The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Semen Leakage + Sexual Problem + Erection Problem
Hello DoctorI have Mastubrate for 8 years. Now i am 21 years old.. I am suffering from Semen Leakage and Permuate ejection.. When i talk to a girl or see a xxx video a precum comes from penis and my penis loss erection.. And my penis is weak in size from centre having black skin and weak.. I have use many homepathic medicines according to doctors but no improvemen.. Also I feel pain in back and knee joints.. My sex timing is also about to 7,8 shorts then i discharged.. PLz help me..
Is R41 is good for me..??
Plz Doctor Fitness advice me..
[message edited by mkcrown on Mon, 23 Dec 2013 17:16:23 GMT]
mkcrown on 2013-12-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please inform which medicines you have already used, potency and frequency of repeatition.
Please also give some brief history from your childhood till now.
Please also give some brief history from your childhood till now.
mani_jee last decade
Age 21
Started mastubration from 15 year age..
I am now using Phosphrous 1M 5 daily in morning..
In past I used Selenium 30C and Acid Phos 1X..
Also used many medicines given by doctor don't know name..
I am suffering from this since last 3 years..
When i talk or see a sexual seen within no time precum comes..liquid comes and my penis loss erection.. then i desire for urine and strt pain in back and weakness.. I also done romance and during romance i discharged within no time.. and once i just short 5,6 storkes and release..
I am also suffering from hair fall on daily basis..
[message edited by mkcrown on Tue, 24 Dec 2013 08:04:59 GMT]
Started mastubration from 15 year age..
I am now using Phosphrous 1M 5 daily in morning..
In past I used Selenium 30C and Acid Phos 1X..
Also used many medicines given by doctor don't know name..
I am suffering from this since last 3 years..
When i talk or see a sexual seen within no time precum comes..liquid comes and my penis loss erection.. then i desire for urine and strt pain in back and weakness.. I also done romance and during romance i discharged within no time.. and once i just short 5,6 storkes and release..
I am also suffering from hair fall on daily basis..
[message edited by mkcrown on Tue, 24 Dec 2013 08:04:59 GMT]
mkcrown last decade
Please discontinue all the remedies you are taking at the moment and get hold of the following remedies:
Nux V 200
Causticum 200
Sulphur 200
Staphisigria 1m
Damiana Q
Let me know when your have the remedies, I would tell you how to use them.
[message edited by mani_jee on Tue, 24 Dec 2013 09:23:28 GMT]
Nux V 200
Causticum 200
Sulphur 200
Staphisigria 1m
Damiana Q
Let me know when your have the remedies, I would tell you how to use them.
[message edited by mani_jee on Tue, 24 Dec 2013 09:23:28 GMT]
mani_jee last decade
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