnaire as soon as possible...

can I post the results of online Remedy Finder software available on this site or any other site providing this facility?

will it be effective!!
jit001 last decade
Hi, People take a screen shot of the online Remedy Finder
and post it. However, the online Remedy Finder usually
only works well in acute ( recent) problems, not for
chronic problems. It also does not address the part of
prescribing called 'never well since' which is a very
important part of choosing a correct remedy, such as
someone having an episode of shock or grief a few years back,
and then starting to focus on physical ailments which
show up months later and never connecting the two things.
simone717 last decade
So, what should I do now?

Kindly suggest, Really worried..
jit001 last decade
Put the answers to the Questions on this thread and
someone will help you out, after they have basic
information to work from.
simone717 last decade

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