The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Food stuck inside gums
Hello Doctors.I was advised by a friend to use Silica and another remedy which i cannot recall to eject or dislodge foreign particles. My problem is that a few days back while eating, I felt something stuck between my front teeth(lower jaw). I brushed and went to sleep but next morning I felt it was still inside my gums.. I tried Oil pulling and swishing salt water to no avail. My gums have really swollen now and have also started to bleed when i brush with really really nasty smell. Please advice if silica or any other remedy can be used to eject this particle on its on.. How many times I have to use it in a day and what power (30. 200 etc) I will have to use it.. Also what can i use to ease the pain an remove the swelling.. Thanks
meernabeel on 2014-05-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Silicea 30, 5 globules twice a day --- 2 days
anindya384 last decade
meernabeel last decade
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