The ABC Homeopathy Forum
difference between biochemic and homoeopathic
can anyone plz explanin to me the difference between the 12 salts that are available in the biochemic form and the same 12 salts available in the homeopathic form.. what is the difference between the 3c potency and the 6x potency comparitively as the dilution level in both the cases is same. somehow i fail to understand the difference between them.yogeshnagpal on 2005-11-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Biochemic are low potency that have MATERIAL content of the original substance.
Prof Kent said that while Dr Schussler had developed them there was no reason for homeopaths to use only the low potencies.
So while homeopaths do NOT limit themselves to the low potencies -- they consider that BOTH low and high are to be used as appropriate .
X dilution is by 10
6x equals 60 dilutions.
C dilution is by 100
3c equals 300 dilutions.
Prof Kent said that while Dr Schussler had developed them there was no reason for homeopaths to use only the low potencies.
So while homeopaths do NOT limit themselves to the low potencies -- they consider that BOTH low and high are to be used as appropriate .
X dilution is by 10
6x equals 60 dilutions.
C dilution is by 100
3c equals 300 dilutions.
walkin last decade
I understand that x is dilution by 10 and c is dilution by 100. but since the 12 salts are available in alcohol based homeopathic medicenes do they work on the law of similars or on the basis of supplying the body with the deficient salts. Since the homeopathic medicenes contain the signature of the original substance, i would like to know the exact way of working of the salts in homeopathic form and salts in biochemic form. I would be thankful to anyone who could help me out with the difference.
yogeshnagpal last decade
Also i have read somewhere that 6x equals 3c. I am unable to understand this relation. Kindly help me out regarding the difficulty.
yogeshnagpal last decade
tissue salts work purely on the physical level, the cellular level, as I understand.
Homeopathic potencies work on all levels, altho the lower potencies are often said to treat the physical level only I have found otherwise, depending on the remedy.
I am sure others may disagree with or add to this information. Other homeopaths with experience of the x potencies could explain better than I what happens (theoretically) with the higher x potencies.
from a dilution point of view (mathematically) it is possible that 6x equals 3c (I have never worked this out, so am guessing at this info given here) - from a treatment point of view they may be similar, as said above if it presumed that the lower c potencies mostly treat the physical level. But, even so, the lower x potencies are said to be more bioavailable at cellular level than the c dilutions.
Obviously the x potencies are less diluted.
Are the x potencies used for tissue salts/biochemic salts succussed as well as diluted???? could someone answer me this?
Homeopathic potencies work on all levels, altho the lower potencies are often said to treat the physical level only I have found otherwise, depending on the remedy.
I am sure others may disagree with or add to this information. Other homeopaths with experience of the x potencies could explain better than I what happens (theoretically) with the higher x potencies.
from a dilution point of view (mathematically) it is possible that 6x equals 3c (I have never worked this out, so am guessing at this info given here) - from a treatment point of view they may be similar, as said above if it presumed that the lower c potencies mostly treat the physical level. But, even so, the lower x potencies are said to be more bioavailable at cellular level than the c dilutions.
Obviously the x potencies are less diluted.
Are the x potencies used for tissue salts/biochemic salts succussed as well as diluted???? could someone answer me this?
erika last decade
I could not get you.What u said that low potencies acts on physical level,u are absolutely right but your last paragraph i could not understand what you want to say.Please explain again it is interesting.Waiting for your reply.
I could not get you.What u said that low potencies acts on physical level,u are absolutely right but your last paragraph i could not understand what you want to say.Please explain again it is interesting.Waiting for your reply.
sajjadakram635 last decade
what i have read that as the potency goes on increasing, the molecular concentration goes on decreasing which is obvious. The literature also says that the higher potencies contain ions of the original substance which act deeply as higher potencies are usually meant for chronic problems as they penetrate deeply into the economy.
yogeshnagpal last decade
sajjadakram635 last decade
Greetings to all member
I reckon I am the junior-most member in this discussion group. By way of introduction, I am a medical doctor practising both orthodox and complementary medicine in Malaysia in a small village where I do research in organic farming, in my spare time.
walkin on 2005-11-12 wrote:
( Prof Kent said that while Dr Schussler had developed them there was no reason for homeopaths to use only the low potencies.)
In March ,1873, Dr. Schussler of Oldenburg, Germany, enunciated
his new system of using " The Twelve Tissue Salts ", bringing physio-chemical and physio-pathological facts to bear on
his therapuetic procedure. According to Dr. Schussler, disease is a result of a
disturbance of the molecular motion of one of the 12 inorganic tissue salts. Rest- oration of health by supplying a minimal dose of the same inorganic salt to rectify the molecular configuration of the affected cell or tissue salt,constitutes a cure. Virchow defines disease as an altered state of the cell. Potassium Chloride [Kali Muriaticum],
is one of the 12 tissue salts of Schussler.The pure chloride is prepared by trituration
according to homeopathic pharmaceutical rules. A proving of the 6x dynamization
is reported in the Homeopathic Recorder,1900. The 6x trituration caused a bad sore throat,pain on swallowing even water,tonsils inflammed,throat filled with tough , stringy mucus,ankle joints puffy. The prover was perfectly well until he commenced to take the Kali Muriaticum [ Potassium Chloride ].
The Micromagnetic mode of Transmission by Homeopathic Dynamization
" In all matters, two neigbouring atoms form a magnetic dipole. If all dipoles in a material are aligned in the same direction, we have a perfect magnet. " Every magnet sends out a magnetic field and if we bring a non-magnetic iron bar in this field, it will be magnetised "..." These same energies are used in homeopathic therapeutics with the only difference that instead of rubbing two objects, we rub and triturate ( or succuss liquids ) powdered drug materials. We, therefore, produce electric fields around every particle of the powdered drug and the more we triturate, the stronger the electric fields we produce, and the more potentised becomes the triturated material.....the particles of Sac.Lac. are brought into the sphere of the numberless electric fields of the drug particles, they become magnetised, the carriers of medicinal energy - the micromagnetic mode of transmission of power from one potency to another.... potentised remedy radiates energy in the form of hertzian waves. Trituration and Succussion create emission of alphs, beta and gamma rays. Alpha rays correspond to very low,and the gamma rays to very high potencies. It is a fact that the gamma rays are much more penetrating and this explains why high potencies are effective in the treatment of chronic, inverterate and deep-seated diseases. " - Dr. T.K. Bellokossy M.D.
Nobel Laureate Albert Szent Gyorgyi, M.D., wrote in 1985, "Whether an electron behaves as charge, or as magnet, depends on its state of motion. When it moves, it's a charge. But if it stops, it becomes a magnet. So an electron has this queer quality that it can change from electric charge to magnetic which transfers its energy to drive cells. This quality of elementary particles is one we can't understand, yet this transformation is a transformation of life and civilization.
How does the therapeutic action of a homeopathic remedy differ from the tissue salt ? A typical example Phytolacca decandra, after evaporation and incineration retains 8.4% of the inorganic 6.8 % soluble consisting of mostly Potassium salts 1.6% insoluble consisting of Calcium and Silica. Symptomatically, more will correspond to the Potash salts and fewer to the calcium, iron and silica. This explains why there are different sets of symptoms under one homeopathic drug , apparently mutually antagonistic, because each cell salt contained in the plant extract interacts differently. However, cell salts derived from plants may differ from cell salts from the mineral kingdom. Schussler admitted that " disturbed molecular motion of inorganic cell salts showing itself as disease is rectified by Biochemistry DIRECTLY by adminstration of HOMOGENEOUS substances ( cell salts ) ,whereas it is rectified by homeopathy INDIRECTLY by the adminstration of HETEROGENEOUS substances" [ e.g. the many phytoproducts in plants ] .
Restoring the cell to health requires a minimal dose of the same cell salt[s]. In health, the cell salts are in solution and may be in the third, fourth and fifth decimal dilution. The biochemic remedy must be sufficiently diluted,that is at a higher trituration or potentisation for absorption to avoid damaging the cellular functions. When the non-functioning cell or altered cell regains its intergrity by recovering the molecular loss of the cell salt, it will resume its normal functions such as absorption and excretion of waste products with renewed vtality. The remedy does not replace the lack or deficiency of the cell salt because the quantity given is infinitesimal. . The healing effect is emphasized on the quality and not the quantity of the tissue salts.
Living organisms do all their work in a molecular terrain, at the cellular level .Energy Repair People that we are, in reality, are Mother Nature's universal energy transformers in tune with Schumann's Resonances in the environment, each vibrating sympathetically through his or her own genotrophic mechanism of bioradiation of cell-salts ( Life Force), to restore Homeostasis or Energy Balance.
The new molecules and cells are electromagnetically rebuilt with precise geometric orientation by electronic insertion at the specific disrupted links [ Tissue memory in Morphogenetic Field ( L - Field) ] generated by the Spherical Standing Wave of the Universe].
Stefanatos ( 1997,228 ) tells us that the " electromagnetic fields (EMF)emanating from bacteria,viruses and toxic substances affect cells of the body and weaken its constitution." So the vital force is identified quite explicitly with electromagnetic fields and said to be the cause of disease. But somehow the life energies of the body are balanced by bioenergetic therapies. " No antibiotic or drug, no matter how powerful, will save an animal or human if the vital force of healing is suppressed or lacking ." ( Stefanatos 1997, 229 ) So health or sickness is determined by who wins the battle between good and bad electromagnetic waves in the body.
This posting is based in my webpage on " Cell-Salts "-NO commercial interest please. We are here to learn and to share. I hope the write-up helps.I will email the URL to you on request.
With regards
I reckon I am the junior-most member in this discussion group. By way of introduction, I am a medical doctor practising both orthodox and complementary medicine in Malaysia in a small village where I do research in organic farming, in my spare time.
walkin on 2005-11-12 wrote:
( Prof Kent said that while Dr Schussler had developed them there was no reason for homeopaths to use only the low potencies.)
In March ,1873, Dr. Schussler of Oldenburg, Germany, enunciated
his new system of using " The Twelve Tissue Salts ", bringing physio-chemical and physio-pathological facts to bear on
his therapuetic procedure. According to Dr. Schussler, disease is a result of a
disturbance of the molecular motion of one of the 12 inorganic tissue salts. Rest- oration of health by supplying a minimal dose of the same inorganic salt to rectify the molecular configuration of the affected cell or tissue salt,constitutes a cure. Virchow defines disease as an altered state of the cell. Potassium Chloride [Kali Muriaticum],
is one of the 12 tissue salts of Schussler.The pure chloride is prepared by trituration
according to homeopathic pharmaceutical rules. A proving of the 6x dynamization
is reported in the Homeopathic Recorder,1900. The 6x trituration caused a bad sore throat,pain on swallowing even water,tonsils inflammed,throat filled with tough , stringy mucus,ankle joints puffy. The prover was perfectly well until he commenced to take the Kali Muriaticum [ Potassium Chloride ].
The Micromagnetic mode of Transmission by Homeopathic Dynamization
" In all matters, two neigbouring atoms form a magnetic dipole. If all dipoles in a material are aligned in the same direction, we have a perfect magnet. " Every magnet sends out a magnetic field and if we bring a non-magnetic iron bar in this field, it will be magnetised "..." These same energies are used in homeopathic therapeutics with the only difference that instead of rubbing two objects, we rub and triturate ( or succuss liquids ) powdered drug materials. We, therefore, produce electric fields around every particle of the powdered drug and the more we triturate, the stronger the electric fields we produce, and the more potentised becomes the triturated material.....the particles of Sac.Lac. are brought into the sphere of the numberless electric fields of the drug particles, they become magnetised, the carriers of medicinal energy - the micromagnetic mode of transmission of power from one potency to another.... potentised remedy radiates energy in the form of hertzian waves. Trituration and Succussion create emission of alphs, beta and gamma rays. Alpha rays correspond to very low,and the gamma rays to very high potencies. It is a fact that the gamma rays are much more penetrating and this explains why high potencies are effective in the treatment of chronic, inverterate and deep-seated diseases. " - Dr. T.K. Bellokossy M.D.
Nobel Laureate Albert Szent Gyorgyi, M.D., wrote in 1985, "Whether an electron behaves as charge, or as magnet, depends on its state of motion. When it moves, it's a charge. But if it stops, it becomes a magnet. So an electron has this queer quality that it can change from electric charge to magnetic which transfers its energy to drive cells. This quality of elementary particles is one we can't understand, yet this transformation is a transformation of life and civilization.
How does the therapeutic action of a homeopathic remedy differ from the tissue salt ? A typical example Phytolacca decandra, after evaporation and incineration retains 8.4% of the inorganic 6.8 % soluble consisting of mostly Potassium salts 1.6% insoluble consisting of Calcium and Silica. Symptomatically, more will correspond to the Potash salts and fewer to the calcium, iron and silica. This explains why there are different sets of symptoms under one homeopathic drug , apparently mutually antagonistic, because each cell salt contained in the plant extract interacts differently. However, cell salts derived from plants may differ from cell salts from the mineral kingdom. Schussler admitted that " disturbed molecular motion of inorganic cell salts showing itself as disease is rectified by Biochemistry DIRECTLY by adminstration of HOMOGENEOUS substances ( cell salts ) ,whereas it is rectified by homeopathy INDIRECTLY by the adminstration of HETEROGENEOUS substances" [ e.g. the many phytoproducts in plants ] .
Restoring the cell to health requires a minimal dose of the same cell salt[s]. In health, the cell salts are in solution and may be in the third, fourth and fifth decimal dilution. The biochemic remedy must be sufficiently diluted,that is at a higher trituration or potentisation for absorption to avoid damaging the cellular functions. When the non-functioning cell or altered cell regains its intergrity by recovering the molecular loss of the cell salt, it will resume its normal functions such as absorption and excretion of waste products with renewed vtality. The remedy does not replace the lack or deficiency of the cell salt because the quantity given is infinitesimal. . The healing effect is emphasized on the quality and not the quantity of the tissue salts.
Living organisms do all their work in a molecular terrain, at the cellular level .Energy Repair People that we are, in reality, are Mother Nature's universal energy transformers in tune with Schumann's Resonances in the environment, each vibrating sympathetically through his or her own genotrophic mechanism of bioradiation of cell-salts ( Life Force), to restore Homeostasis or Energy Balance.
The new molecules and cells are electromagnetically rebuilt with precise geometric orientation by electronic insertion at the specific disrupted links [ Tissue memory in Morphogenetic Field ( L - Field) ] generated by the Spherical Standing Wave of the Universe].
Stefanatos ( 1997,228 ) tells us that the " electromagnetic fields (EMF)emanating from bacteria,viruses and toxic substances affect cells of the body and weaken its constitution." So the vital force is identified quite explicitly with electromagnetic fields and said to be the cause of disease. But somehow the life energies of the body are balanced by bioenergetic therapies. " No antibiotic or drug, no matter how powerful, will save an animal or human if the vital force of healing is suppressed or lacking ." ( Stefanatos 1997, 229 ) So health or sickness is determined by who wins the battle between good and bad electromagnetic waves in the body.
This posting is based in my webpage on " Cell-Salts "-NO commercial interest please. We are here to learn and to share. I hope the write-up helps.I will email the URL to you on request.
With regards
homeopathy last decade
According to your article dr lew what i am able 2 understand that even biochemic salts can be harmful. I do not know whether i am right. Im talking about the biochemic potencies which are diluted using lactase and are commercially available in 1x, 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x, 60x, 200x manufactured by companies such as SBL, Schwabe, Reckeweg. Can you throw some more light on the fact whether biochemic medicenes are as harmful as homeopathic medicenes which are diluted using alcohol.
yogeshnagpal last decade
yogeshnagpal last decade
yogeshnagpal wrote:
< that even biochemic salts can be harmful. >
In KENT 's Lectures ( Homeopathy ) he talks about Silica:
"Silica, therefore, hastens the formation of abscesses and boils. It suppurates out old wens and indurated tumors. It had cured recurrent fibroids and old indurated tumors.
If there is a deposit of tubercle (tuberculosis in tumor form in the
lungs) Silica establishes an inflammation and throws it out, and if
the whole lung be tubercular a general suppurative pneumonia will be
the result; hence, the danger of giving such remedies and the danger
of repeating them in advanced stage of phthisis (tuberculosis). Not
only Silica, but many other remedies have the power to suppurate out
deposits, the result of poor nutrition."
What mainstream medicine considered as healed on the radiological evidence of calcification of the TB tubercles in the lung fields, seen as opacities is but an evasive and protective mechanism evolved by the Tubercular Bacilli to escape chemical destruction and immune surveillence. The normally innocuous bacteria undergo a 'phase-shift' that switches on both antibiotic resistance and an enhanced ability to form biofilms .
The criterion of recovery from TB is bacteriological and not radiological. It has been observed that Cell Salts can cause morphological alterations in microbial colonies. Potentised quartz [ silica ] causes a flaring up of old calcified TB lesions in the lungs, in the process of extrusion of the " foreign or non-self bio-product - the Biofilm ". This phenomenon has been observed by astute holistic researchers. In Biological Prof Kervran showed that the assimilated calcium is not utilised by the body as such but is converted to magnesium which is stored in the body.This calcium-transmutated Magnesium is reverted back to calcium to meet the body's demands as needed. In his classical experiment, Prof Kervran [ University of Paris ] demonstrated the Biological Transmutation of Quartz [Mica containing Potassium ]] to Calcium present in the egg-shell with different chicken-feeds.The transmutated calcium from Potassium in the Silica feed , is the biological calcium which has its specific vibratory signature. The dynamised silica unmasks the non-biological calcium coating of microbes by causing vibratory chaos extracellularly and intracellularly,thus exposing the pathological microbes to the immune system. A flaring-up of the so-called healed calcified TB lesion is instituted by immune cells as a homeostatic response to rid the body of foreign matter. This is part of the rationale of flaring-up and extrusion of calcified TB lesions and other foreign bodies in the human body observed by earlier homeopaths and other holistic researchers.. As a matter of fact, potentised silica has antibiotic and extruding properties. I have resorted to homeopathized Silica which is one of the essential tissue salts of Schuessler, for management of chronically discharging infected lesions and indurated growths.
Silica is termed the surgeon of the body. Reducing Silica to a powdered form, under the microscope it takes the shape of arrow heads! In cases where it is necesssary that decaying organic matter be discharged from any part of the body this substance is necessary as it cuts the passageway and in many cases performs natural surgical operations in the human body as in extrusion of long forgotten embedded tiny pieces of glass or splinters. When supplied to the body in sufficient quantity, it becomes the apron that covers the deficiency around the loins.
We are dealing with Bioelectromagnetism in Honeopathy. When an incorrect potentised homeopathic is taken, its vibratory signature creates
vibrational chaos, extra-intra/ extra-cellulartly. This leads to a breakage of the ambient electromagnetic field enclosing the body ( auric or L Field ). When dis-resonant pathogical energies are absorbed, cracks and holes can be observed in the auric field, which are likened to mental cochroaches and phycical parasites. Dis-Ease is due to an unbalanced body electromagnetically.
With regards
< that even biochemic salts can be harmful. >
In KENT 's Lectures ( Homeopathy ) he talks about Silica:
"Silica, therefore, hastens the formation of abscesses and boils. It suppurates out old wens and indurated tumors. It had cured recurrent fibroids and old indurated tumors.
If there is a deposit of tubercle (tuberculosis in tumor form in the
lungs) Silica establishes an inflammation and throws it out, and if
the whole lung be tubercular a general suppurative pneumonia will be
the result; hence, the danger of giving such remedies and the danger
of repeating them in advanced stage of phthisis (tuberculosis). Not
only Silica, but many other remedies have the power to suppurate out
deposits, the result of poor nutrition."
What mainstream medicine considered as healed on the radiological evidence of calcification of the TB tubercles in the lung fields, seen as opacities is but an evasive and protective mechanism evolved by the Tubercular Bacilli to escape chemical destruction and immune surveillence. The normally innocuous bacteria undergo a 'phase-shift' that switches on both antibiotic resistance and an enhanced ability to form biofilms .
The criterion of recovery from TB is bacteriological and not radiological. It has been observed that Cell Salts can cause morphological alterations in microbial colonies. Potentised quartz [ silica ] causes a flaring up of old calcified TB lesions in the lungs, in the process of extrusion of the " foreign or non-self bio-product - the Biofilm ". This phenomenon has been observed by astute holistic researchers. In Biological Prof Kervran showed that the assimilated calcium is not utilised by the body as such but is converted to magnesium which is stored in the body.This calcium-transmutated Magnesium is reverted back to calcium to meet the body's demands as needed. In his classical experiment, Prof Kervran [ University of Paris ] demonstrated the Biological Transmutation of Quartz [Mica containing Potassium ]] to Calcium present in the egg-shell with different chicken-feeds.The transmutated calcium from Potassium in the Silica feed , is the biological calcium which has its specific vibratory signature. The dynamised silica unmasks the non-biological calcium coating of microbes by causing vibratory chaos extracellularly and intracellularly,thus exposing the pathological microbes to the immune system. A flaring-up of the so-called healed calcified TB lesion is instituted by immune cells as a homeostatic response to rid the body of foreign matter. This is part of the rationale of flaring-up and extrusion of calcified TB lesions and other foreign bodies in the human body observed by earlier homeopaths and other holistic researchers.. As a matter of fact, potentised silica has antibiotic and extruding properties. I have resorted to homeopathized Silica which is one of the essential tissue salts of Schuessler, for management of chronically discharging infected lesions and indurated growths.
Silica is termed the surgeon of the body. Reducing Silica to a powdered form, under the microscope it takes the shape of arrow heads! In cases where it is necesssary that decaying organic matter be discharged from any part of the body this substance is necessary as it cuts the passageway and in many cases performs natural surgical operations in the human body as in extrusion of long forgotten embedded tiny pieces of glass or splinters. When supplied to the body in sufficient quantity, it becomes the apron that covers the deficiency around the loins.
We are dealing with Bioelectromagnetism in Honeopathy. When an incorrect potentised homeopathic is taken, its vibratory signature creates
vibrational chaos, extra-intra/ extra-cellulartly. This leads to a breakage of the ambient electromagnetic field enclosing the body ( auric or L Field ). When dis-resonant pathogical energies are absorbed, cracks and holes can be observed in the auric field, which are likened to mental cochroaches and phycical parasites. Dis-Ease is due to an unbalanced body electromagnetically.
With regards
homeopathy last decade
In my post titled self prescription with biochemic salts, astra had quoted the following
"biochemic salts are totally safe for self-prescribing!
(just stick to the dosing from label). Enjoy!
As to homeopathics- well, they might cause problems if prescribed wrongly BUT - as everything in hom.-it is very individualized!depends mostly on the dosage and pt sensitivity- even the right remedy may be overdosed!"
to overdose biochemic salts you would have to take several containers!
I know of a 10-year old kid who takes all 12 salts-4 tablets 3xday) for a year now (his mother treats them as a supplement).they are water soluble anyway-you would leave excess in the bathroom."
The link to the posts is given here
I would like to know that do the above statements hold any good as your replies are contradicting what astra had said.
"biochemic salts are totally safe for self-prescribing!
(just stick to the dosing from label). Enjoy!
As to homeopathics- well, they might cause problems if prescribed wrongly BUT - as everything in hom.-it is very individualized!depends mostly on the dosage and pt sensitivity- even the right remedy may be overdosed!"
to overdose biochemic salts you would have to take several containers!
I know of a 10-year old kid who takes all 12 salts-4 tablets 3xday) for a year now (his mother treats them as a supplement).they are water soluble anyway-you would leave excess in the bathroom."
The link to the posts is given here
I would like to know that do the above statements hold any good as your replies are contradicting what astra had said.
yogeshnagpal last decade
yogeshnagpal commented ( 20.11.05 ):
"biochemic salts are totally safe for self-prescribing!
(just stick to the dosing from label). Enjoy!
In Bioresonance, I have read of a phenomenon called bioresonant detoxification.
Stefanatos ( 1997,228 ) tells us that the " electromagnetic fields (EMF)emanating from bacteria,viruses and toxic substances affect cells of the body and weaken its constitution." So the vital force is identified quite explicitly with electromagnetic fields and said to be the cause of disease. But somehow the life energies of the body are balanced by bioenergetic therapies. " No antibiotic or drug, no matter how powerful, will save an animal or human if the vital force of healing is suppressed or lacking ." ( Stefanatos 1997, 229 ) So health or sickness is determined by who wins the battle between good and bad electromagnetic waves in the body.
As long as the body is the electromagnetic winner, it is balanced without any Dis-Ease.
What if there is a pathologic al focus in the body. The body may not be able to filter out these noxious oscillations. and what will result when dynamised preparations are randomly consumed.Please do not forget what is potentised Silica - it is the surgeon of the body.
With regards
"biochemic salts are totally safe for self-prescribing!
(just stick to the dosing from label). Enjoy!
In Bioresonance, I have read of a phenomenon called bioresonant detoxification.
Stefanatos ( 1997,228 ) tells us that the " electromagnetic fields (EMF)emanating from bacteria,viruses and toxic substances affect cells of the body and weaken its constitution." So the vital force is identified quite explicitly with electromagnetic fields and said to be the cause of disease. But somehow the life energies of the body are balanced by bioenergetic therapies. " No antibiotic or drug, no matter how powerful, will save an animal or human if the vital force of healing is suppressed or lacking ." ( Stefanatos 1997, 229 ) So health or sickness is determined by who wins the battle between good and bad electromagnetic waves in the body.
As long as the body is the electromagnetic winner, it is balanced without any Dis-Ease.
What if there is a pathologic al focus in the body. The body may not be able to filter out these noxious oscillations. and what will result when dynamised preparations are randomly consumed.Please do not forget what is potentised Silica - it is the surgeon of the body.
With regards
homeopathy last decade
But im not getting the answer for my question in the above theory.
What my question now is do the biochemic salts cause any contraindications like the homeopathic counterparts. All other homoeopaths please comment on the theories above.
What my question now is do the biochemic salts cause any contraindications like the homeopathic counterparts. All other homoeopaths please comment on the theories above.
yogeshnagpal last decade
Let me put it this way. Consideration of constitution is a very important factor in the selection of homeopathic remedy.
While selecting the BIOCHEMIC TISSUE SALTS, the constitution is not considered at all and only the symptoms are considered and based on the symptoms, the salts are prescribed.
What is the difference between a homeopathic remedy in 6x potency and a biochemic 6x.
What i understand is that if the homoeopathic remedy is wrongly selected it may create some sort of damage. If the biochemic tissue salt is wrongly selected, DOES IT CAUSE ANY DAMAGE?????
While selecting the BIOCHEMIC TISSUE SALTS, the constitution is not considered at all and only the symptoms are considered and based on the symptoms, the salts are prescribed.
What is the difference between a homeopathic remedy in 6x potency and a biochemic 6x.
What i understand is that if the homoeopathic remedy is wrongly selected it may create some sort of damage. If the biochemic tissue salt is wrongly selected, DOES IT CAUSE ANY DAMAGE?????
yogeshnagpal last decade
Yogeshnagpal wanted to know:
" What is the difference between a homeopathic remedy in 6x potency and a biochemic 6x. "
I repeat
How does the therapeutic action of a homeopathic remedy differ from the tissue salt ? A typical example Phytolacca decandra, after evaporation and incineration retains 8.4% of the inorganic 6.8 % soluble consisting of mostly Potassium salts 1.6% insoluble consisting of Calcium and Silica. Symptomatically, more will correspond to the Potash salts and fewer to the calcium, iron and silica. This explains why there are different sets of symptoms under one homeopathic drug , apparently mutually antagonistic, because each cell salt contained in the plant extract interacts differently. However, cell salts derived from plants may differ from cell salts from the mineral kingdom. Schussler admitted that " disturbed molecular motion of inorganic cell salts showing itself as disease is rectified by Biochemistry DIRECTLY by adminstration of HOMOGENEOUS substances ( cell salts ) ,whereas it is rectified by homeopathy INDIRECTLY by the adminstration of HETEROGENEOUS substances" [ e.g. the many phytoproducts in plants ] .
"If the biochemic tissue salt is wrongly selected, DOES IT CAUSE ANY DAMAGE????? "
I repeat.
In KENT's Lectures ( Homeopathy ) he talks about Silica:
"Silica, therefore, hastens the formation of abscesses and boils. It suppurates out old wens and indurated tumors. It had cured recurrent fibroids and old indurated tumors.
If there is a deposit of tubercle (tuberculosis in tumor form in the
lungs) Silica establishes an inflammation and throws it out, and if
the whole lung be tubercular a general suppurative pneumonia will be
the result; hence, the danger of giving such remedies and the danger
of repeating them in advanced stage of phthisis (tuberculosis). Not
only Silica, but many other remedies have the power to suppurate out
deposits, the result of poor nutrition."
The answer is YES
Silica is a biochemic or cellsalt and is termed the surgeon of the body. When it is prescribed for symptoms with an undiagnosed pathology, for instance,a symptomless calcified tumour, there will be complications.According to Kent:
" If there is a deposit of tubercle (tuberculosis in tumor form in the lungs) Silica establishes an inflammation and throws it out, and if
the whole lung be tubercular a general suppurative pneumonia will be
the result; hence, the danger of giving such remedies and the danger
of repeating them in advanced stage of phthisis (tuberculosis). Not
only Silica, but many other remedies have the power to suppurate out
deposits, the result of poor nutrition."
With regards
" What is the difference between a homeopathic remedy in 6x potency and a biochemic 6x. "
I repeat
How does the therapeutic action of a homeopathic remedy differ from the tissue salt ? A typical example Phytolacca decandra, after evaporation and incineration retains 8.4% of the inorganic 6.8 % soluble consisting of mostly Potassium salts 1.6% insoluble consisting of Calcium and Silica. Symptomatically, more will correspond to the Potash salts and fewer to the calcium, iron and silica. This explains why there are different sets of symptoms under one homeopathic drug , apparently mutually antagonistic, because each cell salt contained in the plant extract interacts differently. However, cell salts derived from plants may differ from cell salts from the mineral kingdom. Schussler admitted that " disturbed molecular motion of inorganic cell salts showing itself as disease is rectified by Biochemistry DIRECTLY by adminstration of HOMOGENEOUS substances ( cell salts ) ,whereas it is rectified by homeopathy INDIRECTLY by the adminstration of HETEROGENEOUS substances" [ e.g. the many phytoproducts in plants ] .
"If the biochemic tissue salt is wrongly selected, DOES IT CAUSE ANY DAMAGE????? "
I repeat.
In KENT's Lectures ( Homeopathy ) he talks about Silica:
"Silica, therefore, hastens the formation of abscesses and boils. It suppurates out old wens and indurated tumors. It had cured recurrent fibroids and old indurated tumors.
If there is a deposit of tubercle (tuberculosis in tumor form in the
lungs) Silica establishes an inflammation and throws it out, and if
the whole lung be tubercular a general suppurative pneumonia will be
the result; hence, the danger of giving such remedies and the danger
of repeating them in advanced stage of phthisis (tuberculosis). Not
only Silica, but many other remedies have the power to suppurate out
deposits, the result of poor nutrition."
The answer is YES
Silica is a biochemic or cellsalt and is termed the surgeon of the body. When it is prescribed for symptoms with an undiagnosed pathology, for instance,a symptomless calcified tumour, there will be complications.According to Kent:
" If there is a deposit of tubercle (tuberculosis in tumor form in the lungs) Silica establishes an inflammation and throws it out, and if
the whole lung be tubercular a general suppurative pneumonia will be
the result; hence, the danger of giving such remedies and the danger
of repeating them in advanced stage of phthisis (tuberculosis). Not
only Silica, but many other remedies have the power to suppurate out
deposits, the result of poor nutrition."
With regards
homeopathy last decade
According to doctor lew, the wrongly selected BIOCHEMIC TISSUE SALT has side effects. While others on the forum say that there is no side effect of BIOCHEMIC TISSUE SALTS. I am completely confused. This is gonna be an amazing discussion.
yogeshnagpal last decade
yogeshnagpal last decade
the company New Era have information booklets on their tissue salts, this may help you understand them better.
erika last decade
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