The ABC Homeopathy Forum
dog with red & bleeding gums!
My dog has pale pink gums. On the lining along the teeth and along the upper gumline, it is a line of red..bloody looking..if I rub or press on it, it bleeds. Her breath is really bad. Other than that there is no sign of ill health. Appetite is good and she has energy. Please advise.DoggieDiva on 2005-11-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give your dog Merc Sol 30 Dissolve 2 pills in water & give it her twice a day for a week.
You can also think of giving her Calc Fluor 6x and Cal Phos 6x. These are biochemic tissue salts . 2pills of each twice a day can be given for a month.
Please give your dog Merc Sol 30 Dissolve 2 pills in water & give it her twice a day for a week.
You can also think of giving her Calc Fluor 6x and Cal Phos 6x. These are biochemic tissue salts . 2pills of each twice a day can be given for a month.
willway last decade
I have same problem but i only have Merc Sol 200c, can i use that on my dog?
How many small pills should i use, can i use it with water or in mouth as it is?
Thank you
How many small pills should i use, can i use it with water or in mouth as it is?
Thank you
bonita last decade
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