The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Penis proble and sex desir
Dear Sir,I am 43 years old male. For the last three years my sex desire is just gone vanish. Secondly when I try to have intercourse with my wife there is very low stretch of penis. Due to low stretch I am unable to insert and soon I got ejaculation. This problem is going to increase day by day.
Even during sex I got little bit stretch that gone soon.
Kindly help me in this regard.
aamir71 on 2013-12-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give some more details from your early age till date, about your likes and dislikes especially your habbits.
What major illnesses you had and how it was cured.
Did you already try any homeo medicine, if yes, then please give name of remedy, potency and frequency of its use.
What major illnesses you had and how it was cured.
Did you already try any homeo medicine, if yes, then please give name of remedy, potency and frequency of its use.
mani_jee last decade
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