The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hyperacidity, spasms and asthma
Hi,i am a 30 year old man who suffered from different symptomes since almost a year now.
I started to have painless throat spasms,chest spasms a tight chest and stomach pain after taking a small dosage of ritalin for 2 weeks ( to study). I also started to suffer from asthma symptomes.
I did test positive for asthma and was put on medication, which did not do anything for the throat spasms and not much for the tightness in the chest. As a side effect the medication made me very nervous. ( corticosteroid spray and ventolin)
after taking the medication for 3 weeks i drunk a small amount of alcohol and that night i was throwing up the whole time. The next morning it felt as if my oesophogus was burned and i started to suffer from severe stress, sleeplessness due to a nervous feeling in my stomach and palpitation like feeling after eating.
3 days after the burning issue i went on holiday to a hotter climate for a month and could stop the asthma meds. I still was very sensitive to food and after eating fried food i suffered terribly.
Back home all isues started again and got alot of palipitations and chest pain together with a nervous feeling in the stomach.
i got my heart checked and nothing was found.
got my stomach cehcked and grade A ( so minor) acvid reflux was detected.
And still got asthma so was put on the meds again which made my symptomes worse.
3 weeks later i had a checkup for my asthma and the doctor told me my lungs looked fine.
But i still had a tight feeling in the chest and the spasms in throat and chest.
i also got a feeling of internal tremor in my chest at night and ofter lost my voice ( which i believe was due to acid)
then a new exam session started again so i had to take ritalin for 5 weeks, in a small dosage.
when i got off the ritalin i developped spasms, twitches, nervousness and even nerve pain all over my body + the acid feelings i spoke about before.
got mri's eegs, ct scans, everything.
was put on anti seizure meds which made everything worse not better.
in the end , after being admitted in the hospital for almost 2 weeks and endless ER visits the dr told me nothing is wrong with my nerves and brain and that it was stress related. most of thos symptomes are still there, to al esser extent, now 5 months after my last ritalin intake.
they are worse during stress ( then i get tremors, and twitches in the face, hand or even other body parts)
i still sufur from a feeling of acid in the stomach, and since 3 days my asthma symptomes are comming back.
i stillr relate the asthma symptomes and the acid together...
since yesterday i started taking Natrum sulfuricum 30K 3x3 a day but have yet to see a relief in my symptomes.
My asthma seems better but the acid feeling in my stomach is terrible and prevents me from sleeping.
I even started to sleep with the head of the bed elevated since yesterday.
Next week i have an appointment for a lung and stomach examen but i still prefer to fix my issues without harmfull medications
[message edited by tara1000 on Fri, 06 Dec 2013 11:40:31 GMT]
tara1000 on 2013-12-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1. Your age & sex 30 year old Male
2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc) thin frame, bodyfat around 15 percent 75 kg 1m70
3. Describe your personality (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)I am very nervous inside but appear calm to the outside world, worry alot and cannot stop thinking
4. What is your main health problem & its symptoms
hyperacidity, nervous twitches, tremors, pins and needles, spasms
5. When did this main problem begin
the acidity in Januari 2013 the spasms in January and very bad in June
6. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem
the acidity form ritalin use, asthma inhalers and full blown onset after drinking alcohol for 1 day
the neuroligical issues are since taking ritalin to study
7. What makes the main problem better
watching a movie to forget the issues
8. What makes it worse
stress, work, social situations
9. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)
very nervous and alot of worry, sometimes even panic attacks
10. What other health problems do you have
asthma since 3 years but only from time to time, triggered by firewood smoke and lately cold air and fog
11. What makes these other health problems better or worse (explain each problem)
smoke from burning, cold air
12. How do you relax
watching funny things on tv, warm bath, sports
13. Do you normally fight or avoid confrontation
yes i dont like confrontations
14. What animals or insects are you afraid of
15. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc) fear of airplanes , often have a feeling of falling when half asleep
16. What occupies your mind mostly .my health issues
17. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy feel better for a short time
18. Do you want to stay alone or with people
with people
19. How is your sleep
bad, cannot fall asleep, awake early
20. Do you have any recurring dreams
a feeling of falling of a height just before falling asleep
21. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints
i like hot weather
22. Do you normally feel hot or cold
23. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)
jeans and shirt, not tight not to loose neither
24. What foods you love
spicy foods and fruit, lettuce
25. What foods you hate
salmon, lamb
26. What taste you love (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)
spicy but also sweet fruits
27. What taste you hate
28. Do you like warm or cold food
29. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud .) no
30. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)
moderate to sometimes excessive ( when on ritalin i drunk 6-8l a day) now i drink 3l a day
31. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both no
32. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning no
33. Any taste or smell from your mouth first thing in the morning sometimes a bad smell when i feel acidic
34. How is your skin quit fair
35. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color) no smell of sweat, dont sweat to much neither
36. Any problems with ears, nose, chest, throat
throat spasms and often i feel as if my voice is vibrating in the chest/throat. I also have asthma and sometimes pressure in the chest
37. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)
go to the toilet twice a day, no hard stool but not to soft neither
38. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.) most of the time transparant and odourless
39. How is your sexual life & desire weak desire
40. Males genitals (erection, pain, itching etc.)
seem normal
41. Females menses details for regularity, flow, clots, discharge other than menses (reply to all these points)
42. What illnesses are running in your family, mothers side & fathers side & brothers/sisters
ulcurs on father and sisters side, heliobacter for sister
43. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic or homeopathic) natrum sulfuricum 30k
44. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dose, approx. time frame) years a go i tried iodium but dont remeber the dosage, took it just a few times. took arnica 30k once or twice a long time ago also
2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc) thin frame, bodyfat around 15 percent 75 kg 1m70
3. Describe your personality (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)I am very nervous inside but appear calm to the outside world, worry alot and cannot stop thinking
4. What is your main health problem & its symptoms
hyperacidity, nervous twitches, tremors, pins and needles, spasms
5. When did this main problem begin
the acidity in Januari 2013 the spasms in January and very bad in June
6. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem
the acidity form ritalin use, asthma inhalers and full blown onset after drinking alcohol for 1 day
the neuroligical issues are since taking ritalin to study
7. What makes the main problem better
watching a movie to forget the issues
8. What makes it worse
stress, work, social situations
9. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)
very nervous and alot of worry, sometimes even panic attacks
10. What other health problems do you have
asthma since 3 years but only from time to time, triggered by firewood smoke and lately cold air and fog
11. What makes these other health problems better or worse (explain each problem)
smoke from burning, cold air
12. How do you relax
watching funny things on tv, warm bath, sports
13. Do you normally fight or avoid confrontation
yes i dont like confrontations
14. What animals or insects are you afraid of
15. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc) fear of airplanes , often have a feeling of falling when half asleep
16. What occupies your mind mostly .my health issues
17. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy feel better for a short time
18. Do you want to stay alone or with people
with people
19. How is your sleep
bad, cannot fall asleep, awake early
20. Do you have any recurring dreams
a feeling of falling of a height just before falling asleep
21. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints
i like hot weather
22. Do you normally feel hot or cold
23. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)
jeans and shirt, not tight not to loose neither
24. What foods you love
spicy foods and fruit, lettuce
25. What foods you hate
salmon, lamb
26. What taste you love (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)
spicy but also sweet fruits
27. What taste you hate
28. Do you like warm or cold food
29. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud .) no
30. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)
moderate to sometimes excessive ( when on ritalin i drunk 6-8l a day) now i drink 3l a day
31. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both no
32. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning no
33. Any taste or smell from your mouth first thing in the morning sometimes a bad smell when i feel acidic
34. How is your skin quit fair
35. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color) no smell of sweat, dont sweat to much neither
36. Any problems with ears, nose, chest, throat
throat spasms and often i feel as if my voice is vibrating in the chest/throat. I also have asthma and sometimes pressure in the chest
37. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)
go to the toilet twice a day, no hard stool but not to soft neither
38. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.) most of the time transparant and odourless
39. How is your sexual life & desire weak desire
40. Males genitals (erection, pain, itching etc.)
seem normal
41. Females menses details for regularity, flow, clots, discharge other than menses (reply to all these points)
42. What illnesses are running in your family, mothers side & fathers side & brothers/sisters
ulcurs on father and sisters side, heliobacter for sister
43. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic or homeopathic) natrum sulfuricum 30k
44. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dose, approx. time frame) years a go i tried iodium but dont remeber the dosage, took it just a few times. took arnica 30k once or twice a long time ago also
tara1000 last decade
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