The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Toddler uses bottom lip as Pacifier.
had a question about one of the unwanted habits. I
have a 3 year old daughter who has a habit of sucking
on her lower lip ever since she ws about 3 months old.
She usually does it when she is about to sleep or she
gets tired/ready to sleep. If she wakes up in the
middle of the night, she does this to fall asleep.
Sometimes she does that when she is around
strangers/alone/has nothing to do scenerios. Do you
think you could help her. Please let me know.
My dentist says that she has to stop the habit asap since her front 2 teeth are coming on the front and that if she stops now then it might not effect her permanant teeth.
Is there anything that can be done to get rid of this habit. Since she usually does this in sleep, we dont know what to do. If we get her lip out, she starts sucking on them again.
DP on 2005-11-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what is cranial osteopathy ?. I dont know you mean by difficult birth. she was born after i was in labor for 24 hours and 2 hours of pushing. she was delivered with foreceps.
DP last decade
You may try Aconite 30 a couple of doses on two successive days.If it does not help then try Arnica 30 a couple of doses.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
thx for the reply. what are aconite and arnica supposed to treat in this case. do I have to tell her not to do that before I give these or do u have another way to handle her?
DP last decade
Aconite is to treat her of any fear that she might have experienced at the time she was being brought out of the safe cocoon of her mother's womb to this world.That harrowing experience may have frightened her.
Arnica is a wonderful medicine for any physical trauma or even emotional trauma dating from a physical injury.
You don't need to tell your child anything.Just try the remedies as suggested and see if it helps.Then send the report as to how she responds.
Arnica is a wonderful medicine for any physical trauma or even emotional trauma dating from a physical injury.
You don't need to tell your child anything.Just try the remedies as suggested and see if it helps.Then send the report as to how she responds.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Hi Kuldeep,
I was reading your views on diff sun sighs and manerisms. My 3 year old is a typical libran in all her actions/manerism. Do you see her bad habit of sucking on lower lips can be solved with any particular remedy. Please let me know. I am really anxious about getting rid of this problem of hers since her gums have already began to form in the front and I am scared if she does not stop this, it is going to effect her permanant teeth.
I was reading your views on diff sun sighs and manerisms. My 3 year old is a typical libran in all her actions/manerism. Do you see her bad habit of sucking on lower lips can be solved with any particular remedy. Please let me know. I am really anxious about getting rid of this problem of hers since her gums have already began to form in the front and I am scared if she does not stop this, it is going to effect her permanant teeth.
DP last decade
I mentioned previously cranial osteopathy - it would be worth investigating this. It would take too long to explain it properly here but there is plenty of information on websites about this treatment.
habits such as lip-sucking or thumb-sucking can relieve any slight pressures in the skull area which sometimes remain after a forceps birth (these 'pressures' may cause discomfort or even headaches and the opposing 'pressure' in the mouth caused by the habits mentioned relieves this). cranial osteopathy can help adjust back to normal.
habits such as lip-sucking or thumb-sucking can relieve any slight pressures in the skull area which sometimes remain after a forceps birth (these 'pressures' may cause discomfort or even headaches and the opposing 'pressure' in the mouth caused by the habits mentioned relieves this). cranial osteopathy can help adjust back to normal.
erika last decade
DP last decade
HELP!!! I just came across this and my 5 year old son does this too (he has for about 2 yrs.-a habit we've been trying to break). We've tried facial massage, chewing gum (works!) and gestures to remind him- but it continues. A chapstick -liuke remedy that tastes yucky would be great-any ideas where I could find one?
Seussmekaren last decade
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