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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lower Back Pain (Slip disc ?)

my wife suddenly start feeling strong back pain resulting in immovability. consulting ortho surgeon after observing (SLR -R 50 digree; L 75 digree?)her reffered MRI of dorsal lumber spine.The MRI opinion is as below:
- Dorsolumbar spondylosis with diffuse disc desiccation.
- Posterocentral bukge at L1-L2 kevel indenting the thecal sac.
-Mild diffuse posterior annular bulge with right lateral propensity, left foraminal annular tear at L4-L5 level causing right formal narrowing with compression uponright traversing nerve root.
Kindly help with your advice Dr. Sameer please.
  Santosh44 on 2013-12-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Santosh sir,

Please give her 5 doses of Arnica 200 at 2 hours gap. Only for 1 day.

Dissolve 2 drops/5 pills in 3 tbls water, stir using a spoon and drink. This is one dose.

Update me tomorrow.
Zady101 last decade
[spam removed by moderator]
rakshita last decade
1. Medhorrhinum 200 3 two hourly doses in one day. Then stop.

2. Berberis 30 three times a day for about a week and give progress report.
jerryacu last decade

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