The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lets discuss Constitutions !!
Hi Everybody,Constitutional remedy forms the backbone of homoeopathic treatment, and often helps in resolving many chronic ailments by strengthening the immunity and helping the body to heal.
I would like to discuss the major constitutional types here, and request all the members to participate in this discussion.
Taking up one constitution at a time , and discussing it in details would be the best systematic way.
Suggestions are appreciated.
magicure on 2005-10-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi all,
Lets start with "Phosphorus", one of the important polychrest remedies (has wide range of symptoms and is used often in chronic as well as acute cases)
First we will discuss the "mental symptoms" before going to physical complaints.
Lets start with the physical appearance:
1. Eyes: Very beautiful and bright eyes, dancing with enthusiasm and excitement. have long eye lashes. There is a mischievous look.
2. Hair: fine and soft, with natural highlights.
3. Skin: clear and delicate, flushes easily from emotions.
4. Physique: thin, slender and graceful.
5. They prefer to wear bright coloured clothes.
A phosphorus patient has such a pleasant personality that he as if fills up the room with light and life!!
Now we will see his characteristic mental symptoms..
Lets start with "Phosphorus", one of the important polychrest remedies (has wide range of symptoms and is used often in chronic as well as acute cases)
First we will discuss the "mental symptoms" before going to physical complaints.
Lets start with the physical appearance:
1. Eyes: Very beautiful and bright eyes, dancing with enthusiasm and excitement. have long eye lashes. There is a mischievous look.
2. Hair: fine and soft, with natural highlights.
3. Skin: clear and delicate, flushes easily from emotions.
4. Physique: thin, slender and graceful.
5. They prefer to wear bright coloured clothes.
A phosphorus patient has such a pleasant personality that he as if fills up the room with light and life!!
Now we will see his characteristic mental symptoms..
magicure last decade
Phosphorus patient is very "Sensitive".
This sensitivity is at different levels.
There is Sensitivity to the feelings of others:
He can be described as a sponge for emotions !!
He is very sympathetic and understanding. He makes others feel comfortable and confidant.
He understands the weaknesses in others, and tries to help them, rather than being censorius of them.
He cant be happy unless others are happy too! So he adjusts himself to create a harmonious atmosphere.
Physically he is also sensitive to his surroundings: to odor, light, and pressure changes.
There is strong aggravation of his mental and physical complaints during thunderstorms.
This sensitivity is at different levels.
There is Sensitivity to the feelings of others:
He can be described as a sponge for emotions !!
He is very sympathetic and understanding. He makes others feel comfortable and confidant.
He understands the weaknesses in others, and tries to help them, rather than being censorius of them.
He cant be happy unless others are happy too! So he adjusts himself to create a harmonious atmosphere.
Physically he is also sensitive to his surroundings: to odor, light, and pressure changes.
There is strong aggravation of his mental and physical complaints during thunderstorms.
magicure last decade
Phosphorus likes SOUR things,SOUR buttermilk,etc.
likes SWEETS.
Phosphorus is psychic,he wud predict events,peoples personalities,correctly and to the suprise of every one.
Phosphorus is lusty towards sex.
Phosphorus feels he doesnt get enough sympathy from others.He readily sympathises with others.
Phosphorus tells his symptoms to doctor with clarity.he is so well behaved that he cannot even question the doctor even when the doctor is not healing him after several months of treatment.he would like to see something positive in everything.he cannot question the doctor because he thinks that would cause discomfort to the doctor.
Phosphorus has increased hunger upon catching cold.he beocmes ravenous upon catching cold.
Phosphorus imagines that he is sick.he doesnt like to talk at times.
Phosphorus has increased suffering on full moon and new moon days.
Phosphorus has many symptoms common to Sulphur,the element next to it in periodic table
likes SWEETS.
Phosphorus is psychic,he wud predict events,peoples personalities,correctly and to the suprise of every one.
Phosphorus is lusty towards sex.
Phosphorus feels he doesnt get enough sympathy from others.He readily sympathises with others.
Phosphorus tells his symptoms to doctor with clarity.he is so well behaved that he cannot even question the doctor even when the doctor is not healing him after several months of treatment.he would like to see something positive in everything.he cannot question the doctor because he thinks that would cause discomfort to the doctor.
Phosphorus has increased hunger upon catching cold.he beocmes ravenous upon catching cold.
Phosphorus imagines that he is sick.he doesnt like to talk at times.
Phosphorus has increased suffering on full moon and new moon days.
Phosphorus has many symptoms common to Sulphur,the element next to it in periodic table
realwarrior last decade
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