The ABC Homeopathy Forum
3 yr. old rattling cough without expectoration
My son is 3 year old and he gets this recurrent cough which sounds loose but doesnt come out( wet sounding non productive cough). His coughing is short frequent through out the day.This is the case since he is last more than a year that his cough keeps comming back within 20-30 days once he gets alright somehow.he has been put to a lot of allopathy nebulisers, omnacortil, and other cough syrups. but doesnt get much relief.
The doctors say that this is an allergic cough.
He has been put to ANTIM TART, drosera, pulsatallia, hepar sulf,bryonia, ipecac, etc in homeopahty but doesnt work.
Pl suggest
His Nature:
1. he is very fussy/adament, cries over small things, gets afraid easily even by a little loud voics or a small nearby sound.
2. he keeps his legs out of the blanket and his legs generally keep warm.
3. Normal child and quite playful at home but a quite child in play school.
4.Doesnt like to eat veggitables and eat only chapati/parantha without any veggies or dal.
[message edited by sameer206 on Thu, 13 Feb 2014 08:18:53 GMT]
sameer206 on 2014-02-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him Nux-Vomica-30 single dose of three drops in a little water at night and no other medicine and report next day.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear doc sorry for late reply ,we tried nux vomica as suggested but his cough has not shown improvements.
Also his nose is also blocked.
The doc has now put him on azee 200 srp and nebolisation with duolin as well as flohale.
Also his nose is also blocked.
The doc has now put him on azee 200 srp and nebolisation with duolin as well as flohale.
sameer206 last decade
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