The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Large pimples on upper arms shoulders,shoulder blades, chest
Hi I am 38 yr old male. I have been getting large pimples on upper arms, shoulders, behind shoulders, and shoulder blades. These pimples are large and red, but no pus. They leave ugly brown spots. I also get red pimples on chest, but they don't usually leave a scar. I don't eat sweets, soda, coffee,processed foods, artificial colors or flavors and meat every other day, never smoked, no alcohol. This has helped to clear my face but not my arms and back. I also seem to get painful cystic pimples on my face if I eat anything with sea salt. So I never eat sea salt. 15 years ago I took tetracycline and i had good results on face, but started getting pimples on my back for first time. These went away and then came back 8 years ago very aggressively on upper arms and back after taking protein powder to gain weight. I have always had low weight for my height and cold hands and feet. I feel cold often. Please help- very frustrated. Thank youdax29 on 2014-01-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In case you are interested, I can try to find a suitable remedy for you if you answer below questions.
Please reply to ALL that is being asked and give DETAILS.
Short answers such as Yes/No/Normal are not helpful.
I cant prescribe if these directions are not adhered to.
Please leave the questions in place and give your answers under each of them.
1. Your age & sex
2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc)
Body type (Thin, Fat, Medium)
3. Your profession
4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)
5. What is your main health problem & its symptoms
6. When did this main problem begin
7. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem
8. What makes the main problem better (massage, pressure, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)
9. What makes it worse (massage, pressure, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)
10. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)
11. What other health problems do you have
12. What makes these other health problems better or worse (explain each problem)
13. How do you relax
14. Do you normally fight or avoid confrontation
15. What animals or insects are you afraid of
16. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)
17. What occupies your mind mostly
18. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy
19. Do you want to stay alone or with people
20. How is your sleep
21. Do you have any recurring dreams
22. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints
23. Do you normally feel hot or cold
24. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)
25. What foods you love (not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you love)
26. What foods you hate
27. What taste you like (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)
28. What taste you dislike
29. Do you like warm or cold food
30. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud .)
31. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)
32. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both
33. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes, details
Where exactly
34. Any taste or smell in your mouth first thing in the morning
35. How is your skin (dry, oily, rough, acne, pustules, boils, psoriasis etc)
36. Please upload here or email me a picture of your skin, nails, teeth, hair problems, if any. Click on my username for details.
37. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color)
38. Any problems with eyes/vision
39. Any problems with ears, nose, throat
40. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)
41. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.)
42. How is your sexual life & desire
43. Males genitals (erection, any pain, any itching etc.)
44. Females menses details (reply to all these points)
Any discharge
45. What illnesses are running in your family
Siblings (brother/sister)
46. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic, homeopathic, supplements, acupuncture etc.)
47. Have you had any surgeries or implants, if yes, give details
48. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological)
49. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dosage, approx. time frame)
Please reply to ALL that is being asked and give DETAILS.
Short answers such as Yes/No/Normal are not helpful.
I cant prescribe if these directions are not adhered to.
Please leave the questions in place and give your answers under each of them.
1. Your age & sex
2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc)
Body type (Thin, Fat, Medium)
3. Your profession
4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)
5. What is your main health problem & its symptoms
6. When did this main problem begin
7. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem
8. What makes the main problem better (massage, pressure, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)
9. What makes it worse (massage, pressure, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)
10. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)
11. What other health problems do you have
12. What makes these other health problems better or worse (explain each problem)
13. How do you relax
14. Do you normally fight or avoid confrontation
15. What animals or insects are you afraid of
16. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)
17. What occupies your mind mostly
18. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy
19. Do you want to stay alone or with people
20. How is your sleep
21. Do you have any recurring dreams
22. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints
23. Do you normally feel hot or cold
24. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)
25. What foods you love (not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you love)
26. What foods you hate
27. What taste you like (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)
28. What taste you dislike
29. Do you like warm or cold food
30. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud .)
31. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)
32. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both
33. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes, details
Where exactly
34. Any taste or smell in your mouth first thing in the morning
35. How is your skin (dry, oily, rough, acne, pustules, boils, psoriasis etc)
36. Please upload here or email me a picture of your skin, nails, teeth, hair problems, if any. Click on my username for details.
37. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color)
38. Any problems with eyes/vision
39. Any problems with ears, nose, throat
40. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)
41. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.)
42. How is your sexual life & desire
43. Males genitals (erection, any pain, any itching etc.)
44. Females menses details (reply to all these points)
Any discharge
45. What illnesses are running in your family
Siblings (brother/sister)
46. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic, homeopathic, supplements, acupuncture etc.)
47. Have you had any surgeries or implants, if yes, give details
48. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological)
49. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dosage, approx. time frame)
fitness last decade
Hello Fitness- thanks so much for getting back to me- I posted pictures of my arms and shoulders- sorry I had to send them individually. I also pasted the answers to the questionnaire below. Look forward to hearing from you. God Bless -
1. Your age & sex
38, Male
2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc)
Body type (Thin, Fat, Medium)
3. Your profession
computer programmer
4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)
easy going- day dreamer
5. What is your main health problem & its symptoms
acne-large pimples on upper arms shoulders and shoulder blades- minor acne on face (forehead under eyes upper cheeks sometimes buttocks)
6. When did this main problem begin
13 yrs old for other areas, but back and arms since 1998
7. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem
tetracycline taken in 1998 and protein powder for weight gain in 2005
8. What makes the main problem better (massage, pressure, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)
I sleep on my right side mostly- I have more problems with right side then left
9. What makes it worse (massage, pressure, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)
try sleeping on my back but I have post nasal drip- lots of mucous so i usually try to sleep on side
10. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)
sad because i fell something is out of balance internally or missing something.
11. What other health problems do you have
terrible hay fever and lots of mucous- althoug I rarely eat dairy products and no sweets. I do eat a lot of meat, but I have reduced to may 4 times a week.
12. What makes these other health problems better or worse (explain each problem)
my allergies are related to pollen and dust
13. How do you relax
long hot showers
14. Do you normally fight or avoid confrontation
not afraid of confrontation, although I try to solve matters peacefully first
15. What animals or insects are you afraid of
16. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)
heights and looking out into the ocean at night and seeing nothing but darkness
17. What occupies your mind mostly
warm thoughts/ tropical places/ beautiful beaches / I am usually cold
18. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy
I'd rather not be consoled
19. Do you want to stay alone or with people
Equal - I used to be a loner, but I like haveing a best friend.
20. How is your sleep
i hold my breath when i sleep- and i have a hard time waking up
21. Do you have any recurring dreams
i don't remember my dreams
22. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints
i like super hot weather. but i think my skin does better in cold weather- less inflamed
23. Do you normally feel hot or cold
always cold
24. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)
i wear sleeveless undershirts and loose shirts, but still break out on my arms
25. What foods you love (not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you love)
fried chicken, shell fish, steak
26. What foods you hate
i am allergic to dark chocolate. the smell of chocolate makes me dizzy
27. What taste you like (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)
sweet and salty
28. What taste you dislike
29. Do you like warm or cold food
hot food and ice cold salads
30. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud .)
31. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)
rarely thirsty- i only drink water for my skin, but i can go all day without a drink if i didn't care about my skin
32. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both
33. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes, details
Where exactly
back of tongue i think
34. Any taste or smell in your mouth first thing in the morning
it smells bad, stale
35. How is your skin (dry, oily, rough, acne, pustules, boils, psoriasis etc)
oily forehead- dry everywhere else. Acne prone
36. Please upload here or email me a picture of your skin, nails, teeth, hair problems, if any. Click on my username for details.
37. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color)
i sweat so little it is not noticeable. But lately my underarms have a strong odor by end of day- no color or stain
38. Any problems with eyes/vision
39. Any problems with ears, nose, throat
40. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)
Once per day- if not in morning, usually after lunch. More sticky than hard.- Medium brown color- not dark, but not light. No blood
41. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.)
clear mostly
42. How is your sexual life & desire
strong sexual desire
43. Males genitals (erection, any pain, any itching etc.)
44. Females menses details (reply to all these points)
Any discharge
45. What illnesses are running in your family
Mother -none (had serious acne problems when younger)
Father -high blood pressure , glaucoma, hay fever
Siblings (brother/sister) , brother - asthma, sister psoriasis and bad acne
46. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic, homeopathic, supplements, acupuncture etc.)
zinc vitamins -60g per day
sulphur-3 30c pills once a week - but ran out.
47. Have you had any surgeries or implants, if yes, give details
vasectomy 2007
bilateral hernia repair 2006
48. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological)
49. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dosage, approx. time frame)
sulphur 30c (on and off for couple of months). Just take 3pills once a day maybe once a week- dissolve under tongue
1. Your age & sex
38, Male
2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc)
Body type (Thin, Fat, Medium)
3. Your profession
computer programmer
4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)
easy going- day dreamer
5. What is your main health problem & its symptoms
acne-large pimples on upper arms shoulders and shoulder blades- minor acne on face (forehead under eyes upper cheeks sometimes buttocks)
6. When did this main problem begin
13 yrs old for other areas, but back and arms since 1998
7. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem
tetracycline taken in 1998 and protein powder for weight gain in 2005
8. What makes the main problem better (massage, pressure, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)
I sleep on my right side mostly- I have more problems with right side then left
9. What makes it worse (massage, pressure, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)
try sleeping on my back but I have post nasal drip- lots of mucous so i usually try to sleep on side
10. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)
sad because i fell something is out of balance internally or missing something.
11. What other health problems do you have
terrible hay fever and lots of mucous- althoug I rarely eat dairy products and no sweets. I do eat a lot of meat, but I have reduced to may 4 times a week.
12. What makes these other health problems better or worse (explain each problem)
my allergies are related to pollen and dust
13. How do you relax
long hot showers
14. Do you normally fight or avoid confrontation
not afraid of confrontation, although I try to solve matters peacefully first
15. What animals or insects are you afraid of
16. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)
heights and looking out into the ocean at night and seeing nothing but darkness
17. What occupies your mind mostly
warm thoughts/ tropical places/ beautiful beaches / I am usually cold
18. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy
I'd rather not be consoled
19. Do you want to stay alone or with people
Equal - I used to be a loner, but I like haveing a best friend.
20. How is your sleep
i hold my breath when i sleep- and i have a hard time waking up
21. Do you have any recurring dreams
i don't remember my dreams
22. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints
i like super hot weather. but i think my skin does better in cold weather- less inflamed
23. Do you normally feel hot or cold
always cold
24. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)
i wear sleeveless undershirts and loose shirts, but still break out on my arms
25. What foods you love (not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you love)
fried chicken, shell fish, steak
26. What foods you hate
i am allergic to dark chocolate. the smell of chocolate makes me dizzy
27. What taste you like (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)
sweet and salty
28. What taste you dislike
29. Do you like warm or cold food
hot food and ice cold salads
30. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud .)
31. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)
rarely thirsty- i only drink water for my skin, but i can go all day without a drink if i didn't care about my skin
32. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both
33. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes, details
Where exactly
back of tongue i think
34. Any taste or smell in your mouth first thing in the morning
it smells bad, stale
35. How is your skin (dry, oily, rough, acne, pustules, boils, psoriasis etc)
oily forehead- dry everywhere else. Acne prone
36. Please upload here or email me a picture of your skin, nails, teeth, hair problems, if any. Click on my username for details.
37. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color)
i sweat so little it is not noticeable. But lately my underarms have a strong odor by end of day- no color or stain
38. Any problems with eyes/vision
39. Any problems with ears, nose, throat
40. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)
Once per day- if not in morning, usually after lunch. More sticky than hard.- Medium brown color- not dark, but not light. No blood
41. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.)
clear mostly
42. How is your sexual life & desire
strong sexual desire
43. Males genitals (erection, any pain, any itching etc.)
44. Females menses details (reply to all these points)
Any discharge
45. What illnesses are running in your family
Mother -none (had serious acne problems when younger)
Father -high blood pressure , glaucoma, hay fever
Siblings (brother/sister) , brother - asthma, sister psoriasis and bad acne
46. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic, homeopathic, supplements, acupuncture etc.)
zinc vitamins -60g per day
sulphur-3 30c pills once a week - but ran out.
47. Have you had any surgeries or implants, if yes, give details
vasectomy 2007
bilateral hernia repair 2006
48. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological)
49. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dosage, approx. time frame)
sulphur 30c (on and off for couple of months). Just take 3pills once a day maybe once a week- dissolve under tongue
dax29 last decade
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