The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Acne After masturbation ):
I cant have a normal, sexually active life if I want clear skin. The reason why I breakout is when I ejaculate fluids out of my body through masturbation or intercourse (believe me, this is the problem). I am extremely confused by this, because all the other teenagers can be almost careless and do whenever they want. I was always taught that ejaculating fluids out of the body is healthy, yet after I do it, it progresses a disease on my face. Diseases arent healthy, from what Ive been taught.Why is it that medical research claims that masturbation doesn't cause acne? This is a lie, and I'm tired of hearing it. Perhaps it is such a rare condition, that nobody knows about it? I'm not entirely sure...
My skin condition has caused me to undergo into desperate measures such as dieting and stopping masturbation. I did these seperately by about a month's-time interval. The dieting didn't improve much, so after a month, I cut out masturbation for at least 2 weeks. Unbelievable. The results were Unbelievable. My acne was finally going away, and this is no coincidence. Then, I immediately started masturbating again, and my skin's condition plummeted to it's usual sequence.
For some reason, the process of ejaculation affects my bloodstream, initiating cysts to form from the inside-out. Thus, this causes insurmountable time, pain, and embarrassment that I am forced to endure. No teen, or anybody, should ever experience this. Ever.
When just about every teen lives a normal life, eating or doing whatever they want, I cant. My sexual issues are confusing my girlfriend, myself, and are putting myself at risk of prostate issues. Im tired of spending hundreds of dollars for acne products that only work for a limited time. Im tired of spending countless hours in front of the mirror. I want to live a normal life. Wouldnt you agree?
i need a cure !
bahi010 on 2014-05-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There are a couple of remedies that relate to skin eruptions associated with masturbation, as Evocationer said. And there are over a hundred dealing with ailments from masturbation. I am a beginning student of homeopathy. May I have a go at your case? Anyone else would of course be free to comment. Please describe for me:
Any sensations within your mind. List adjectives that describe your mind, by which I mean your state of mind.
Describe your head. Any pains, sensations, feels-as-if, anything.
Describe your eyes, their appearance and their feeling.
Describe your hearing, in terms of false noises, intolerance, anything at all you can think of.
How is the health of your mouth? Think back over the past year.
Note that it is very difficult for us to assess your state of mind, because we can't see you, how you talk, how you carry yourself, etc. So be very objective when you answer the questions. One difficulty is that you are so young, age 20, that perhaps not many health problems have yet materialized. This one you mention, the acne, is just the forerunner.
I will venture another point of view. I think the answer may lie not in the connection between acne and masturbation. I think that the skin problems occur simply because the kidneys are overtaxed. By this point in your life you may have sustained a very high frequency of ejaculations, far beyond the constraints of design. (We don't know.) So don't be upset, but you may have to think of the problem in terms of, how to realize a lesser need to masturbate. Masturbation is essentially a kind of false comfort, so think about what you need to be comforted from, what are you trying not to see. In a way I'm pointing you back to Evocationer's questions, which, if you answered them, would probably be a helpful exercise for you. When you're not thinking about attractive women or your acne problem, what troubles you the most?
List all your health problems, large and small. Why have you been to the doctor before?
Do you ever dribble semen unexpectedly?
Have some bad things happened in your life?
I don't know if I can go all the way to solve your problem, but at least others can join in, and we can think of something for you. Just don't think of me as your complete solution provider, okay? Thank you.
Any sensations within your mind. List adjectives that describe your mind, by which I mean your state of mind.
Describe your head. Any pains, sensations, feels-as-if, anything.
Describe your eyes, their appearance and their feeling.
Describe your hearing, in terms of false noises, intolerance, anything at all you can think of.
How is the health of your mouth? Think back over the past year.
Note that it is very difficult for us to assess your state of mind, because we can't see you, how you talk, how you carry yourself, etc. So be very objective when you answer the questions. One difficulty is that you are so young, age 20, that perhaps not many health problems have yet materialized. This one you mention, the acne, is just the forerunner.
I will venture another point of view. I think the answer may lie not in the connection between acne and masturbation. I think that the skin problems occur simply because the kidneys are overtaxed. By this point in your life you may have sustained a very high frequency of ejaculations, far beyond the constraints of design. (We don't know.) So don't be upset, but you may have to think of the problem in terms of, how to realize a lesser need to masturbate. Masturbation is essentially a kind of false comfort, so think about what you need to be comforted from, what are you trying not to see. In a way I'm pointing you back to Evocationer's questions, which, if you answered them, would probably be a helpful exercise for you. When you're not thinking about attractive women or your acne problem, what troubles you the most?
List all your health problems, large and small. Why have you been to the doctor before?
Do you ever dribble semen unexpectedly?
Have some bad things happened in your life?
I don't know if I can go all the way to solve your problem, but at least others can join in, and we can think of something for you. Just don't think of me as your complete solution provider, okay? Thank you.
ckcu8 last decade
This is not a teaching forum. Others do not join in and help you
run the case. The case has to be run by one person who knows
what they are doing .
You are picking a remedy and then asking questions that lead
to the remedy- you are not taking the case and asking
the proper questions.
You are also projecting a type of armchair psychology musings
onto people and this is not appropriate.
'acne is the forerunner of future problems' Wrong.
'masturbation is a false comfort' Wrong
' gone far beyond the constraints of design.' Wrong.
'kidneys are overtaxed' Really? You are fishing here.
If you are not prepared to handle the health of a person
and taking the case and supervising the case
by yourself, then please don't start what you can't finish and
by doing so create confusion and delay of healing for the
btw, I am noticing a pattern here that I have seen before-.
This is not a teaching forum. Others do not join in and help you
run the case. The case has to be run by one person who knows
what they are doing .
You are picking a remedy and then asking questions that lead
to the remedy- you are not taking the case and asking
the proper questions.
You are also projecting a type of armchair psychology musings
onto people and this is not appropriate.
'acne is the forerunner of future problems' Wrong.
'masturbation is a false comfort' Wrong
' gone far beyond the constraints of design.' Wrong.
'kidneys are overtaxed' Really? You are fishing here.
If you are not prepared to handle the health of a person
and taking the case and supervising the case
by yourself, then please don't start what you can't finish and
by doing so create confusion and delay of healing for the
btw, I am noticing a pattern here that I have seen before-.
♡ simone717 last decade
I have to agree that I cannot take a whole case by myself. However, I don't see why it couldn't be a teaching forum. Perhaps the patient wouldn't object.
In another thread I did latterly ask a pair of leading questions but the others, and the questions of this thread, are open. I haven't chosen a remedy. My questioning of the other fellow led to a useful re-discovery of his sinus problem.
Regarding masturbation of that frequency, I think it may be related to removing the things that disturb health in the first place, or looking at the exciting causes of disease. The reproductive organs are implicated in kidney function, in eastern medicine, and skin is an eliminatory organ, which will be called upon to pick up the slack when the eliminatory systems are stressed. I think his body is so tired, and the kidneys so stressed, that his skin is being pressed into service when he performs the stressful act. In other words his body is having trouble keeping up. It's not a value judgment, if that's what you mean.
The questions I posed above are quite good; another I thought of is, could he describe the boils or acne. (I think in the other thread he said some don't have visible pus centers.)
In another thread I did latterly ask a pair of leading questions but the others, and the questions of this thread, are open. I haven't chosen a remedy. My questioning of the other fellow led to a useful re-discovery of his sinus problem.
Regarding masturbation of that frequency, I think it may be related to removing the things that disturb health in the first place, or looking at the exciting causes of disease. The reproductive organs are implicated in kidney function, in eastern medicine, and skin is an eliminatory organ, which will be called upon to pick up the slack when the eliminatory systems are stressed. I think his body is so tired, and the kidneys so stressed, that his skin is being pressed into service when he performs the stressful act. In other words his body is having trouble keeping up. It's not a value judgment, if that's what you mean.
The questions I posed above are quite good; another I thought of is, could he describe the boils or acne. (I think in the other thread he said some don't have visible pus centers.)
ckcu8 last decade
can you please describe your nature temperament and your likes and dislikes....
Dr, Yogesh
can you please describe your nature temperament and your likes and dislikes....
Dr, Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
1] What are the issues which are bothering you the most?
acne due to /masturbation/ejaculation
How does it feel to have these issues?
i feel so sad and depressed
What about these issues bothering you the most and why?
acne related to masturbation when i masturbate today the next day my face getting darker and full of acne and oily
2] What are the emotions that you are going through?
depression and low self confidence
What are the factors to which you are sensitive?
someone that tell me that you are ugly because of acne !
How does it feel to have these factors and how you react during such time?
i feel really sad, and sometimes i get so angry and depressed bcuz it destroyed my whole life
3] Any incident which had a deep impact on you? Describe in detail.
What are the thoughts/feelings/sensations associated with it?
over thinking about it, everytime i think about it and how can i ger rid of it ): and it makes me like an idiot who have tryied everything from accutane to antibiotics to retinoids and nothing seem to works !
At that moment of time what were your feelings/thoughts, sensations and reactions associated with it?
low self confidence and depression
(Note: Incidents might have happened long ago and now it has no impact on you but at that moment of time if it had any impact on you, describe.)
4] What are your anxieties/fears/phobias real or imaginary? Describe them in detail. What about them is bothering you the most?
What are the feelings associated with it?
What could be the worst form of fear/phobia/anxiety according to you?
my biggest fears that i will never find a cure for that and my face will be like a shi** after few years and full of scars ):
and i feel realy like in prison and can not escape from it .
5] What are your interests and hobbies?
What about them do you like the most and why?
going to the gym and do exercices, because it keep me healthy
6] What are the thoughts which are coming in your mind again and again?
i will never find a cure for this, becuz nobody believe that there is something called acne related to masturbation but for me and for a lot of people it is and everytime i masturbate my face became like shi**
What about them bothers you the most?
overthinking about masturbation and acne
7] Any unusual sensation/vibration or movements have you experienced? If yes, describe them in detail. Describe the whole process of that sensation without adding or subtracting a word from it.
8] What is/are the bodily sensation/s you experience with all your fears/ feelings and thoughts. Please describe the complete picture of it.
i feel that i will never find a cure for it thats my biggest fear
9] Please close your eyes and bring that incident, feelings, fears, thoughts which had/having a deep impact on you/bothering you the most and see what is happening deep within your body right now. If you perceive any bodily sensation, vibration or movements please feel it completely and then right the whole experience as it is without adding or subtracting a word from it.
i'm a handsome guy, i had a lot of friends and girlfriends in the past and now every thing is gone i'm getting ugly every single day
10] What according to you will be best moment of your life?
when i find a cure for acne related to masturbation and my skin became smoother and healthier
How does it feel to be in that moment?
i want to find a solution
What will be opposite feeling of this moment or feeling?
11] How do/did you react in situations which have/had a deep impact on you?
silence and talk to nobody
What is your first reaction when you face your worst fear/situations?
blaming my self
How do you react when you are faced with stressful situations?
i keep saying that it will ameliorate in the future
12] What you feel/feel like doing when you are alone and free of all your work?
i keep thinking about sex and masturbation
13] How is your relation with your near and dear ones, at your work place?
not so good
Anything in the relationship that is bothering you the most?
they think that i'm ugly with acne on my face
14] Describe five negative and positive points in you?
positive point :
i'm a nice guy
i work hard
i'm smart
negative points :
can not get rid of masturbation
my face is full of acne on and uder the skin
Which out of it you would put first and why?
can not get rid of masturbation, because this is the truth
Please answer the following:
1] Tell about the dreams that had a deep impact on you.
i'm dereaming to be a handsome guy whtout any pimples
2] Tell about the dreams that are repetitive, strange and weird that are not related to you at all.
i don't know
3] Any dreams from childhood till today that you remember the most?
i was dreaming to be a police officer :)
4] Any dream from childhood till today that had a deep impact on you?
5] Any dreams, just before your problem started?
yes getting a healthy skin
6] Any particular part of your life where you had some recurrent dreams? If yes, describe in detail.
1] Any incidents from your childhood which had a deep impact on you, which touched you the most. Describe in detail about that incident/s and the feelings/thoughts/perception and sensations associated with it. What was your reaction to these incidents?
2] Describe your fears during childhood in detail.
i was not fearing from anything, my life was great
3] Any imagination/fantasies/imaginary fears which you remember the most?
acne due to /masturbation/ejaculation
How does it feel to have these issues?
i feel so sad and depressed
What about these issues bothering you the most and why?
acne related to masturbation when i masturbate today the next day my face getting darker and full of acne and oily
2] What are the emotions that you are going through?
depression and low self confidence
What are the factors to which you are sensitive?
someone that tell me that you are ugly because of acne !
How does it feel to have these factors and how you react during such time?
i feel really sad, and sometimes i get so angry and depressed bcuz it destroyed my whole life
3] Any incident which had a deep impact on you? Describe in detail.
What are the thoughts/feelings/sensations associated with it?
over thinking about it, everytime i think about it and how can i ger rid of it ): and it makes me like an idiot who have tryied everything from accutane to antibiotics to retinoids and nothing seem to works !
At that moment of time what were your feelings/thoughts, sensations and reactions associated with it?
low self confidence and depression
(Note: Incidents might have happened long ago and now it has no impact on you but at that moment of time if it had any impact on you, describe.)
4] What are your anxieties/fears/phobias real or imaginary? Describe them in detail. What about them is bothering you the most?
What are the feelings associated with it?
What could be the worst form of fear/phobia/anxiety according to you?
my biggest fears that i will never find a cure for that and my face will be like a shi** after few years and full of scars ):
and i feel realy like in prison and can not escape from it .
5] What are your interests and hobbies?
What about them do you like the most and why?
going to the gym and do exercices, because it keep me healthy
6] What are the thoughts which are coming in your mind again and again?
i will never find a cure for this, becuz nobody believe that there is something called acne related to masturbation but for me and for a lot of people it is and everytime i masturbate my face became like shi**
What about them bothers you the most?
overthinking about masturbation and acne
7] Any unusual sensation/vibration or movements have you experienced? If yes, describe them in detail. Describe the whole process of that sensation without adding or subtracting a word from it.
8] What is/are the bodily sensation/s you experience with all your fears/ feelings and thoughts. Please describe the complete picture of it.
i feel that i will never find a cure for it thats my biggest fear
9] Please close your eyes and bring that incident, feelings, fears, thoughts which had/having a deep impact on you/bothering you the most and see what is happening deep within your body right now. If you perceive any bodily sensation, vibration or movements please feel it completely and then right the whole experience as it is without adding or subtracting a word from it.
i'm a handsome guy, i had a lot of friends and girlfriends in the past and now every thing is gone i'm getting ugly every single day
10] What according to you will be best moment of your life?
when i find a cure for acne related to masturbation and my skin became smoother and healthier
How does it feel to be in that moment?
i want to find a solution
What will be opposite feeling of this moment or feeling?
11] How do/did you react in situations which have/had a deep impact on you?
silence and talk to nobody
What is your first reaction when you face your worst fear/situations?
blaming my self
How do you react when you are faced with stressful situations?
i keep saying that it will ameliorate in the future
12] What you feel/feel like doing when you are alone and free of all your work?
i keep thinking about sex and masturbation
13] How is your relation with your near and dear ones, at your work place?
not so good
Anything in the relationship that is bothering you the most?
they think that i'm ugly with acne on my face
14] Describe five negative and positive points in you?
positive point :
i'm a nice guy
i work hard
i'm smart
negative points :
can not get rid of masturbation
my face is full of acne on and uder the skin
Which out of it you would put first and why?
can not get rid of masturbation, because this is the truth
Please answer the following:
1] Tell about the dreams that had a deep impact on you.
i'm dereaming to be a handsome guy whtout any pimples
2] Tell about the dreams that are repetitive, strange and weird that are not related to you at all.
i don't know
3] Any dreams from childhood till today that you remember the most?
i was dreaming to be a police officer :)
4] Any dream from childhood till today that had a deep impact on you?
5] Any dreams, just before your problem started?
yes getting a healthy skin
6] Any particular part of your life where you had some recurrent dreams? If yes, describe in detail.
1] Any incidents from your childhood which had a deep impact on you, which touched you the most. Describe in detail about that incident/s and the feelings/thoughts/perception and sensations associated with it. What was your reaction to these incidents?
2] Describe your fears during childhood in detail.
i was not fearing from anything, my life was great
3] Any imagination/fantasies/imaginary fears which you remember the most?
bahi010 last decade
FACE - ERUPTIONS - acne - masturbation; from
crot-h. ph-ac.
This I found out for you...
I would suggest you take Acid-Phos 30C 2-3 drops of dilution in half a cup of water to be taken on empty stomach in the morning.
Only for three days.
Dont repeat there after.
report back
Dr. Yogesh
crot-h. ph-ac.
This I found out for you...
I would suggest you take Acid-Phos 30C 2-3 drops of dilution in half a cup of water to be taken on empty stomach in the morning.
Only for three days.
Dont repeat there after.
report back
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
Hey, I have the same exact ducking problem and Ive found that drinking a hell lot of water helps alot.. Doesnt cure it completly but you can get rid of that big deep pimples that are the most annoying and ugly.. Also you can mastrubate like once a week and you should see not more than a few small pimples popping out as long as you drink about 4l of water after it. Hope that helps
BFM 8 years ago
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