The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Coffea Cruda Dosage
Hi, I am 24 years old. I've difficulty in sleeping at night. I've different thoughts in my mind when I go to sleep not for any particular reason and although I feel sleepy I can't sleep and stay awake till the morning. This kind of problem never happened to me before. This is taking a big toll on my overall health and mood, I feel sleepy the whole day and can not concentrate on my work. I was searching for different homeopathy sleep remedies and came across Coffea Cruda which claims to have the reverse effect of taking caffeine and helps to sleep. But I was wondering should I take Coffea Cruda or Arnica6C?Which would be most compatible in my case and what dosage of Coffea Cruda is preferable ?
Should I take Coffea Cruda 200C or 30?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
[message edited by ssjit on Fri, 16 May 2014 10:43:53 BST]
[message edited by ssjit on Fri, 16 May 2014 10:52:39 BST]
ssjit on 2014-05-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There is no such thing as a homoeopathic sleep remedy.
Every one of our 10,000+ medicines can cure insomnia. Coffea is just one of them.
Coffea insomnia is one where the person is hyper-alert, wide awake, with thoughts going around in their head at a very rapid pace. There is a great deal of nervous agitation, restlessness, palpitations. Their senses are extremely acute, especially to noise or the slightest bit of light. They can hear the tiniest sound which wakes them or keeps them from falling asleep. Their mind is very active, they constantly replay memories in their head about the day, about the past, often they are joyful or happy memories. They are often full of creative ideas at night, when they should be sleeping, instead they are planning and developing things in their heads.
Arnica is a very different kind of insomnia. Arnica is a kind of insomnia that comes from getting too tired, for overexerting oneself in some way, most often physically. They are usually sleepless from a physical restlessness, where they feel the bed is too hard or is lumpy. They change position often, unable to get comfortable long enough to fall asleep. They are always moving from place to place in search of a softer spot. The body aches, or feels bruised, feels oversensitive and sore, almost a kind of flu-like feeling.
There are thousands of pictures like this, each one different from the other. Not only that, but the remedy would not be chosen only on the basis of the insomnia but a host of other characteristics (mental, emotional, appetite, thirst, dreams, sensitivities etc). If you have Coffea insomnia, then you should also have Coffea thoughts, Coffea emotions, Coffea food cravings, Coffea weather sensitivities and so on.
Every one of our 10,000+ medicines can cure insomnia. Coffea is just one of them.
Coffea insomnia is one where the person is hyper-alert, wide awake, with thoughts going around in their head at a very rapid pace. There is a great deal of nervous agitation, restlessness, palpitations. Their senses are extremely acute, especially to noise or the slightest bit of light. They can hear the tiniest sound which wakes them or keeps them from falling asleep. Their mind is very active, they constantly replay memories in their head about the day, about the past, often they are joyful or happy memories. They are often full of creative ideas at night, when they should be sleeping, instead they are planning and developing things in their heads.
Arnica is a very different kind of insomnia. Arnica is a kind of insomnia that comes from getting too tired, for overexerting oneself in some way, most often physically. They are usually sleepless from a physical restlessness, where they feel the bed is too hard or is lumpy. They change position often, unable to get comfortable long enough to fall asleep. They are always moving from place to place in search of a softer spot. The body aches, or feels bruised, feels oversensitive and sore, almost a kind of flu-like feeling.
There are thousands of pictures like this, each one different from the other. Not only that, but the remedy would not be chosen only on the basis of the insomnia but a host of other characteristics (mental, emotional, appetite, thirst, dreams, sensitivities etc). If you have Coffea insomnia, then you should also have Coffea thoughts, Coffea emotions, Coffea food cravings, Coffea weather sensitivities and so on.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Thank you for your time.
In my case I have a combination of symptoms. Like there are lots of thoughts going on in my head as well as some times I feel that my pillow is a bit hard or this is not a comfortable position to sleep so I change my position several times too. And I should also mention that I imagine different things too much while sleeping sometimes they do not even relate to the real world.
I do not usually dream in my sleep, and I've a good appetite and drink plenty of water. Sound and light do not usually wake me up when I sleep, unless they are very loud or very bright.
So I hope you can understand that I am a bit confused between these two remedies.
Will it be ok if I go for Coffea, as most of my symptoms are similar to it?
In my case I have a combination of symptoms. Like there are lots of thoughts going on in my head as well as some times I feel that my pillow is a bit hard or this is not a comfortable position to sleep so I change my position several times too. And I should also mention that I imagine different things too much while sleeping sometimes they do not even relate to the real world.
I do not usually dream in my sleep, and I've a good appetite and drink plenty of water. Sound and light do not usually wake me up when I sleep, unless they are very loud or very bright.
So I hope you can understand that I am a bit confused between these two remedies.
Will it be ok if I go for Coffea, as most of my symptoms are similar to it?
ssjit last decade
Without seeing a proper case I cannot support a particular prescription. You can present your case here if you like and I can analyse it, but I won't give dosage instructions for a remedy when I do not know why it is being prescribed.
Remember that homoeopathy can produce side effects, sometimes long lasting ones, so you want to be sure that the remedy is what you need.
Remember that homoeopathy can produce side effects, sometimes long lasting ones, so you want to be sure that the remedy is what you need.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Dear SS,
Instead of a remedy you could first try some herbs. Sometimes people just get into
bad habits and can undo the habit.
1. go to bed at the same time - have a ritual where you wind down, listen to some
relaxing music, have some warm milk, watch some you tube sleep videos or
something really boring. Then have your room totally dark and turn off electronics
in the room.
2. You can try a mix of equal parts, Valerian root, skullcap, hop and passionflower.
30 drops in warm water, half hour before bed. Then every two hours as needed.
This may be all you need to reset your sleep. It takes 2 to 3 weeks to form a new habit.
If this does not work, then you need to have your complete case taken by the
3. It would not hurt to go get a good massage and or get some good exercise in
during the day bc both these things will help too.
Instead of a remedy you could first try some herbs. Sometimes people just get into
bad habits and can undo the habit.
1. go to bed at the same time - have a ritual where you wind down, listen to some
relaxing music, have some warm milk, watch some you tube sleep videos or
something really boring. Then have your room totally dark and turn off electronics
in the room.
2. You can try a mix of equal parts, Valerian root, skullcap, hop and passionflower.
30 drops in warm water, half hour before bed. Then every two hours as needed.
This may be all you need to reset your sleep. It takes 2 to 3 weeks to form a new habit.
If this does not work, then you need to have your complete case taken by the
3. It would not hurt to go get a good massage and or get some good exercise in
during the day bc both these things will help too.
♡ simone717 last decade
To Evocationer,
Respected Sir, I completely appreciate your thinking and I'm going to describe my problem in details.
1.I'm having this problem from the last 8days now. When I go to sleep and close my eyes I have different thoughts I in my head like, what I am going to do tomorrow or the things I did yesterday or even things form the past or sometimes different unrealistic thoughts. I try to stop this but can't. I stay awake until morning and then sleep for only 2-3 hrs. As I try to sleep, after several hours my head gets heavy and I also have headaches sometimes. I sleep near about 5-6a.m in the morning and then wake up at 8a.m. After that I feel sleepy throughout the day. My last semester is just about to start and I can't even concentrate on my study. And if this prevails I'm sure to get bad marks.
2. To be very truthful I used to go to bed in the middle of the night around 3a.m after playing some computer games or watching movies and then woke up around 8 to 8.30am in the morning. Well this is my sleep routine for weekends. And on normal working day I used to go to bed around 2pm and woke up at 7.30am. But then I realized that maintaining a bad sleep schedule won't do any good and as my exam was in the corner I decide to change this habit 10 days back. At the very first day I went to bed on 12a.m. and did not have any problem sleeping. But form the second day the problem started.
3.Sometimes I feel too musch sleepy and even then when I close my eyes I can't sleep. I live in a tropical country and it's summer time here. I have itchy feeling in different parts of my body after staying in bed for 2hrs. with no sleep. But I think it's mainly due to the perspiration and humidity.
4. I don't usually have dreams in my sleep. And when I sleep it's usually very deep and noises don't affect me much, though day light sometimes causes disturbance.
5.I don't like people touching me while I'm asleep and I'm moderately sensitive to heat and precipitate too much during the summertime.
6.I have acne problems and chronic tonsillitis. Drinking cold drinks or ice cream thrice in a week causes cold and cough with serious throat pain. So I try to avoid cold drink most of the time.
The acne problem first started 6-7years back and tonsillitis problem is from my childhood. Although occurrence and frequency of these problems are less in on these days.
7. As far as my past records are concerned I've had Haam when I was 13. And the acne problem started after that and my complexion also became darker. I also have some breathing problems but this not very sever and it occurs very often like after walking a long distance or while running. But sometimes when I try to sleep I take deep breaths again and again.
8. I like chocolates too much but eat one to two in a week only. I don't not take tea or coffee. I don't smoke and drink only occasionally 4-5 times a year.
9. I am not a person who takes too much stress for small things. But there's a big change coming in life for which I'm really concerned but not anxious and I don't think about that every now and then. My family environment is very calm. I've a dominating attitude an my mood swings depending on particular situation.
10. When my tonsillitis problem was too (6-7years ago)acute I was prescribed different kinds of anti-biotic by several doctors which I had taken in a gap of 3-4 months for about a year.
Then I started seeing a homeopath and after continued treatment it's quite controlled now.
11. Other histories of homeopathic treatments include: treatment for acne and gastritis.
12. After being in bed for 2-3 hours and not being able to sleep water roll out of my eyes automatically it's not that I'm crying. I have a moderate thirst an drink about 3-3.5ltrs of water in a day. Appetite seems normal but the normal schedule of taking meal and dinner and breakfast is hampered during the time of exams.
I hope all of this information will help you to understand my case.
Waiting for your reply.
[N.B: I'm from India and I don't know about other countries but in India homeopaths don't disclose the name of the remedy they are giving us. So if you ask me the name of the medicine I've taken during the past treatment I'll not be able to answer that.]
[message edited by ssjit on Sat, 17 May 2014 10:59:11 BST]
[message edited by ssjit on Sat, 17 May 2014 12:27:54 BST]
Respected Sir, I completely appreciate your thinking and I'm going to describe my problem in details.
1.I'm having this problem from the last 8days now. When I go to sleep and close my eyes I have different thoughts I in my head like, what I am going to do tomorrow or the things I did yesterday or even things form the past or sometimes different unrealistic thoughts. I try to stop this but can't. I stay awake until morning and then sleep for only 2-3 hrs. As I try to sleep, after several hours my head gets heavy and I also have headaches sometimes. I sleep near about 5-6a.m in the morning and then wake up at 8a.m. After that I feel sleepy throughout the day. My last semester is just about to start and I can't even concentrate on my study. And if this prevails I'm sure to get bad marks.
2. To be very truthful I used to go to bed in the middle of the night around 3a.m after playing some computer games or watching movies and then woke up around 8 to 8.30am in the morning. Well this is my sleep routine for weekends. And on normal working day I used to go to bed around 2pm and woke up at 7.30am. But then I realized that maintaining a bad sleep schedule won't do any good and as my exam was in the corner I decide to change this habit 10 days back. At the very first day I went to bed on 12a.m. and did not have any problem sleeping. But form the second day the problem started.
3.Sometimes I feel too musch sleepy and even then when I close my eyes I can't sleep. I live in a tropical country and it's summer time here. I have itchy feeling in different parts of my body after staying in bed for 2hrs. with no sleep. But I think it's mainly due to the perspiration and humidity.
4. I don't usually have dreams in my sleep. And when I sleep it's usually very deep and noises don't affect me much, though day light sometimes causes disturbance.
5.I don't like people touching me while I'm asleep and I'm moderately sensitive to heat and precipitate too much during the summertime.
6.I have acne problems and chronic tonsillitis. Drinking cold drinks or ice cream thrice in a week causes cold and cough with serious throat pain. So I try to avoid cold drink most of the time.
The acne problem first started 6-7years back and tonsillitis problem is from my childhood. Although occurrence and frequency of these problems are less in on these days.
7. As far as my past records are concerned I've had Haam when I was 13. And the acne problem started after that and my complexion also became darker. I also have some breathing problems but this not very sever and it occurs very often like after walking a long distance or while running. But sometimes when I try to sleep I take deep breaths again and again.
8. I like chocolates too much but eat one to two in a week only. I don't not take tea or coffee. I don't smoke and drink only occasionally 4-5 times a year.
9. I am not a person who takes too much stress for small things. But there's a big change coming in life for which I'm really concerned but not anxious and I don't think about that every now and then. My family environment is very calm. I've a dominating attitude an my mood swings depending on particular situation.
10. When my tonsillitis problem was too (6-7years ago)acute I was prescribed different kinds of anti-biotic by several doctors which I had taken in a gap of 3-4 months for about a year.
Then I started seeing a homeopath and after continued treatment it's quite controlled now.
11. Other histories of homeopathic treatments include: treatment for acne and gastritis.
12. After being in bed for 2-3 hours and not being able to sleep water roll out of my eyes automatically it's not that I'm crying. I have a moderate thirst an drink about 3-3.5ltrs of water in a day. Appetite seems normal but the normal schedule of taking meal and dinner and breakfast is hampered during the time of exams.
I hope all of this information will help you to understand my case.
Waiting for your reply.
[N.B: I'm from India and I don't know about other countries but in India homeopaths don't disclose the name of the remedy they are giving us. So if you ask me the name of the medicine I've taken during the past treatment I'll not be able to answer that.]
[message edited by ssjit on Sat, 17 May 2014 10:59:11 BST]
[message edited by ssjit on Sat, 17 May 2014 12:27:54 BST]
ssjit last decade
To simone717,
Respected Sir/Madam,
Yes I do confess that I had a bad habit of sleeping late in the night and I do really want to change that now. I know about the valerian root but didn't know about the rest. The main difficulty is in finding these roots in the vicinity and local shops. But I'll try to find them.
[message edited by ssjit on Sat, 17 May 2014 10:59:47 BST]
Respected Sir/Madam,
Yes I do confess that I had a bad habit of sleeping late in the night and I do really want to change that now. I know about the valerian root but didn't know about the rest. The main difficulty is in finding these roots in the vicinity and local shops. But I'll try to find them.
[message edited by ssjit on Sat, 17 May 2014 10:59:47 BST]
ssjit last decade
♡ Evocationer last decade
Alright, the remedy I would like you to obtain is Nux vomica 30c. If you can, please buy this as a Oral Medicating Liquid.
♡ Evocationer last decade
I realized I didn't put my justifications for the remedy choice, which I normally do.
I used what we call an eliminating rubric:
Thoughts, rush of, sleepless from
This presented me with 26 remedies and I only looked at these, but then used the following rubrics to differentiate them:
Sleeplessness with sleepiness
Sleeplessness in spite of weariness
Sleeplessness total
Falling asleep late
Aversion to being touched (Nux-vom specifically has trouble sleeping with other people because they don't like being touched or restricted - I have confirmed this often in clinic)
Throat, complaints of, after taking cold
Difficult breathing while walking
Ailments from mental exertion
Coffee, overuse of
This brought me to Nux vomica as the best choice.
I used what we call an eliminating rubric:
Thoughts, rush of, sleepless from
This presented me with 26 remedies and I only looked at these, but then used the following rubrics to differentiate them:
Sleeplessness with sleepiness
Sleeplessness in spite of weariness
Sleeplessness total
Falling asleep late
Aversion to being touched (Nux-vom specifically has trouble sleeping with other people because they don't like being touched or restricted - I have confirmed this often in clinic)
Throat, complaints of, after taking cold
Difficult breathing while walking
Ailments from mental exertion
Coffee, overuse of
This brought me to Nux vomica as the best choice.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Thank you for your valuable suggestion.
I'll do as you advised and report here after 7days if the problem persists.
Thank you again.
I'll do as you advised and report here after 7days if the problem persists.
Thank you again.
ssjit last decade
One thing I need know is the dosage of the medicine after I buy it.
Should I take 4drops of Nux vomica 30c in 20ml. water before I go to bed ?
Should I take 4drops of Nux vomica 30c in 20ml. water before I go to bed ?
ssjit last decade
Instructions for dosing will be.
Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of the hand 5 times.
Place 3 drops into 100mls of water. Stir thoroughly.
Take 2 teaspoons out and place in the mouth. Hold for 20 seconds and swallow.
This is one dose.
Take 3 doses in total, one each day. Stop if any of your symptoms appear to worsen.
Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of the hand 5 times.
Place 3 drops into 100mls of water. Stir thoroughly.
Take 2 teaspoons out and place in the mouth. Hold for 20 seconds and swallow.
This is one dose.
Take 3 doses in total, one each day. Stop if any of your symptoms appear to worsen.
♡ Evocationer last decade
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