The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Please can someone explain to me how succussing a homeopathic remedy actually increases its potency? I thought that the pills/liquid doses we use are a dilution of the original remedy anyway. So adding them in water to dilute them further should really decrease their potency.magicwand on 2005-11-12
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Homeopaths throughout the world have prescribed remedies for various ailments which are usually taken by the patient in the dry dose comprising golbules. In the recent past however there has been a gradual drift to taking remedies in what is known as the Water Dose or in the Split Dose.
In using these two method the remedy which is usually available in globules, is dropped into a 500ml bottle of Spring water and is succussed prior to sipping a teaspoonful which constitutes a dose.
In the case of the Split dose, the globules are dropped into the bottle and after succussing a teaspoonful is mixed into half a cup of water from which a teaspoonful is sipped by the patient.
One can be pardoned for questioning how, when a few globules (usually 3) are dropped into the water, the whole bottle is now the remedy. This is something that has to be accepted after using this technique as I can assure you that it works even better than the dry dose taken in globules.
I live in Sri Lanka and am not a qualified Homeopath but have studied it and have about 30 years experience in the use of Homeopathic remedies. I used the dry dose in globules exclusively till sometime early this year when Dr Luc de Schepper visited us to help the survivors of the Tusnami. It was when he introduced me to using the water dose that I discovered that it was far more effective to the dry dose that I had used during the past.
I now use remedies in water doses and have also been successful in persuading other homeopaths in Sri Lanka to also follow my example which they are doing here as they too have discovered that it is more effective and what is more, is also very cost effective as it is only necessary to give the patient just 3 globules mixed in a bottle of water which one can purchase from any supermarket as long as one is certain that the water originates from underground springs and is not bottled chlorinated tap water.
It is the succussion or hitting the bottle of water on your palm or cushion that makes the difference and this has to be done before every dose. It is the bubbles that raise the potency of the water slightly higher with every dose, thereby making it more effective than the dry dose.
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In using these two method the remedy which is usually available in globules, is dropped into a 500ml bottle of Spring water and is succussed prior to sipping a teaspoonful which constitutes a dose.
In the case of the Split dose, the globules are dropped into the bottle and after succussing a teaspoonful is mixed into half a cup of water from which a teaspoonful is sipped by the patient.
One can be pardoned for questioning how, when a few globules (usually 3) are dropped into the water, the whole bottle is now the remedy. This is something that has to be accepted after using this technique as I can assure you that it works even better than the dry dose taken in globules.
I live in Sri Lanka and am not a qualified Homeopath but have studied it and have about 30 years experience in the use of Homeopathic remedies. I used the dry dose in globules exclusively till sometime early this year when Dr Luc de Schepper visited us to help the survivors of the Tusnami. It was when he introduced me to using the water dose that I discovered that it was far more effective to the dry dose that I had used during the past.
I now use remedies in water doses and have also been successful in persuading other homeopaths in Sri Lanka to also follow my example which they are doing here as they too have discovered that it is more effective and what is more, is also very cost effective as it is only necessary to give the patient just 3 globules mixed in a bottle of water which one can purchase from any supermarket as long as one is certain that the water originates from underground springs and is not bottled chlorinated tap water.
It is the succussion or hitting the bottle of water on your palm or cushion that makes the difference and this has to be done before every dose. It is the bubbles that raise the potency of the water slightly higher with every dose, thereby making it more effective than the dry dose.
If you require furrther information you can visit:
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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