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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hello! I've had this problem for about 12 years now(was 8 when I first got it, I'm 20 by now). I think I got it with an infection where I had to take antibiotics. Before continuing I want to point out that the itching really isn't the main thing, the real problem is the hives. In the begining the hives only occured when skin was exposed to pressure, like when I was rashing myself hard. But 3 years ago problems got worse. Now hives occur when sweating, excersising(or just walking fast), when taking a shower(both heat and cold triggers it), when i'm in the sun et.c. By the way, the hives go back after ~60 min or so. I'm taking antihistamines almost every day, my doctor told me to and I think it helps somewhat.

Still I really have big problems. I can't for example play sports without getting clearly noticeable hives and red spots. Also the medication makes me a bit more tired and sleepy.

Any suggestions here? I appriciate all answers. Thank you!
  FatsWaller on 2005-11-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
As you would have discovered by now, Urticaria is a very difficult ailment to cure and this cannot be done with drugs used in medicine.

I have however had some success in controlling the incidence of this ailment with Arnica 30 which should be taken in the water dose as follows:

Get a 500ml bottle of spring water
Pour out 100ml or about an inch of water to ensure some air space on top.
Put in 3 globules Arnica 30c or 1 drop if you have the liquid remedy.
Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottle of soda.
Sip a teaspoonful twice daily with the last dose taken just before sleep.

Report progress in a week after you start on this remedy.
Joe De Livera last decade
The infection could be the hidden cause of your hives, though apparently cured by the antibiotics. Please reveal that without hesitation,

[moderated- please do not ask people to contact you, but exchange all information here on the forum]
sahai last decade
You should try on the biochemic remedies namely, Natrum Phos and Ferrum Phos both in 12x potency at least for two months or more. These are very true on my experiences. Take one remedy in the early morning with lukewarm water not to swallow but chew then take some water after it. The next in the night while going to bed. You will certainly get rid of all your problems.
Dr Kumar last decade
Thanks for answering guys, I think I'm gonna give these remedies a try. But since I'm new to homeopathy I would be glad if you could tell me a little bit more about these biochemic substances. Are they safe to use? Any risk for side effects et.c.?

FatsWaller last decade

Hives occurring from adverse effects from prescription medications (i.e. steroids, antibiotics etc), is not because of an underlying infection.

This occurs due to damage to the liver which contains histamine cells, which is responsible for producing symptoms of the hives.

What basically occurs is the liver (a major part of your immune system) for unknown specific reasons results in the over stimulation of histamine due to chemical changes which changes the normal nature of the liver.

This is where it stems from.

Dr. CommonSense
apu_stiffler last decade

Thanks for information on the subject.

But you have misunderstood the intention of my last posting. By asking the patient to indicate the name of the infection, I wanted to know the possible miasm that may be acting as a barrier preventing the indicated remedies for urticaria from being successful.

There was a case recently where, when after some time I came across an additional symptom by direct e-mail contact(which was not mentioned earlier) leading to a miasm and suggested a remedy to get over that miasm, not only that additional symptom was cured , it brought out the old urticarial symptoms once again, which have been bothering the patient for about ten years. I have avoided specific references here.
sahai last decade
However, every medicine is harmful if taken in eccess form, otherwise, Biochemic remedies never be proved injurious in any case. They are quite safe and free from all the adverse effects.
Dr Kumar last decade

I understand the miasm approach, but in this case wouldn't it make sense to remove the cause by treating the cause? (i.e. adverse reaction towards antibiotics... leading towards immune dysfunction) and then treating the susceptibilityÂ… i.e. the infection?

Treating infections is the right, but trying to treat the infection when the liver (a major part of the immune system) is not functioning properly seems to negate the purpose of treating the infection.

This case had an infection yes, but it was after antibiotics that the person resulted in hives. Not vice versa.

Peel the layersÂ… and remember Herings Law of Cure.

apu_stiffler last decade

I am simply following the approach as laid down in Homeopathy. If the indicated remedy does not work, we have to find out the miasm, if any, from the history of the patient, if none, that of his parents, as it may be inherited. The miasm-related remedy is to be given as remover of the barrier which is preventing the indicated remedy to work on the current symptoms.

It is in this connection that I want to know what was that infection(?) that the patient refers to as having been treated by antibiotics etc. to know whether it is miasm-related or not?

I am not planning to treat that infection ab-initio. It has already been treated before and has left behind miasm as legacy, if it was that type. I am only aiming at getting over the miasm(during treatment with the indicated remedy), which you are referring to as susceptibility, also called dyscrasia in allopathy.

Sometimes one dose of the miasm-related remedy may not suffice. We have to then give it infrequetly, intercurrently with the indicated remedy.

Once the hives (in this case) have been taken care of by smptomatic treatment, it will be an indication that the cause of hives has been remedied, which you are pointing to liver.
sahai last decade

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