The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nat Phos for weight loss
Hi, i read many posts to do with Nat Phos, i am in sydney, australia. The Nat phos remedy is also used as Acid Neutraliser (indigestion, dyspepsia) what if one does not have enough acid and needs to take Betaine Hydrochloride to digest protein, will this remedy still work and help with weight loss. After reading all the posts, i still don't understand how it works on fat loss? please explain, thanks, vikkivikki on 2005-11-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I first recorded this amazing reaction of reducing weight in September 2004 and since that time I believe that many thousands are now using this remedy instead of the usual drugs like aluminium hydroxide. I am also informed that it is used commercially in Health farms as they too have discovered that this is a very safe remedy in comparison to the usual drugs that they have used for this treatment so far.
I believe that Nat Phos 6x works by accelerating the passage of food down through the gut. I do not believe that it neutralizes acid but it seems to work by opening the pyloric valve, thereby preventing the formation of acidity which results when the food is rolling about in the stomach.
The acceleration of the food down the gut to the colon reduces its full absorption and this, I believe is the etiology for the reduction of weight of the person taking the 2 tablets of this amazing remedy which as you probably already know is Sodium Phosphate 6x which is the equivalent to 1/1Millionth of the salt. It is the trituration that potentizes the remedy and the miracle of it all is that it really does work.
I would like to add that I have observed many cases who have used the Nat Phos therapy for weight reduction over many months and have never had any complaints of any feeling of tiredness or other signs that it has affected their normal lives. This, I believe, proves that it is very safe in use and I hope that clinical tests can be made to verify my theory on how this amazing remedy really works.
I believe that Nat Phos 6x works by accelerating the passage of food down through the gut. I do not believe that it neutralizes acid but it seems to work by opening the pyloric valve, thereby preventing the formation of acidity which results when the food is rolling about in the stomach.
The acceleration of the food down the gut to the colon reduces its full absorption and this, I believe is the etiology for the reduction of weight of the person taking the 2 tablets of this amazing remedy which as you probably already know is Sodium Phosphate 6x which is the equivalent to 1/1Millionth of the salt. It is the trituration that potentizes the remedy and the miracle of it all is that it really does work.
I would like to add that I have observed many cases who have used the Nat Phos therapy for weight reduction over many months and have never had any complaints of any feeling of tiredness or other signs that it has affected their normal lives. This, I believe, proves that it is very safe in use and I hope that clinical tests can be made to verify my theory on how this amazing remedy really works.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks Joe, really appreciate your speedy reply. In Sydney, The Dr Schuessler Nat Phos comes packaged as ACID neutraliser and no other wonderful benefits are attributed to it.
do we dissolve it under the tongue or chew it? Does it have to be straight after a meal? And why only after lunch and dinner and not breakfast as well.
One more thing Joe, i am about to take 7 keto in a troche form, no DHEA in it whatsover, it is from compounding pharmacist, very very expensive in australia, unlike US where u can just get it over the counter, Will it affect the NAt Phos?
thanks, vikki from down under
do we dissolve it under the tongue or chew it? Does it have to be straight after a meal? And why only after lunch and dinner and not breakfast as well.
One more thing Joe, i am about to take 7 keto in a troche form, no DHEA in it whatsover, it is from compounding pharmacist, very very expensive in australia, unlike US where u can just get it over the counter, Will it affect the NAt Phos?
thanks, vikki from down under
vikki last decade
As I mentioned in my last post, I do not subscribe to the acid neutralizer idea. It is rather an acid preventer than neutralizer. But then again, I do not have any clinical proof.
One point I forgot to include in my post was that this remedy is ideal for senior citizens who have at some time to contend with constipation. I have many on my list who depend on me for supplies which they happily take regularly perhaps reducing it to just one after each meal as they have discovered that it keeps constipation away. Here in Sri Lanka Homeopathic remedies are not available over the counter and I stock supplies which I give my patients free of charge as Homeopathy to me is just a hobby and I get some satisfaction in helping to cure the ailments of others.
Answering your questions:
The triturated remedies can be chewed and swallowed with a sip of water. Taking NP after breakfast is a wast of time if you wish to reduce weight as you really do not eat much fattening food at breakfast usually. After lunch and dinner is ample.
I do not know what the other drugs (?) you mentioned are and would like to know why you wish to take them especially if they are so expensive.
Any drug or coffee, cola drinks and sausages will antidote Nat Phos 6x for weight reduction. It will however work even with these beverages to help send the food down.
One point I forgot to include in my post was that this remedy is ideal for senior citizens who have at some time to contend with constipation. I have many on my list who depend on me for supplies which they happily take regularly perhaps reducing it to just one after each meal as they have discovered that it keeps constipation away. Here in Sri Lanka Homeopathic remedies are not available over the counter and I stock supplies which I give my patients free of charge as Homeopathy to me is just a hobby and I get some satisfaction in helping to cure the ailments of others.
Answering your questions:
The triturated remedies can be chewed and swallowed with a sip of water. Taking NP after breakfast is a wast of time if you wish to reduce weight as you really do not eat much fattening food at breakfast usually. After lunch and dinner is ample.
I do not know what the other drugs (?) you mentioned are and would like to know why you wish to take them especially if they are so expensive.
Any drug or coffee, cola drinks and sausages will antidote Nat Phos 6x for weight reduction. It will however work even with these beverages to help send the food down.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
doing homeopath for a hobby is a very noble thing to do Joe, i actually have a very high protein breakfast and my diet is very high in protein so anythings that helps with constipation would be great.
7 keto is a metabolite of DHEA hormone as as such is not classified as a hormone, it does not raise eostrogen or testosterone. The reason i am taking it is that my metabolism has really really slowed down, high cortisol levels, low DHEA and constant fatigue, the thryroid has also probably slowed down as i have very high cholesterol despite the fact that my diet is very good. So, 7 keto has been described as something that woks on these, hopefully and faithfully it will for me.. If you have ohter ideas and suggestions apart from Nat phos, would love to hear them.
thanks, viki
7 keto is a metabolite of DHEA hormone as as such is not classified as a hormone, it does not raise eostrogen or testosterone. The reason i am taking it is that my metabolism has really really slowed down, high cortisol levels, low DHEA and constant fatigue, the thryroid has also probably slowed down as i have very high cholesterol despite the fact that my diet is very good. So, 7 keto has been described as something that woks on these, hopefully and faithfully it will for me.. If you have ohter ideas and suggestions apart from Nat phos, would love to hear them.
thanks, viki
vikki last decade
Dear Viki,
I believe that I have hit upon the reason for your present state of health. Your constipation is also a product of this same problem.
I believe that it is the high protein that you are now taking in various forms that is the real reason why you are suffering from constipation and that constant feeling of fatigue which you are only exacerbating with your intake of proteins.
All I can do from Sri Lanka where I live is to urge you to follow the instructions below:
Stop all the supplements that you are using daily.
Go on a balanced diet of Home Cooked meals which should comprise a reasonable quantity of protein, carbohydrate. Vegetables and fruits are essential and I would recommend that you use marine foods for your protein intake instead of red meats.
Start on a twice daily dosage of Arnica 30c in the water dose which i believe you know how to make. Sip a teaspoonful twice daily with the last dose taken shortly before sleep.
Drink at least 5 ltrs of water daily. No canned or bottled drinks allowed.
Keep in contact with me and report progress weekly.
Joe De Livera
I believe that I have hit upon the reason for your present state of health. Your constipation is also a product of this same problem.
I believe that it is the high protein that you are now taking in various forms that is the real reason why you are suffering from constipation and that constant feeling of fatigue which you are only exacerbating with your intake of proteins.
All I can do from Sri Lanka where I live is to urge you to follow the instructions below:
Stop all the supplements that you are using daily.
Go on a balanced diet of Home Cooked meals which should comprise a reasonable quantity of protein, carbohydrate. Vegetables and fruits are essential and I would recommend that you use marine foods for your protein intake instead of red meats.
Start on a twice daily dosage of Arnica 30c in the water dose which i believe you know how to make. Sip a teaspoonful twice daily with the last dose taken shortly before sleep.
Drink at least 5 ltrs of water daily. No canned or bottled drinks allowed.
Keep in contact with me and report progress weekly.
Joe De Livera
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Uhm! that is interesting, do not know much about Arnica and why i would take it?
My diet is high in protein because i am a Parasympathetic Dominant, according to metabolic profiling and all the symptoms that go with that i experience, spot on... High protein diet actually makes me feel better, the fatigue is coming from thyroid, i do eat fish and eggs and occasionally chicken, lots of vegies, fibre and no carbs.. It actually came out in blood tests that the thyroid was showing abnormality, to do with pituitary, so this is the level that i am at..
thanks for your reply, very insightful so far..
My diet is high in protein because i am a Parasympathetic Dominant, according to metabolic profiling and all the symptoms that go with that i experience, spot on... High protein diet actually makes me feel better, the fatigue is coming from thyroid, i do eat fish and eggs and occasionally chicken, lots of vegies, fibre and no carbs.. It actually came out in blood tests that the thyroid was showing abnormality, to do with pituitary, so this is the level that i am at..
thanks for your reply, very insightful so far..
vikki last decade
Mr. Vikkie, you are suggested to give up all the non-veg food that you have been taking for a long time. I would like to appreciate Mr. Joe's suggestions, who had given you a sincere advice. In regards with your acid formation, I would recommend the second remedy Mag. Phos 6x (a biochemic remedy) that might be taken in the alternaation with Nat.Phos. It is my well-experimented remedy that will lead you towards a healthy recovery. I would like to know the sincere views of MR. Joe in this respect.
Dr Kumar last decade
I would prefer that Vikki follows my advice and only uses Nat Phos 6x and also starts on the Arnica 30c in the water dose. The Arnica will help her body to relax especially at night when she will discover that she sleeps more deeply thereby helping her body to stabilize.
I believe that it is the overload of the supplements that she is taking and has hopefully stopped that is the real reason for her distress.
Just 2 weeks on a changed diet will I hope, make a big difference in her life.
I believe that it is the overload of the supplements that she is taking and has hopefully stopped that is the real reason for her distress.
Just 2 weeks on a changed diet will I hope, make a big difference in her life.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks Dr Kumar, and thanks Joe, with Arnica 30 c is it a pills form or liquid that i am looking for?
vikki last decade
Question for Joe De Livera: Is there a difference between Natrum Phos and Natrium Phos? I am confused as my local homeopathic shop says there is no difference and has given me the latter.
ahmedbayat last decade
I believe that the correct terminology is Natrium Phosphoricum.
They are both the same but must be the Biochemic salt which is Triturated (ground into lactose) and not the Homeopathic remedy which is potentized in Ethanol.
The former is only available in tablet form while the latter is in the usual Ethanol solution.
They are both the same but must be the Biochemic salt which is Triturated (ground into lactose) and not the Homeopathic remedy which is potentized in Ethanol.
The former is only available in tablet form while the latter is in the usual Ethanol solution.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Many thanks for your prompt response Joe.I have it in tablet form made by Schwabe.
Praying that it would help me lose some weight gained by taking anti-diabetic medicine ACTOS + insulin.
Praying that it would help me lose some weight gained by taking anti-diabetic medicine ACTOS + insulin.
ahmedbayat last decade
You may like to know that I have many patients who have been helped by Arnica 30c in the liquid dose to control Diabetes. Taken in addition to Cinnamon powder some patients have been able to use them and stop the Metformin.
In your case however since you seem to be a Type I Diabetic using Insulin injections, you will have to check your blood sugar level on the day after if you decide to use the Arnica/Cinnamon combo. This is essential as the combination of the remedies and the usualy drugs and in your case the Insulin can drop your sugar level to dangerous levels when you will have to take sugar on a SOS basis.
Please keep me informed of your response if you use the remedies to control diabetes which are far safer than using the drugs and Insulin.
In your case however since you seem to be a Type I Diabetic using Insulin injections, you will have to check your blood sugar level on the day after if you decide to use the Arnica/Cinnamon combo. This is essential as the combination of the remedies and the usualy drugs and in your case the Insulin can drop your sugar level to dangerous levels when you will have to take sugar on a SOS basis.
Please keep me informed of your response if you use the remedies to control diabetes which are far safer than using the drugs and Insulin.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,
I recently came across some very interesting information about weight loss and whole brain chemistry. SEROTONIN. HOw can one increase their levels of serotonin apart from taking L-tryptohan (which is not available in Sydney anyway)?
Could you please add a bit more info on ARNICA 30c for weight loss? is it just for diabetics?
Thanks, vikki
I recently came across some very interesting information about weight loss and whole brain chemistry. SEROTONIN. HOw can one increase their levels of serotonin apart from taking L-tryptohan (which is not available in Sydney anyway)?
Could you please add a bit more info on ARNICA 30c for weight loss? is it just for diabetics?
Thanks, vikki
vikki last decade
I shall be happy to start Arnica 30c in the liquid dose - how does one make it?How muchg Cinnamon powder? I am Type II diabetic on insulin Humalog 16+36+36 units & Lantus 66 units at bedtime. Secoondly i am taking:
1.Hecla 3x
2.Nat Phos 6x
and of course will start Arnica 30c soon. Are any of these remedies contra-indicated?
1.Hecla 3x
2.Nat Phos 6x
and of course will start Arnica 30c soon. Are any of these remedies contra-indicated?
ahmedbayat last decade
I am copying a post that I made early last year on the use of Arnica for Diabetes which will answer your question.
If you decide to use this therapy I would prefer that you do not use the other remedies that you are now using except for the Nat Phos 6x which I presume you are using for weight reduction.
It is important that you do not stop the drugs that you now use for your Diabetes and that you do regular tests for Blood Sugar as it has been reported that this level drops dramatically on the second day on Arnica. You should endeavour to reduce your Insulin dosage and replace it as far as possible with the Arnica/Cinnamon combined therapy as this I believe is superior to the Insulin which will eventually cause problems in the long run to your kidneys and heart.
Please post your response weekly.
20th October 2005, 09:30 PM
Joe De Livera
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Posts: 190
Arnica 30c and Cinnamon may control your Diabetes
I discovered that Arnica 30 can help to control Diabetes accidentally early this year. I must mention here that it has not so far been recorded in the classical Homeopathic Repertories and MM's as being a remedy that can help Diabetes but I have sufficient evidence after many trials have been conducted by Homeopaths in India where my own findings have been replicated by them to believe that Arnica can help in the control of Diabetes.
You may like to read about the background to my discovery which I shall copy below from another communication that I made to another patient:
"Arnica 30 reduced the Blood Sugar of a chronic Type II Diabetic patient whom I was treating for a non healing wound on his toe. Shortly after taking the Arnica on the second day he reported that his BS had suddenly dropped dramatically in a manner that had never happened before and which he could not account for. He was a retired MD and stopped using the Arnica forthwith as he just could not understand how his BS had dropped with only 2 tiny globules taken twice daily for only 2 days. I then gave it to 2 other patients and they both are using Arnica 30 daily together with 1/4 teaspoonful of Cinnamon powder taken in 2 doses and they have been able to stop using the Metformin which they had been using for years and are on these 2 medicines today to control their BS."
The method that I recommend to use Arnica 30c for Diabetes is as follows:
Get a 500ml bottle of spring water from your supermarket.
Pour out 100ml
Put in 3 globules or 1 drop if you have the liquid remedy.
Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottls of soda.
Sip a teaspoonful as recommended above twice daily.
Cinnamon powder also helps in the control of Diabetes and the recommended dose is 1/4 teaspoonful taken twice daily as a tea or in food.
Please note that it is essential that your Blood Sugar levels are monitored on a daily basis if you decide to use this Arnica/Cinnamon therapy. You can reduce the Metformin tablet by half or less as the 2 homeopathic remedies may cause your BS levels to plummet like in the case of the MD as he was using the usual dose of Insulin with the Arnica. He decided to terminate the use of Homeopathic remedies as he had no faith in Homeopathy which he was only taking at the request of his wife. He passed away a few weeks ago of a heart attack."
You may like to know that 2 patients have been able to stop all dependence on Metformin and are only using the Arnica/Cinnamon therapy.
If you decide to use this therapy I would prefer that you do not use the other remedies that you are now using except for the Nat Phos 6x which I presume you are using for weight reduction.
It is important that you do not stop the drugs that you now use for your Diabetes and that you do regular tests for Blood Sugar as it has been reported that this level drops dramatically on the second day on Arnica. You should endeavour to reduce your Insulin dosage and replace it as far as possible with the Arnica/Cinnamon combined therapy as this I believe is superior to the Insulin which will eventually cause problems in the long run to your kidneys and heart.
Please post your response weekly.
20th October 2005, 09:30 PM
Joe De Livera
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Posts: 190
Arnica 30c and Cinnamon may control your Diabetes
I discovered that Arnica 30 can help to control Diabetes accidentally early this year. I must mention here that it has not so far been recorded in the classical Homeopathic Repertories and MM's as being a remedy that can help Diabetes but I have sufficient evidence after many trials have been conducted by Homeopaths in India where my own findings have been replicated by them to believe that Arnica can help in the control of Diabetes.
You may like to read about the background to my discovery which I shall copy below from another communication that I made to another patient:
"Arnica 30 reduced the Blood Sugar of a chronic Type II Diabetic patient whom I was treating for a non healing wound on his toe. Shortly after taking the Arnica on the second day he reported that his BS had suddenly dropped dramatically in a manner that had never happened before and which he could not account for. He was a retired MD and stopped using the Arnica forthwith as he just could not understand how his BS had dropped with only 2 tiny globules taken twice daily for only 2 days. I then gave it to 2 other patients and they both are using Arnica 30 daily together with 1/4 teaspoonful of Cinnamon powder taken in 2 doses and they have been able to stop using the Metformin which they had been using for years and are on these 2 medicines today to control their BS."
The method that I recommend to use Arnica 30c for Diabetes is as follows:
Get a 500ml bottle of spring water from your supermarket.
Pour out 100ml
Put in 3 globules or 1 drop if you have the liquid remedy.
Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottls of soda.
Sip a teaspoonful as recommended above twice daily.
Cinnamon powder also helps in the control of Diabetes and the recommended dose is 1/4 teaspoonful taken twice daily as a tea or in food.
Please note that it is essential that your Blood Sugar levels are monitored on a daily basis if you decide to use this Arnica/Cinnamon therapy. You can reduce the Metformin tablet by half or less as the 2 homeopathic remedies may cause your BS levels to plummet like in the case of the MD as he was using the usual dose of Insulin with the Arnica. He decided to terminate the use of Homeopathic remedies as he had no faith in Homeopathy which he was only taking at the request of his wife. He passed away a few weeks ago of a heart attack."
You may like to know that 2 patients have been able to stop all dependence on Metformin and are only using the Arnica/Cinnamon therapy.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Arnica will not help with weight loss at all. I have used it for many ailments which are not listed in the current texts and have discovered that it is indeed an amazing remedy which does not fail to surprise me with the many ailments that it has helped. If you are interested to learn more about my experience with this remedy you can do a search under Arnica or under my name and read "Arnica the Miracle Remedy".
You have mentioned that you have some information about weight loss and Serotonin. I would appreciate it if you can please give me the link to this article.
Nat Phos 6x (biochemic) is the only remedy that can help with weight loss and the dosage is 2 tablets after lunch and dinner. It seems to accelerrate the passage of food in the gut and thereby prevent the nutrients, especially the fat from being absorbed into the blood stream. It is absolutely safe to be used on a daily basis.
You have mentioned that you have some information about weight loss and Serotonin. I would appreciate it if you can please give me the link to this article.
Nat Phos 6x (biochemic) is the only remedy that can help with weight loss and the dosage is 2 tablets after lunch and dinner. It seems to accelerrate the passage of food in the gut and thereby prevent the nutrients, especially the fat from being absorbed into the blood stream. It is absolutely safe to be used on a daily basis.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,
I do not have a specific article in mind but if you Google on Serotonin you will find it interesting.
In essence, its a neurotrasnmitter involved in the satiety and a feeling of fullness in the hypothalamus.
Personally, i get very hungry in the evenings after 10pm and even onwards during the night (no matter what i have for dinner) this of course keeps me reved up and i do not sleep well or fall sleep easily. I was told that i needed to increase my serotonin levels in the brain - makes sense...
I will try arnica 30c liquid form is that right, i am not sure how to take it Joe, the simpler the better of course
thanks, vikki
I do not have a specific article in mind but if you Google on Serotonin you will find it interesting.
In essence, its a neurotrasnmitter involved in the satiety and a feeling of fullness in the hypothalamus.
Personally, i get very hungry in the evenings after 10pm and even onwards during the night (no matter what i have for dinner) this of course keeps me reved up and i do not sleep well or fall sleep easily. I was told that i needed to increase my serotonin levels in the brain - makes sense...
I will try arnica 30c liquid form is that right, i am not sure how to take it Joe, the simpler the better of course
thanks, vikki
vikki last decade
To:Joe De Livera - You say you would 'prefer' I stop taking Chelodinium and Cholesterinum. These were prescriubed by my homeopath for high cholesterol which runs in my family even if we only live on bread and water.
Please advise.Many thanks Ahmed
Please advise.Many thanks Ahmed
ahmedbayat last decade
I have no objection to your taking Cholesterinum and Chelidonium but the chances are that the Arnica will not help your Diabetes. It just depends on what you consider more important..... your Diabetes or your Cholesterol.
I have found that Arnica also helps with reducing Blood Pressure as it is known to promote circulation in the blood vessels. I am a living example with BP 120/80 with pulse 65 at age 76. Cholesterol and Triglycerides are within normal levels.
I have taken Arnica for the last 10 years nightly and have proved that when I deliberately stopped it for 3 weeks that my BP was raised by 15mm on Systolic and 10mm on Diastolic.
I would suggest that you use the Arnica for 2 weeks and see how your Diabetes responds. If it does not do so you can revert back to your present therapy for your Cholesterol.
I have found that Arnica also helps with reducing Blood Pressure as it is known to promote circulation in the blood vessels. I am a living example with BP 120/80 with pulse 65 at age 76. Cholesterol and Triglycerides are within normal levels.
I have taken Arnica for the last 10 years nightly and have proved that when I deliberately stopped it for 3 weeks that my BP was raised by 15mm on Systolic and 10mm on Diastolic.
I would suggest that you use the Arnica for 2 weeks and see how your Diabetes responds. If it does not do so you can revert back to your present therapy for your Cholesterol.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
A point that I failed to mention about your Diabetes in my post above is that you must not stop the drugs that you are using for it today.
You should notice if you take the Arnica that your BS may drop drastically as has happened in many cases. It is important to check your BS level daily and adjust your drugs to keep your BS at acceptable levels. Cinnamon is also known to help reduce your BS level and the dosage is 1/4 teaspoonful taken twice daily as a tea or in food.
You should notice if you take the Arnica that your BS may drop drastically as has happened in many cases. It is important to check your BS level daily and adjust your drugs to keep your BS at acceptable levels. Cinnamon is also known to help reduce your BS level and the dosage is 1/4 teaspoonful taken twice daily as a tea or in food.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
ajmart last decade
Many thanks again Joe.Actually both Diabetes and high Cholesterol are serious problems for me but will give Diabetes priority and stop the 2 Cs. Just to reconfirm 1 drop Arnica 30c in 400ml Mineral Water 1 tsp twice a day.Correct.Your advice very much appreciated.God bless you.Ahmed
ahmedbayat last decade
You should use Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dose thrice daily for 2 weeks and reduce dose to twice daily thereafter.
Get a Digital BP wrist type gauge and maintain a daily record of your BP.
Exercise is essential and maintain a close control of your food and eliminate food that can cause BP. Also lower salt intake.
Get a Digital BP wrist type gauge and maintain a daily record of your BP.
Exercise is essential and maintain a close control of your food and eliminate food that can cause BP. Also lower salt intake.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Glad you started with Diabetes as the result should be visible in 2 days if the Arnica is your remedy. You must maintain your current treatment with drugs and add the Arnica 30c in the manner that you have confirmed. The daily BS test is necessary to reduce the drugs with the Arnica and Cinnamon which usually bring down the BS levels and you may find, as many have discovered, that the Arnica Cinnamon combo can substitute for the drugs. This of course depends on the depth of your problem and this is the reason for constant monitoring of BS levels.
The water should not be the Mineral type which bubbles like soda. It should be standard Spring water you get in supermarkets and it would be worth reading the fine print to check if it is tapped from underground springs where the water is usually pure.
Remember to succuss the remedy before each dose.
Exercise is essential and eliminate food that is contraindicated for both your Diabetes and high Cholesterol
Report response often.
The water should not be the Mineral type which bubbles like soda. It should be standard Spring water you get in supermarkets and it would be worth reading the fine print to check if it is tapped from underground springs where the water is usually pure.
Remember to succuss the remedy before each dose.
Exercise is essential and eliminate food that is contraindicated for both your Diabetes and high Cholesterol
Report response often.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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