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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

No Erection and dysfunction

Hello Sir,
I am newly married and b4 marriage i have premature ejaculation.but after marriedge i have stone and after that i dont have any erection and no tightness due to this i visit homeopathy doctor so he give me some medicin for stone and Also Demiaplant for my sexul problem and advise me dont do sex for 2 month.Now i move to another city and don't have any contect wuth my doctor so please advise me this medicin is enough for me or need any other medicin.coz i dont feel anything between my legs.i hope for your positive replay.
  roorkee123.rke on 2013-12-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i have stone --WHERE.pls specify the location.And what is the present status after having the medicines.Have you got a sonography done.
anuj srivastava last decade
This stone(8 mm) in ureter (between kidney and urine bladder) due to this ureter swelling. after i take medicine i have no pain. also which mixture doctor give me. i don't know what that mixture but he told me if this mixture finish buy daimaplant and use it for my sexual problem.
now no pain but i am worry abut my sexual problem please any doctor here replay me.if i use damiaplant how long it will take to cure my problem...
[message edited by roorkee123.rke on Sun, 22 Dec 2013 12:03:55 GMT]
roorkee123.rke last decade
damiaplant? must be DAMIANA Q,please clarify.
anuj srivastava last decade
Damiaplant Only ok
roorkee123.rke last decade
continue with it for some more time,for the results to show.

advisable to consult your homeopath ,who is treating you.
anuj srivastava last decade

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