The ABC Homeopathy Forum
brain injuries
I suffered a brain injury five years ago. Three years post-injury I started working with an overseas homeopath who prescribed Arnica Montana 1M almost in the exact same manner that Mr. Joe De Livera did in one of his posts. The one difference that my homeopath prescribed was to take one teaspoon of the succussed solution and dilute that futher into one 8 oz. glass of water -- and then take one teaspoon of that solution, once per day until a negative result occurred. I took that remedy for about 10 days, until I had a tremendous blow-up spasm in my left shoulder, which took a couple of months to subside. On the bright side, I noticed some small yet significant improvements with the severe fatigue I experience and dealing with ambient environmental stimulation. I only took the Arnica remedy once -- in Nov/Dec 2003.The following June, the same homoepath prescribed Lachesis 200c -- which took me to an entirely different level regarding my ability to drive. While I could always drive, after 30 minutes, I needed a nap. Now I can drive for 2-3 -- but not every day -- without needing to rest. Thank you Lachesis 200c. I took that dosage twice within a couple of days and never again.
The homeopath thereafter prescribed Lachesis 1M in November of 2004. While I felt a similar buzzing and sensation from the remedy, I did not notice any corresponding benefits from it. The homeopath just recently prescribed Belladonna 200c, and I've felt nothing.
I still have enormous deficits in terms of fatigue and cognition, though I am doing better than I was. I have a few questions:
(1) Would it ever be indicated to take a remedy that worked before again? Would I benefit from another dose of Arnica 1M or Lachesis 200c?
(2) Alternatively, would a higher potency of Arnica -- such as 10M -- help with a brain injury?
(3) Given that my condition is considered chronic (and conventional doctors label it as "permanent" and "incurable"), would I be better served by using a lower dose more frequently?
(4) What would happen if I took a high potency remedy several times? I stopped using the Arnica 1M when my shoulder went into spasm. What if the shoulder never would have spasmed? When would I have stopped? What about the Lachesis 200c -- it helped after taking it twice. Would it hurt if I would have continued to take it?
(5) When a constitutional remedy is prescribed and taken -- and results are observed -- does that mean that that particular constitutional remedy is no longer indicated for the problem at hand??? Are Arnica 1M and Lachesis 200c forever unhelpful for me in pursuit of wellness with respect to this terrible injury?
(6) I've just recently taken Belladonna 200c twice -- in the evening and the following morning, as prescribed by my homeopath. As I mention above, I didn't feel anything. I have been remembering my dreams more vividly, however. Other than that, I've had no healing crisis. I've had no aggravation of symptoms. I've had no indication of benefit. It is possible that I would have fared better under a lower potency -- say, 30c, once or twice per day for one week? Or, is it possible or likely that I may experience benefits from the remedy notwithstanding no noticable reaction to the chosen remedy?
(7) What would happen were I to take the 200c Belladonna everyday for the next week? Is it possible to negate the positive effects of a remedy through over-dosing?
I appreciate any insight that anyone can shed.
salsaboy on 2005-11-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
For a person who suffered from a brain injury 5 years ago the way you write indicates that you have recovered completely.
I have read your post and regret that I cannot reply the many questions you have posed due to constraints of time.
My advice to you is to stop all other medication that you may be taking today and to stay with Arnica 30c which you can take in the water dose which I believe you know how to make.
Remember to succuss the bottle at least 4 times before sipping a teaspoonful twice daily.
You can take it quite safely daily for the rest of your life as it will promote the blood flow which will help your brain to slowly recover.
I have read your post and regret that I cannot reply the many questions you have posed due to constraints of time.
My advice to you is to stop all other medication that you may be taking today and to stay with Arnica 30c which you can take in the water dose which I believe you know how to make.
Remember to succuss the bottle at least 4 times before sipping a teaspoonful twice daily.
You can take it quite safely daily for the rest of your life as it will promote the blood flow which will help your brain to slowly recover.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
For the record, I have not recovered completely, and in fact, still have great deficits in many areas of my functioning. These have been documented in numerous cognitive tests (including a series of which was just performed last week) as well as MRIs of my brain. That I write as fluidly as I do is a testament to my pre-morbid functioning, not my present state of recovery.
My level of fatigue still remains incredibly high. I can no longer exercise, as my system breaks down (like a circuit breaker that trips) any time I break a sweat. I used to be a distance runner. Now, I am sedentary. In addition, my cognitive functioning has not recovered as much as my physical ability to withstand ambient noise. As one mere example of my cognitive limitations, I cannot read for more than 10 minutes at a time before either not processing the words on the page or being completely exhausted from the attempts. This does not mean to suggest that I am not an intelligent man; however, I cannot access that intelligence for as long or maniuplate information as much. That I can provide detailed information about my case is only because this is my biography.
I am still looking for answers to my earlier questions and would appreciate any insights anyone may provide.
My level of fatigue still remains incredibly high. I can no longer exercise, as my system breaks down (like a circuit breaker that trips) any time I break a sweat. I used to be a distance runner. Now, I am sedentary. In addition, my cognitive functioning has not recovered as much as my physical ability to withstand ambient noise. As one mere example of my cognitive limitations, I cannot read for more than 10 minutes at a time before either not processing the words on the page or being completely exhausted from the attempts. This does not mean to suggest that I am not an intelligent man; however, I cannot access that intelligence for as long or maniuplate information as much. That I can provide detailed information about my case is only because this is my biography.
I am still looking for answers to my earlier questions and would appreciate any insights anyone may provide.
salsaboy last decade
Take Natrum Sulph 1M one dose.It is a great remedy for aftereffects of brain injury.I have treated a person who fell of from a running train twenty nine years ago and was in coma for over three weeks.He has gained almost 60 to 70% of his cognitive capacities on Natrum Sulph and Arnica.Arnica has already helped you as you said.Now try Natrum Sulph as i suggest.You will definitely see great improvement on it.Nothing is incurable.It is our mind which tricks us in believing so.
All the best.
All the best.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Thank you for the suggestion. How do you recommend that Natrum Sulph 1M be taken? Wet or dry dose? How often? For how long?
Thank you for the suggestion. How do you recommend that Natrum Sulph 1M be taken? Wet or dry dose? How often? For how long?
salsaboy last decade
I should also mention that I suffered some vestibular (balance) problems as a result of the brain injury as well. This has also been proven empirically through hot and cold caloric tests with my ENT. My right ear does not respond when stimulated for balance purposes, which in effect means that I have a constant sensation of spinning. It was worse when I was exercising. If any one has any suggestion about vestibular problems or vertigo sensations that have resulted from an injury to the head, please do not hesitate to post them.
salsaboy last decade
Take one dose either dry or wet as is convenient to you.Take one dose and wait for at least 15 days to see the response.Then inform as to any improvements that you feel.It may help in your ENT problems also if they are due to the injury.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
As I mentioned above, I have just taken a two doses of Belladonna 200c four (4) and five (5) days ago. As I indicated, I have not seen or felt any improvements thus far -- but that doesn't mean that it is not working, does it? As long as I've taken that dose, I would like to be sure that there is no interference between that remedy, Belladonna, and the Natrum Sulph 1M.
How long must I wait to ensure that taking a new remedy will not interfere with the Belladonna 200c? If I overlay the Natrum Sulph 1M is it possible that its effects could be negated by the working of the Belladonna currently in my system?
How long must I wait to ensure that taking a new remedy will not interfere with the Belladonna 200c? If I overlay the Natrum Sulph 1M is it possible that its effects could be negated by the working of the Belladonna currently in my system?
salsaboy last decade
You may wait for a week or so to see if Belladona brings about any improvement.Normally, Belladona would bring some change in symptoms quite fast as it is one of the quickest acting remedies.But no harm in waiting for one more week before trying Nat Sulph.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
I have a potency question.
Generally, I have read that it is well advised to start at a lower potency, and if there are positive results, one may choose a higher potency later. For instance, one publication says, "Start low so you have room to grow." Why wouldn't one have room to grow if she started higher? Why couldn't someone simply take a lower dose of something if a higher dose didn't work?
If I take Nat Suph 1M -- or any remedy for that matter --does it mean that I couldn't later use a lower potency of that same remedy? Does one have to work from lower potency to higher, or can one also go from higher potency to lower?
Generally, I have read that it is well advised to start at a lower potency, and if there are positive results, one may choose a higher potency later. For instance, one publication says, "Start low so you have room to grow." Why wouldn't one have room to grow if she started higher? Why couldn't someone simply take a lower dose of something if a higher dose didn't work?
If I take Nat Suph 1M -- or any remedy for that matter --does it mean that I couldn't later use a lower potency of that same remedy? Does one have to work from lower potency to higher, or can one also go from higher potency to lower?
salsaboy last decade
It is a question of individual sensitivity.One person may respond to a higher potency while another on a lower one.But different homeopaths develop different ways of approaching the issue of potency usage.If you wish you can start with Nat Sulph lower.But my hunch is that it won't have much effect and hence you will think it is a wrong remedy.Why it may not work is a valid question here.Well, given the age of your injury, i.e. the time that has elapsed, i think a higher potency has greater chances of succeeding.
I really really believe in the power of Natrum Sulph to bring around the most severe of brain injury cases.I am saying this from a number of personal experiences.Now it is up to you to decide to try it or not.
All the best.
I really really believe in the power of Natrum Sulph to bring around the most severe of brain injury cases.I am saying this from a number of personal experiences.Now it is up to you to decide to try it or not.
All the best.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
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